February 9, 2009

Google Sync, Available for iPhone and Windows Mobile

If you have an iPhone or a Windows Mobile, you can now synchronize Google Calendar events and Gmail events using Google Sync. "Once you set up Sync on your phone, it will automatically begin synchronizing your address book and calendar in the background, over-the-air, so you can attend to other tasks. Sync uses push technology so any changes or additions to your calendar or contacts are reflected on your device in minutes," explains Google Mobile Blog.

Google Sync already works on BlackBerry. For the rest of the mobile phones, you can only synchronize contacts if there's support for SyncML. Contact synchronization should work on some Nokia and Sony Ericsson phones, for example Nokia N-Series and Sony Ericsson W-Series.

Before synchronizing data, read the known limitations of the initial release and follow the instructions from Google's site.

Google mentions that the service available for iPhone and Windows Mobile uses the Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync protocol. "When setting up a new Exchange ActiveSync account on your phone, all existing Contacts and Calendar events may be removed. Please make sure to back up any important data before you set up Google Sync."


  1. not bad, should have maybe released it with less bugs!!!

  2. Simply Great! Contacts and Calendar - it's exactly what I was looking for so badly recently. But I will wait a bit to read about all bugs.
    Looks like they heard my dreams, but I have no illusion - they rather feel more and more pressure from competitors - this time from MS (MyPhone). Empire counter-attacks, and that's good news.
    Google - time to be serious now with your products - good luck!

  3. To the fire with the bug issues - I've dreamed of this day! My wife & I live on google - apps, docs, calendar you name it. This just makes our lives that much nicer.

    Maybe now I can convince her into getting an iPhone :)

  4. Too bad it still only syncs to your 'main' Google calendar. It would be great if like all the 3rd party syncing options it could support multiple calendars using the 'category' tag that is native to outlook to separate them. Until Google can do this a lot of power users will be disappointed.

  5. @ Patrick - You can go to a webpage in safari to change your settings for your calendar to sync up to 5 calendars. I have it working for me right now.

  6. Apparently so, the official Google support page said only the main calendar. I'll eat my words and enjoy wireless sync.

  7. No love for Palm OS?

  8. When syncing contacts, all images on my contacts were remove. Is it possible to add them back somehow?

    Also, did Google remove the feature to search public calendars, in Google Calendar? I'm not able to find it anymore.

  9. Isn't this the same service that was provided by www.goosync.com?

  10. I can't sync contacts from my phone to Google on S60 / SyncML, only the other way works. This, and the lack of calendar sync on S60 devices, makes Google sync quite useless for me for the moment. The Goosync subscription I paid for wasn't thrown money :)

  11. I've played with this on a winmo phone; it's limited by windows mobile itself, at least version 5.x, which only lets you sync your calendar with one server -you have to choose between the corporate box and gmail. Same for contacts, task list, email.

    Windows Live (somehow) integrates alongside the exchange sync, so right now you can have an Exchange+MS Live setup that separates work and play. This is about the only reason to have an MS live a/c, the other being to check that your google apps domain can send email to hotmail sites.

  12. why don't add mail sync and so we can have push technology with gmail

  13. on Windows Mobile 6.0 I´ve got the problem that I have to enter a "domain" (on my german phone it is called "domäne") otherwise I can´t go on with the setup.

    can anybody help me?

  14. Nikolas, I have this very same problem on my Windows Mobile 5 Palm Treo 700wx. I can't get this to work without the domain.

    Works beautifully on my iPod Touch however...

  15. I have Mitac Mio A700, WM 5.
    And i have a bug. ActiveSync constantly asks me for a password. I have changed my passw to more simple. It didn't help. What should I do? Help, please.

  16. google updated their website.
    the domain is just "google"

  17. I just set this up and it rocks. This is bad news for the MobileMe product.

  18. I just tried to get it to see additional calendars. I went to the settings page in Safari, accessed my calendar, checked five calendars I want (including my main calendar) and didn't get them synced over to the iPhone. Any suggestions or more detailed instructions for the guy that can't get the simplest things?

  19. too bad the sync thing only works on 3rd v of s40 and not on the 5th. and if they at list have told me so before going trough all all the configuration only to find out it doesn't work and figger out why by myself. and on top of all that, I couldn't even find a feedback form anywhere to complain about it. all in all, very disappointing.

  20. I finally get the syncing multiple calendars things.

    Go here:

  21. For my N95 it worked like a charme, first I thought that I should download something, but that is not the case. Just configure your N95 Contact synchronization menu for Google and it will work fine.

  22. freakin been waiting for this feature for EVER

  23. I'd like to see more options, push gmail being th 2st follewd bu googl docs syncing. For Windows Mobile

  24. Apparently so, the official Google support page said only the main calendar. I'll eat my words and enjoy wireless sync.


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