July 19, 2007

Custom YouTube Players: Here Comes YouTube TV

You can now create customized YouTube players, choose a color theme, a video playlist and share your favorite videos. My green player shows three collections of incredible places from Google Earth, but you can use it as your own TV channel: it's easy to control the look and the content. When you add new videos to the playlist, your custom player will automatically include them. I wonder if businesses will be able to completely customize the player when YouTube launches the corporate version, as part of Google Apps.


  1. This addition is great. It can and hopefully will be a way of watching related videos with ease. Searching is also quite tiresome so i think this "TV" idea will help.

    I like the interface however, i hope there is more to be added.

  2. Yes, there's a more advanced interface that shows information about the videos in a sidebar, but it was too big for this blog (780X445).

  3. The terrain shapes in the first video seem to be fake, especially the Firefox sign!

  4. They aren't fake.

    (From Google Earth Blog) << A bunch of Firefox devotees set out to generate more PR for Firefox. They decided to make a huge accurate Firefox logo in a crop field (designs like these are called "crop circles"). This was a big project involving a lot of planning, building the crop stompers (to lay down the vegetation), GPSes, walkie-talkies, a plane and a helicopter (for the aerial photos). >>

    Here's the huge Firefox logo in Google Maps. You can also find information about other places in this archive or from the comments to the original YouTube videos.

  5. These custom players are not functioning now.. Everybody is facing problem and Getting a 'We're sorry this video is no longer available.' message in the players, although the videos are still available on YouTube and
    still play if go to YouTube account:

  6. This addition is great. It can and hopefully will be a way of watching related videos with ease.I like the interface however, i hope there is more to be added.

  7. Is there a way to sort these videos in the playlist that shows next to the custom player

  8. how many videos can it hold, because it can only hold 49 videos of my playlist


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