March 29, 2009

Translate Gmail Messages

PCWorld reports that Google plans to offer users a gift for Gmail's fifth birthday.

"Google will announce the next step in Gmail's evolution, a new product with a European multilingual angle on Monday. At an event in Brussels to mark Gmail's fifth birthday, Google will look at the impact of cloud computing on how people manage their daily tasks, review Gmail's evolution to date and announce the next step in its progression, the company wrote in an invitation."

Most likely, the new product is a Gmail Labs feature that lets you translate messages written in a foreign language. I've found the screenshot that will be used for the feature, which will probably be another great use of the Google Translate API.

Similar features that use Google Translate have been implemented in Google Reader, YouTube, Google Maps, Picasa Web Albums, but the future is a powerful client that translates pages on the fly.

Update: Gmail Labs is now available in 47 languages, but the translation feature hasn't been released.


  1. A neat little feature, but not one I would use often...

    I was hoping for something a bit better, even a GMail 3.0 or something big. This seems kinda "meh" to hold an event for, it seems like something Google would just roll out in a blog post...

  2. then you have to see what Joke on the 1st they try to pull... LOL

  3. I think this feature are not sexy!

  4. This feature if rolled out, would assume the nature of a language translator, which would lead to communication between two people knowing different languages..

    Isn't this something we would like to have? It is just like I can communicate with any person in the world without the need to know his/her language..

    I think, this would be a revolutionary tool...

  5. > I was hoping for something a bit better, even a GMail 3.0 or something big. This seems kinda "meh" to hold an event for, it seems like something Google would just roll out in a blog post...

    Getting gmail out of beta would be a nice birthday present.. :P

  6. I think it's about time they did this. Living in a foreign country as I do, it would be indispensable!

  7. I have family members that don't speak English so this feature could be useful but I don't know if this is the feature I wanted.

  8. Live tweets from the event at

    "Gmail labs being launched in 47 languages" (source)

  9. That it?

    Something that we can do when need it (me, once a year, if that) with one or two extra clicks on a regular translator? yawn.

  10. There is a long-term non-technological solution to the language problem - and that lies in wider use of Esperanto. Take a look at


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