October 18, 2011

New Colors in Google Calendar

Google Calendar updated the color palette and you can now choose from 24 colors that match the new interface. "The color of each of your calendars has been updated to use the closest possible color from the new palette. The new colors will only be available in the web interface (for example, you won't see these colors if you're accessing Calendar via your mobile phone)," informs Google.

It's worth mentioning that the new colors are only available if you use Google Calendar's new UI. To switch to the new interface, click the Options menu in the navigation bar and select "Try the new look". You can always go back to the old UI from the same menu.

{ Thanks, Cougar, Ralph and Herin. }


  1. The colours are the same as in Google Document list view (docs.google.com). Very interesting why Google let you customise the colours in a separate spreadsheet and not in the document list view or calendar. They seem to be closing opportunities for their users rather than opening them up.

  2. The colors update is great and all, but I'd rather have a major bug fixed in Google Calendar - the search doesn't work! See this largely ignored google help question page:


  3. Love the new colors. These changes keep coming fast and furious and I'm loving them all.

  4. The nine new colours available in the new events palette in the calendar are difficult to distinguish from one another and hard to group according to work/non-work, serious/non-serious. They also look faded, like the past events colours. They are a total step backwards. You should either make more colours available for events or revert to the bolder primary colours that were available before.

    1. Agree strongly.

    2. Agree strongly. Causing eyestrain.

    3. Totally agree, they need to be more saturated big time.

    4. The new colours are horrible. So, so bad. I can't find one that I like.

    5. New colours are absolutely crappy!

    6. Totally agree!!!!

    7. Strongly agree. I wish they had left the old colors as choices

    8. the faded-out event colors stink imo

    9. Absolutely DISLIKE the new colors. I agree with other posts - they are NOT bright enough to emphasize critical events. Add the original colors to the selection. THANKS!

    10. The coloring options of text in Google's Agenda are a disgrace, especially for people who need high contrast screens and paper prints, like me!
      Google should listen to it's users and make this more adaptable.

    11. Agree strongly - do wish we could select pallets - the washed out pastels are limiting and lack contrast.

    12. I can barely read many of the pages no matter which color I choose. It's just awful!

    13. Wish I could make the calender lines darker. Like the colors.

  5. Why can't they at least leave the old colours as options, in addition to the new ones? I've been using my set of 5 colours ever since Google Calendar was first released, and the change is disorientating and ugly. There was not enough contrast before in the new design, but these garish new shades manage to literally hurt my eyes. Why is Google seemingly suddenly intent on pushing its faithful users away? I want my old shades back :(

  6. In fact, it seems I have fewer shades to choose from than the author (see http://tinypic.com/r/2eea0cg/7). Why would that be?

  7. One reason for lack of contrast with the new colors is ALL use black text. Many of the original 42 colors (at least the darker ones) offered by Google Calendar used white text. If Google would allow us to choose a text color (or, at least white or black) it would go a long way toward making the new colors more palette-able (sorry, couldn't resist).

    1. You nailed it. The big problem is the black text, which doesn't show on the dark colors. If you could have the option for white text as well as black, the colors would work great. Doesn't anyone test these changes out? It's plain to see how UNreadable black text on dark red, for example, is.

  8. The new colors are horrible! They really hurt my eyes. How can I get the previous ones back.

  9. I would like to have the old colour palette available in the new UI. I find the new palette too strong and jarring, especially as I have over 10 calendars that I ordinarily use (personal calendars for each family members, numerous work calendars and social calendars). The new colour scheme does not have enough subtle colours and is missing a lot of the colour spectrum. I have gone back to the old UI for the time being.

  10. These colors hurt my eyes as well.. I want my bold colors back!! I hope Google is listening.

  11. i don't like the new colors; agree w/ other anonymous posts

  12. Everyone hates the new color choices. Why can't we choose solid, bold colors? Everywhere on the web, people complain of this. When are you going to fix this, Google? Having 8 great colors is much better than having 24 ugly colors.

  13. I don't like the new pastels. Some of them are good, but you lose a lot of the good primaries!!

    Instead of giving us one or the other, Google would do well to give us a COLOR WHEEL. Whalah! Everybody is happy because we can all choose our own colors.

