July 15, 2006

New PageRank Update

It's happening again: Google (re)calculates PageRank for the pages in the index. From what I've seen, only new pages get a PageRank, those that already have one don't get an update. At least for the moment. Google will definitely update PR for all the pages, but they've started with the new pages first as they have fewer backlinks.

A great site where you can check the PageRank of a page is Live PR. The site shows you the rank from many Google data centers and it uses Ajax for that.

Although the value of PageRank for webmasters has been decreasing, a PageRank update it's still an exciting event. The last major update was in February.


  1. Sounds like this might have something to do with all that abuse of the pagerank and adwords thing awhile back.

    I see all PRs are set to 0 now.
    I was checking some of my sites around the interwebs, then noticed the little annoucement at the top...

    Hopefully it won't happen much again, abusing Google.. terrible thought! >_<

  2. So this means that the pagerank has already been set for july 2007?

  3. How about a page rank update in July 2008? It's been now almost 3 months since there haven't been any movement in this matter. By the way, Alex, the tool you provide above seems not to work anymore. Are you (or anyone else) aware of any good page rank checking tools?

  4. JULY 2008 GOOGLE PAGERANK UPDATE! My website is 3 months old and today I see it finaly has a bit of green on my google toolbar :) Pagerank update must of just happened, I have checked on a iwebtool pagerank checker and it says pr 2. Im happy with that for a start :))
    Stuart, in Chester UK.

  5. Meant to ask... I notice a different pr on my pages (its only a 5 page website) is this normal??
    Stuart, in Chester UK.

  6. So this means that the pagerank has already been set for july 2009?

  7. My pagerank not already.

  8. Hopefully it won't happen much again, abusing Google.. terrible thought

  9. Pagerank as such has little value. Generating good quality content that keeps people returning to your website and spread the word, does.

  10. Hi guys, this is the time for next pr update. It is expected that next pr update will occurs in month of October 2009. Hope it will brings good news to website owners.....

  11. It is an eternity since the last PR update...


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