August 12, 2008

Easier Way to Create Forms in Google Docs

You can now create forms directly from the New menu of Google Docs homepage.

After selecting the Form option, Google opens a wizard that lets you add questions, email or embed the form.

The form saves all the changes automatically and you can now reorder the questions using drag-and-drop.

What I don't like is that Google doesn't link to the spreadsheet which includes the form, so you have to find the spreadsheet by going back to the documents list. The relation between forms and spreadsheet is confusing and it would be nice to detach the forms from spreadsheets and use the forms as one of the many possible data sources, along with feeds, CSV files published on the web, financial data etc.


  1. I would also like that Google detaches form from spreadsheet and allows to attach it documents.

    Example: you want to email a document to someone, but some information from him. Then you would just have to email him a form and he'll find the link of the complete document at the end of the form. Cool, wouldn't it be?

  2. The option to (un)set the display of earlier submits with the form has been made unavailable. This is a bit of a bummer for those that set the display of these submits in an earlier version of the form editor and now want to turn it off.

    Also note you are not only creating a form, but a form and a related spreadsheet; it's a bit uncouth this is not mentioned in the creation process.

  3. Use of forms independently will automatically mean introduction of database to google docs...

  4. @Pawankumar: Indeed, so why don't they offer a database tool then? That would be awesome!

  5. Does anyone know, if there is a way to PREVIEW and PRINT a form before submiting it? This would make it a great tool for application submision.

  6. And anyone who can tell me how to reedit the form after compling it.
    And how to remove this web form after finishing using it?

  7. We need an efficient way to insert items into dropdown lists and to reorder/renumber them. Another possibility would be to be able to pull our dropdowns from a Google spreadsheet we create.


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