  14. I've just gone back to the classic look. Now, I'm happy. The new pastel colors are awful. This is progress?

  15. Chalk up one more vote for THESE NEW PASTEL COLORS SUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!! Please let us have our BOLD colors back!

  16. yup I am on board with everyone else. I finally got rid of my multiple calendars when they came out with the different color options for events in the calendar, and now the choices suck. The old, higher contrast colors were really nice.

  17. how do we get back the classic look? Anonymous, how did you get them back?

  18. Just use the classic look (under the Settings) to show your disapprobation.

  19. The new colours suck. :(

  20. yeah the new colors are really ugly... :(

  21. I absolutely LOATHE the new colours:

    I'd got my calendar set up so that certain appointments were colour coded to show me at a glance what they were about. Then without so much as a "would you like these, or would you prefer to stay how you are", they all got changed.

    Thank you so very much. Not.

  22. The new colors look washed out and are better suited in a hospital setting. They do not add the contrast needed for Google's sleek new design. In fact, the new colors seem to wash out the posted events and actually make my calender something I dread to visit, which over time will mean I will discontinue using the Google calendar I've grown to love.

    I have to say that I'm at a complete loss on this since Google's logo colors & icons are vibrant and lively.

    PLEASE change the colors to some that we can really connect with and be excited about. The current colors are not a good fit in more ways than one. Thx!

  23. I have about ~12 calendars (family, user groups, work, ..) and the new colors and stripes are really irritating. I wish to have at least a chance to change the appeareance of the colors. PLEASE

  24. These colours totally hinder my previously well organized colour coding. Can we not just have options like every other web colours out there? I hate the stripes too.

  25. AWFUL !!!! Please give me back my old true colors !

    It's ugly on my android device too...

    Add them to the new interface please !
    I also go back to the old interface for the moment...

  26. I don't like the hatches. why there is no option to remove them?

  27. I am not normally one to complain, but seriously, the pastels are terrible.

  28. My biggest complaint is that the new colours don't sync correctly with the Google Calendar app on my Android phone! Just one example, the middle orange on the online calendar shows as dark brown on my phone, and the light orange shows as light brown! WTF?

    Come on, how hard is it to set a matching rgb hex code between the phone app and the web? Please fix this!

  29. Hey I am a baby boomer so I am speaking for a large population. I love Google but I can't see the box borders on the calendar for each day! Nor in much of the other GUI selections with Google apps (MS did this with the new office too). Right now I am using Google Sites and it feels as if every selection is yes, in a "Cloud" because I can barely make it out. Heck even the text box I am typing in right now is funky. It is quit a turnoff. Can you please make them a lot thicker and darker? I think doing this will cost you nothing not like Apple. Don't they know memory is cheap?

  30. The new colour palette is both inefficient and ineffective. The pastel palette contains colour hues that display differently on different display devices. Further, the hues are not differentiated enough to create distinct visual queues. The new colour palatte is not an improvement rather it is an impediment to those who use visual queues to organize their work.

  31. I cant see the font!!! Its really bad!!! I want my old colours please!!! How can i reverse back? I really regret i made this upgrade... its not upgrade its step back...

  32. Select the options in the upper-right portion of your screen (the gear symbol), and there should be an option to use the classic look. You can switch back and forth from the classic to new look.

  33. Loving the new colours. Well done. Makes everything much more readable.

    Just one thing... is it possible to apply colour coding automatically by rules i.e. "If any event contains the word 'Birthday' make event red"?

  34. I want the old calendar colors back for the calendar events. These new ones are boring and hard to read.

    1. me too. let me know if you know how to change it to old one

  35. Agreed with 90% of the posts here, going from 42 to 24 colors is a bad idea. Google should go back to 42 colors or a color wheel, Nice Sarah, and use both black and white fonts (we choose).

  36. More colors with increased depth and contrast. Hate the new 24! I suggest someone from Google office go to the store, buy a box of 64 Crayola Crayons and put each of them in a palette for Google Calendar and let people have some decent choices. Include a contrast bar for each calendar and people can screw up the colors any way they want...just stop screwing them up for us.

    Allowing people to choose black or white fonts for the all day events...Brilliant! Simple choices that provide control make people happy.

