December 18, 2009

Google Browser Size

Google Browser Size is an experimental service that shows if a web page has interface elements that can't be viewed by a significant amount of people. "Google Browser Size is a visualization of browser window sizes for people who visit Google. For example, the 90% contour means that 90% of people visiting Google have their browser window open to at least this size or larger."

The service can be used for any web page, but the data is obtained from the visitors of As you can see from the screenshot, Google's top result can be viewed by more than 99% of the visitors if no ad is displayed above the results.

Google Browser Size is one of the many Google tools that help you optimize web sites:

* Google Website Optimizer - testing and optimization tool
* Google Analytics - web analytics
* Google Webmaster Tools - site performance, crawl errors, top search queries
* Page Speed - an open-source Firebug add-on that helps you evaluate the performance of a web page.
* Speed Tracer - a Chrome extension that helps you fix performance problems in your web applications.
* Closure Compiler - a tool for making JavaScript download and run faster.
* "Let's make the web faster" tutorials.

{ Thanks, Kevin. }


  1. There's a problem your image is on tile mode, i can see it twice (1920x1280)

  2. clicking OK button doesnt do anything. does it use java? that would explain it cuz i disabled it.

  3. Only bad thing about this is those curvy lines being bad for gauging where a problem could be exactly, and that you need to resize the browser to specific sizes if you're website is dynamically rendered.

    With straight lines and 2 dropdown / text boxes with preset sizes and custom sizes support, this would be absolutely perfect.

    As a rule of thumb, i always tend to develop for 640x480.
    Anything lower will only be done if it is specifically required for "mobile"-view screens.
    And, of course, always a text browser first so the website is actually optimized for reading rather than flashy graphics.
    It leads to an easier time with development if you focus on the content then the design.
    Text browsers make this so much easier to do.

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  5. I think this is very useful for interface designers. As you have to know which areas should contain information the visitor is looking for and which part should contain information you want the visitor to look at.


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