March 10, 2009

Google Video Upload, Powered by Gears

Google Video started to diminish the importance of the uploading feature by placing the "upload" link at the bottom of the homepage. What's surprising is that uploading videos to Google Video now requires Google Gears so you can upload huge files simultaneously (up to 1 GB) and see the progress.

In January, Google announced that it will discontinue support for uploads to Google Video in a few months. "We've always maintained that Google Video's strength is in the search technology that makes it possible for people to search videos from across the web, regardless of where they may be hosted. And this move will enable us to focus on developing these technologies further to the benefit of searchers worldwide."

Even though Google owns YouTube, a much more popular video hosting service, Google Video attracts a different audience that watches longer videos and doesn't like the extraneous social features from services like YouTube. Google could use the same back-end for both services and promote Google Video as the place where you can watch Charlie Rose's interviews, interviews from the archive of American Television or public domain movies.


  1. The only reason anyone uses google video is that it was around before youtube and uploads directly from picasa without requiring all the manually input metadata. It should be folded into Youtube sooner rather than later.

  2. So they enhanced a service they're phasing out?

    Would it make sense to have a YouTube Lite? Kind of a skin that gives Youtube the simplicity of Google Video? As for length, I think it's a matter of time.

  3. @ Alex Chitu
    I have been using Google video uploader (dedicated for videos above 100MB) and one could also queue several files and see the progress (as number of bytes uploaded not as graphic bar).
    For me no major difference, it is even better because i had already Gears installed, so no need to run Uploader separately.

    Google Video is a perfect storing place for my family videos. With great option of "Unlisted" available I could be sure that only my family and selected friends can watch who receive the link.
    But in Youtube I can't find this option, no more privacy, so this is why disconituation of GVideo is so bad news for me.

  4. YouTube's batch uploader has been exactly like that for a while: requires Google Gears and uploads multiple files up to 1 GB.

  5. @Anon When you upload YouTube videos, there should be a "Public/Private" togglable option. When in Private mode, your videos can be shared with at most 25 of your friends.

  6. @the first Anonymous,

    That's rather silly. Google video allows you to upload longer videos and a different video player.

    The player itself has much more granular, intelligently scales to fit the window size, and still has better keyboard shortcuts than the Youtube player.

  7. I've translated this post to Chinese.

    Hope you will not mind.

    Many thanks!

  8. @Anonymous said on March 10, 2009 1:02 PM PDT:
    [Google Video's] option of "Unlisted" [is] available...
    But in Youtube I can't find this option, no more privacy...

    YouTube does offer to mark a video as "private" (shared with up to 25 select YouTube "friends", sign-in required). It also now offer HD videos with resolutions of 1280x720 (720p), something Google Video doesn't.

  9. I think Google should merge Google Video and YouTube. Both have its pros and cons. Kind of silly having 2 Video services from the same company, although YouTube was acquired.

  10. Agreed. I'd like to see Youtube allow longer videos and better keyboard shortcuts (like up/down for volume, f for fullscreen) before Google Video gets shut down.

  11. YouTube already supports the up/down shortcuts for volume.

  12. I uploaded a few halo montages on YouTube but because I used a song that I like now they banned my video because of wmv owns it or someshit like that now that sucks big time

  13. Can someone tell me if we can still upload videos or not? I just learned that Google is removing new video uploads while they will allow the old ones o remain. Now I am seeing this new Gears thing! Does this mean that we Google will continue to allow uploading? I am thoroughly confused!

  14. yes, install gears (it is useful at utube as well) AND you will be able to upload videos for a while yet.

  15. how can i delete a video from GOOGLE VIDEO NOW>....???? I can login but i have no access to my videos??? PLEASE HELP

  16. Youtube is badly indexed and too easily censored, but that's probably why Google video is now defunct--censorship


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