    Learn a lesson from some of the old/new school IM chat programs. Adium for Mac, Digsby and Pidgin all allow for and can be customized with skins! Most skins are not even written by employees so Google gets freebies and we get a better looking calendar. Seriously, Google Calendar would go OFF THE HOOK if regular, everyday computer geeks could sit at home, write code and submit it to be verified clean (free of bugs/virus/worms) and approved as a useable Google skin. Create an awesome skin and you get props all day every day!

    Make calendar even better by incorporating multi-platform email notification and chat programs (Google talk, facebook, jabber, MSN, AIM etc) on the right hand side of Google Calendar and it would be open 100% of the time on my desktop.

  37. This didn't help. You should be ashaimed

  38. I like the new colors but I would rather they put effort towards implementing the original colors into the mobile app than putting effort into new colors. please! i love looking at my multicolored calendar on the web, but on my phone every appointment is the same color! so boring and makes it harder to use :(

    1. I totally agree! I won't different colours on my phone!

  39. HATE the new colors! My calendar looks like Easter eggs year round! AH!!!! Change it BACK GOOGLE!

  40. This 'new agenda color change' is a disaster! Not only was I forced to get onto Google + (which is not easy to navigate and switch over - to be honest im not even sure Im on it as I dont see GOOGLE+ written anywhere) but that's not the real problem here the new colors just dont work and are bland! I am surprised the GOOGLE management agreed and actually sat down and looked at the old and then the 'new' and said yeah its great we can hardly make anything out now so let's roll it out and delete the old colors that actually worked! ALSO I need HELP as the agenda history FADES and to look over the history in my agenda during the past week is almost impossible! Can anyone help with this? Suggestions?

  41. Yes I dislike the calendar color scheme. The functionality of these colors is diminished if you are to any degree color blind (like me). The new colors minus the option of making the lines, letters and numbers black make the calendar difficult to use.

  42. The psatel color scheme is really not visually pleasing. I get that you want some change, but at least leave the option to go back to the bight, vivid and saturated colors that were available. I'm not asking to reinvent your UI or anything, just restore the colors that were available, working perfectly and didn't need to be changed in the first place. This new pastel layout makes me want to not use the calendar anymore, which is a shame because it is a REALLY usefull tool.

  43. Im dont normally complain but the readability is awful

  44. I agree with all the posts about the new colours sucking! I hate it and will switch to a different web calendar if Google forces me to keep the new colours. Please send your negative feedback to Google through the links on the calendar page: make them keep the old bold colours!!!

  45. The new colors suck. They are too light and pastel. I prefer the older, bolder colors in a big way. The new lighter colors immediately cause eye strain.

  46. I agree with nearly everyone here. The new color palette is horrible. I can not find a single color that is comfortable. If I choose dark blue, the blue text looks o.k. on the white background, but I can barely read the black text on the dark blue background. If I choose dark green, same problem. All dark colors are like this. If I choose lighter colors, they are faded and ugly. What is Google thinking? Please change this!

  47. Yeah, seriously: I can't imagine who thought this was a good idea. The new colours are far too 'soft' and similar. I'm fine with having a new interface but I want to keep the bold colours of the original. I really don't like pastels. They belong on the bad shirts of metrosexuals and nowhere else.

  48. It is often hard to tell events apart. In design school, we had a very simple test. Put an image in grayscale. Does it have good contrast? If not, then it is lacking that contrast in color, too.

    Classic look:
    background = white
    events = bold colors = contrast with background
    text = white = contrast with event.

    New Look:
    background = white
    events = middle-range pastel = lower contrast with background
    text = black = low contrast with middle-range colors.

  49. The colors look too similar !
    Changing the color scheme in setting would be a great option.

  50. I am color blind and many of the colors in the new palette are impossible to distinguish from one another! Google, please help.

  51. The new colors are awfull! It make it look like a calendar for a 8 year old girl. Much too sweet. The colors don't match and with the black text it's harder to read then with the white text. In general I love the new Google look except for the color scheme in Calendar. Bad bad choice!!!

  52. I switched to the new look and when I saw the colors, immediately switched back. My red was orange and hard to read; my blue was faded, also making text hard to read. I tried all the colors and couldn't find one I liked, so went back to the old look. I sure hope google gives us some other options...

