February 6, 2007

Navigating Google Reader

Google Reader has a lot of useful keyboard shortcuts, but most of them only replace a click or two. For example, you can star an item by typing s or go to the original page by typing v.

But there's also a somewhat hidden view that can be activated only using shortcuts. If you type gu, you'll see a list of all of the blogs you've subscribed to. You can use the arrows to navigate to a feed or start typing the first letters from the feed's name. There's also a similar view for labels that can be activated by typing gl. This might be convenient if you have a lot of feeds or just to feel in control.

{ Via Lifehacker. }


  1. What is "Items labeled 'officialgoogleblogs' by Google Reader in Google Reader?

  2. That's easy. Google Reader lets you label feeds (for example: officialgoogleblogs) and you can also make a label public. This way you get a feed and a HTML page that aggregates all the posts labeled officialgoogleblogs.

    Someone (from Google) aggregated all the official Google blogs and I subscribed to the feed.

    Here's the HTML page. and the feed.

  3. Oh, in case you're wondering, these aren't all the feeds I read.

  4. i just want to be in control. Thanks for the tip!


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