December 3, 2009

YouTube Feather

Feather is a new feature from YouTube Labs. The goal is "to serve YouTube video watch pages with the lowest latency possible. It achieves this by severely limiting the features available to the viewer and making use of advanced web techniques for reducing the total amount of bytes downloaded by the browser."

Chrome's dev tools show that the improvements are noticeable: the resources downloaded when you watch a video only have 52 KB, instead of 391 KB.

There are many missing features in the "feather" version: search suggestions, posting comments, viewing all the comments, rating videos, customizing the embedded player. Another issue is that the lite version is not available for all videos.

{ Thanks, Michael. }


  1. youtube feather is great. It greatly improves youtube video playback on my linux machine which doesn't have the proprietary video card drivers.

  2. why can't you find ac cheater on-line. The bull smells from so far far away .... Say what you mean , mean what you say !!!!!!!!

  3. Love it. YouTube has become so busy in the past few years with too many add ons and user functions. They've become somewhat of a monster, making it hard for new users to figure out how to upload and organize things... they are the myspace of video sharing sites and if they continue they'll end up just like myspace and someone else will create something more useful. The thing I love about Feather is that it keeps things simple. It is clean. It's not bogged down with icons or comments or all that other stuff most people just don't care about.

  4. I was not aware of this feature in YouTube. I suppose they are just trying to evolve.

  5. The story behind this


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