November 4, 2006

Google Talk to Make its Way into orkut

Light Reading reports that orkut, Google's social network, will integrate Google Talk and the new feature will be available next week. "We noticed that a lot of people that were using orkut also had their GTalk client open at the same time," said a Google spokeswoman.

Google will integrate Google Talk into orkut, in a similar way to Gmail Chat. There will be an option to add your orkut friends as contacts in Google Talk.

Google Talk / Gmail Chat should be available as an option in most Google applications. Google Docs & Spreadsheets has a similar feature that lets you chat with invited people on a document. But it would be a great idea to chat in Google Calendar while editing a calendar, in Picasa Web Albums while looking at some photos uploaded by my friends or comment on a shared item.

Google Talk already has an orkut theme, orkut users already have a Google Account, while anyone who has a Google Account can use Google Talk.

orkut in the news:
Friends on a map
Criminal activities on orkut

Google Talk in the news:
Offline messages
Google Talk doesn't require Gmail anymore

Google Talk, as a communication platform


  1. I think this is good news, part of Google's plan to integrate more of their products, like they just have with the Doc and Spreadsheets link from GMail excel attachements. There's a lot more services they could link up, which I'm sure they will do in the future.

  2. This is why I found Orkut-related dialog boxes in googletalk.exe (with ResHacker)

  3. They should put it on the Personalized Google homepages also.

  4. Agreed, I have wanted it in the personal homepage for sooo long.


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