  53. The pastels may be very pretty and pleasing to some consultant's hifalutin color theory but THEY ARE HARD TO READ, difficult to distinguish and in combination with the letter color downright maddening!
    The ability to block color the entire event was also a nice option as opposed to the delicate little eyedrop of color now delicately foisted upon us!


  55. Dear Google:

    For months now, you have been encouraging users to switch to the new interface, and I'm sure that you have noticed a reluctance to do so. But what I don't think your metrics can show you is what portion of the public don't like the new interface, or what portion simply cannot stand the god-awful new palette.

    Please give us colour options. We get themes everywhere else--why not on the calendar?

  56. The new colors are way too muted. It is hard to tell the difference between some of the shades. Not friendly with the way we use the colors. Not sure why the colors had to change along with the other changes. I will not be able to use it as much as I did before. Anyone know of another calendar that I can switch to?

  57. Does Google not care about their users wishes? Wonder why they continue with changes like the color palette when clearly so many readers hate them.

  58. This is an awful change, my calendar is totally useless and unreadable now. Any other calenders out there that you can actually read?

  59. My French teacher once said to me: 'your ink is too faint - so is your French'.Now, so too is Google Calendar.
    As for the colours, please change them back: when I have a dentist appointment, or my library books need renewing, I want the bright crimson to scream at me 'TAKE NOTICE'. This isn't subtle, it's wishy washy.

  60. Classic view has gone! It is really unbelievable! What is the point to force people to use what you think is the best (or what?)? Believe me I get stomachache because of this new look. If I can not find a way to get the good old classic view I will probably give up using google calendar. What is the cost of keeping classic view for you?
    There are people who liked the new look. That's good for them because they have now something they like more. I am happy for them. But for myself and for others like me I am truely sad. We have lost something, this is bad for us. If you are thinking "we have offered something better and if they don't like it that's their problem" I can not agree. Taking away the classic view is punishing us since we did not like the new look. Nobody demands tens or hundreds of different views which will satisfy themselves. We just want classic view as an option.
    Please give us back the classic view.
    Please, please, please...

  61. How do I go back to the old colors? New colors NOT working for me. Thanks!

  62. Google remember your slogan: Don't be evil! So put the old colors back, or just colors that are clear to see without glasses! Forever and forever thanks!

  63. I would like the vibrant colors put back in Google calendar. I do not like the washed out pastel color change that has been implemented in the new look. Please put them back.

  64. classic colors were better, for me also.
    kindly provide an option to revert back.

  65. Ughhhhhhhhhhhh - I HATE these new colors. They are sooooo terrible. Ridiculous. If this doesnt change back immediately will have to find a new calendar. Anyone have any suggestions?

  66. I love my Google calendar - but I need the old color palette. I hung onto the old look for as long as possible, but now it appears that I have to use the new one... and I can't see my appointments. Everything is washed out. The colors are also washed out so nothing alerts me to important appointments. I'm really at a loss. This is a deal breaker for me. I can't use it if I can't see it. I add my voice to the chorus of "please fix it" comments.

  67. Please add back the old colors - if you want to add the pastel, great but give us the option to keep the old. These are way too pale and make me want to fall asleep.

  68. I agree - the new colours are awful!!! Was just forced to switch, now I can't tell the difference between my appointments - get some BOLD colours!

    I'm scheduling a for a family of 5! These colours are useless...

  69. WTF, come on Google. Give us the option of what colors we want. We're already forced into enough ridiculous changes.

  70. This is crazy...the amount of code to support alternative colours seems trivial to me. Give us MORE options, not less. Printing out these colors results in a washed-out, difficult to read product.

  71. My calender finally forced me into the "new" look.....all pastel. It looks like Easter threw up on my calender! Absolutely HATE it. I am a loyal Google user, but if there isn't an option away from these horrid colors soon.... I will be finding another online calender to use. What's going on Google? You used to be on top of your game. >disappointed<

  72. I agree with all the above. I hate the pastel colors and kept the classic look others did which should have told google what users want along with all these comments. I will be looking for another calendar and everything that integrates to it. Goodbye to the strength of Google and Android so you could easily sync. You wont listen to customers who give you free feedback, we just want a choice.

