May 21, 2009

Google Maps Shows Suggested Routes

If you don't like the driving directions offered by Google Maps, you can now choose between 3 suggested routes and compare them on the map. Of course, you can still add multiple destinations to restrict the routes generated by Google Maps.

Here are some tips to get better directions:
  • Add multiple stops on a single route by clicking Add destination in the left panel.
  • To reorder segments of your trip, drag and drop the destinations in the left panel.
  • To customize your route, click and drag any point on the purple directions line to any location on the map. Google Maps immediately re-creates the directions on both the map and left panel, and also updates the estimated travel time and distance.

{ via Benjamin Golub }


  1. Fantastic development. This has been needed for a longt ime!

  2. Google Maps keeps getting better! :-)

  3. Not sure if this is part of the same update or not but i can now 'star' search results in maps
    (i may have just not noticed it before)

  4. Nice. I wish Google Supported routing in Turkey. I use Ovi Maps for that. But Nokia's maps are not very detailed. It does not have a road in front of my house. Google Maps has whole town in good detail but cannot plot a course even in central İstanbul

  5. can this be implemented on android development platform?

  6. This is BS. For years I've been getting at least 2 suggested routes. Today I've tried three separate journey's and only one route.


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