July 17, 2008

Google Docs in Full Screen

If you need more space to edit your documents in Google Docs or if you want to read a document, there's now a full-screen mode that hides the menus and the toolbar. Just select View > Full-screen mode or type Ctrl-Shift-F to go into full-screen mode. Unfortunately, the same shortcut is also used by the Web Developer extension to display element information, but you can change it in the options.

Since you no longer have access to the menus, it's useful to know the keyboard shortcuts and to remember that Esc brings you back to the normal mode.

If you publish a document and you want to display it in fixed-with page view, just append &pageview=1 to the URL:

To hide the footer automatically added by Google, append &hgd=1 to the URL:


  1. Combine this with F11 in Firefox, IE or Opera and you'll get the full screen to work with (and possibly fewer distractions).

  2. this is among one of the many neat new additions to Google Docs. the new templates feature is especially cool

  3. I don't see a View menu in Google Docs. Will someone point it out to me?

    In a spreadsheet I see New Features, Docs Home, Help, and Sign Out menus and File, Edit, Sort, Formulas, Form, and Revisions tabs.

  4. I do not think you can do this in a spreadsheet yet. But you can do it in the document program

  5. I thought it's pretty obvious that this only works in the word processor, not in Google Spreadsheets and Presently.

  6. Foxmarks also uses Ctrl + Shift + F for synchronization.

  7. Zoho Writer has had this functionality for more than a year now. And to add to the nice tip of Jason's, a few more here.

  8. It sure does suck that this doesn't work in spreadsheets.

  9. No longer works...

  10. F11= Full Screen in Chrome

  11. Why the hell did they remove the full screen button? Biiiiitches T_T

  12. This is no actual full screen. =-( Even with F11 in Chrome in addition to Ctrl+Shift+F, you're still stuck with three levels of menus above the document you want to see. ;-(

  13. Now works this url:
    Just insert yours document id


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