  73. Ditto. The new colors are absolutely horrible and very hard to read. We should be able to choose the font color and style as well. Either give us more options or allow us to go back to the previous classic look, which was far superior to this version in my opinion. I will be looking for a new calendar program to use instead if this does not get resolved soon.

  74. Google is the new microsoft! Google just vomitted pastel crud color all over my calendar, and now NO LONGER can we get 'Use Classic Look'. WTF???!!! So many people complaining about the unreadable pastel colors and as a web coder I know just how easy it is to code choice for colors. Google is the new arrogant! Time to move away from google methinks...

  75. I depend on my Google calendar, and now I'm forced to look at these AWFUL pastel colors every day of my life!! HELP!! Change! Do something!! AAAAAAAGH!!!

  76. I agree, the new colors are awful and I was just forced to switch. Google doesn't listen to the people and it seems they don't care. I suggest to Google: don't be arrogant. Remember that before you, Internet already had a couple of giants who are now just forgotten and obsolete sites even if at that time they were kings...

  77. I agree - these colours are awful. Why remove the old colours?? I don't get it.

  78. Google, you messed up. These new colors are AWFUL!! Everyone seems to want the primary colors back, or at least the ability to choose for themselves. Why do you keep messing with a great calendar. You keep changing around the buttons at the top of the screen (better as words vs icons) and screwing around with the color scheme. Also, the colored highlighting around the calendar now all blends together and looks bland. KNOCK IT OFF!!

  79. I was given the new interface today. There is no longer a way to go back. I do not like the new interface. Please Google, give us the option to have the old interface.

  80. I want my colors back! I work in a busy office and our colors help distinguish appointments.....these colors SUCK!

  81. Our office agrees. The new colors are not an improvement in any way. Why do we post feedback if no one listens. The color complaint has been ongoing since October when it was first available.

  82. Dont like the new colors-hard to distinguish between them and i need to see my appointments clearly-

  83. Why do these blogs even exist if google does not react to it?
    The new colors all look the same, and why get used to colors, if everybody was happy with the ones we had?

  84. These new colors are awful.

  85. My eyes hurt! I agree with all of these negative opinions about the new calendar colors! Please change them back or at least give us an option to use our old colors. Everything I had organized by color and now my calendar is so hard to read which defeats the purpose of a calendar. HELP! I am honestly considering changing my calendar to another altogether. Please change back!

  86. I hate the new colors and tomorrow I am shopping for a new calendar app.

  87. Very poor. Contrast is essential for people with any visual impairment and this does not provide that. A large market segment alienated immediately. How short-sighted.

    I gather that pastels are on-trend for spring and summer clothing. Is this related?

  88. I hate the new colors. With the primary colors they were bold and just at a glance I could see which business I run had something coming up and what. The new colors are to soft, and very hard to disguinsh the events. I cant get it back on to the old version now and I am not happy. I have messed up and missed events do to the change.

  89. Add my vote to the 'hate new colours' count. I've been a long time user of Google, and most of the changes I've either approved of or put up with, but this latest enforced pastel colour change is a definite step backwards. Something I never thought I would say but I'm looking elsewhere for a better (read: more customisable) calendar. Why oh why do companies have to break a working product in the name of progress?

  90. Add my vote to the 'hate new colours' count. I'm a long time user of many Google products and most changes I've either welcomed, or put up with, but the pastel palette is a major step backwards, and such a trivial thing to fix. I never thought I would be looking elsewhere for a new calendar. Why oh Why do companies insist on breaking working products in the name of progress? Google seem to be taking lessons from M'soft.

  91. what about when you print? You select light blue and when you print calendar view the text is illegible. WEAK!!

  92. New colors are LAME - I am angry that I was forced to change without even a notification. Really uncool Google! Give us options for standard colors - or add back in the old colors too. What possible rational could you have for taking away the old ones. Sigh and disappointment.

  93. Hate the new colors ... Bump

  94. Me too. Google, you need to change this back or I know my business will be leaving you, too!

  95. People align other parts of their organization system with the event colors! so the previous colors should always remain an option....even when new color options come along. What it will take to re-do my system to align with the new colors....IS NOT WORTH KEEPING THE GOOGLE CALENDAR!

  96. Okay - complaints continue, BUT HOW DO WE GET IT CHANGED???

  97. I agree. Google becomes like Microsoft and Apple and forces users to accept ugly changes.
    Just keep the classic look option !!

  98. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE tell me how to switch back? Is that not an option anymore? Is this final!? Wow. I hope not. The "switch to classic look" in the little gear icon is not there anymore... :(

  99. Tje new colors are nearly unusable. Not having the option for classic view is definitely a step backwards. Ugh!

  100. how do you find classic colors under settings? I cannot find it please help!

  101. What were google thinking by removing the old calendar UI?

    Surely they must realise that many people have visual problems and replacing a UI that had a reasonable degree of screen contrast with an eyeball burning white screen is likely to cause eye strain for many people.

    What on earth is in their heads over in google land?

  102. Who has changed my colours to awful pastels without asking me! :( My husbands colours are the 'classic' ones. Bring back the primary colours!

  103. The Google Calendar product manager needs to come out here and EXPLAIN WTF they were thinking... seriously... show some ownership instead of hiding!

  104. The new colors suck. Why can't the colors be customized. I believe my computer is capable of over 16 million colors. Why am I limited to 24?

  105. HATE HATE HATE the new pastels. Someone got it right above -- it looks like Easter threw up on my calendar. PLEASE give us the vivid colors back as an option!!!

  106. Have tried to use new colours but it's very difficult to use because they are so similar. I will need to go to another calender if Google don't improve things soon - any suggestions?

  107. come on, google.... just let us have the old version if we want. you can keep your fancy headers if I can have more defined lines on my calendar and nicer colors.

    1. I agree with all the above. New colors are NOT usable. I'm on the lookout for a new calendar. Anybody have suggestions?

  108. I find the new colors heinous. The previous set of basic color labels was much, much easier to read and to distinguish between the quality of different tasks (i.e. 'school' or 'school important' or 'work' or 'family.) Now it looks like a jumbled mess.

  109. The color thing needs work. If I select blue, the all-day event is black text on blue (barely readable) but the timed event is blue text on white (readable). If I pick a pale color, the all-day event is readable but the pale text is not! Now really - did google test this?? Now I can't find the option to go back to the old format! Sheesh.

  110. I cannot find this option anywhere to go back to the old ui!

    "..click the Options menu in the navigation bar and select "Try the new look". You can always go back to the old UI from the same menu."

  111. No one mentioned printing!!!! Tried to print my calendar in both color and black and white!!!! Is this a J O K E??? C'mon, it looks like I need new ink cartridges. You can't tell me that the idiot in charge of this accepted this as finished!!! R E A L L Y F R U S T R A T E D! I have wasted an hour on this stupid problem and am surprised that this problem has never come up before OR been fixed. Can you tell I'm pissed?

  112. Give me back the classic colors!

  113. The new gmail folder labels allow us to add custom colors, in theory aren't all these changes to make things more interchangeable? Could we get the option to customize our labels in the calender?

  114. How to change the whole background color? It's all white, no borders around each day! Ticking the small color boxes do not work.

  115. This is one of the worst UIs I've ever seen. I'm new to Calendars, so I don't even have the "good" classic colors as a point of reference. When setting up my new Calendars, I found the colors so awful that I went searching for an alternative. What I found was this thread. Can't believe I've wasted 2 hours on this. Reminds me of Outlook, but worse.

    Can we please customize the foreground and background colors? This is really basic UI 101. Withholding it is such a lame, MS Exchange kind of thing. Can't believe it's Google doing this. Gack.

  116. The moment I clicked on "upgrade calendar" I found myself doomed to calendar confusion. I had carefully color coded events on the calendar to identify which family member the event pertained to... I also had a special color code for each of my own calendars based on critical importance and whether or not the event required me to go to an alternative location other than my office. At a glance I could get the info I needed for my day. Now everything looks the same. Fix this or I'm migrating to a different calendar system. This color scheme totally lacks function.

    1. Totally agree!
      New colour scheme is absolutely horrible and garish! Yuck!


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