June 28, 2010

A Gay Google Search Box

Each year in June, Google search results pages for gay-related queries include a multicolored bar. This time, Google added the colorful bar below the search box.

In the US, June is the "Gay & Lesbian Pride Month". "This month is meant to recognize the impact Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender individuals have had on the world. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual groups celebrate this special time with pride parades, picnics, parties, memorials for those lost from hate crimes as well as HIV and AIDS, and other group gathering events that attract thousands upon thousands of individuals."

Erica Baker pointed to a shirt of one the Googlers marching in the Global Pride Parades:

{ Photo licensed as Creative Commons by magic robots. Thanks, M. }


  1. (re the shirt)

    Aren't robots asexual?

  2. Not when they are designed to love...

  3. ...then they're women. Zing!

  4. is this some kind of joke from google or something.

  5. This is ridiculous...does anyone else see how dumb this is?

  6. Google?? Are you sure this is the way you want to go????

  7. This is hilarious whether or not it's true

  8. I do not know that it is true or not but if it is true then it is just mind blowing and interesting. All people have their own rights and now a days gay people also have rights to share their thoughts with other people so it is very useful for that type of people.
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  9. i don't believe google is actually doin this shit, is this supposed to be a joke or what? cuz if it is, then it's really not funny at all!

  10. So i guess you will let us know when is the Straight month and you'll add a bar celebrating being straight and all, right?

    Agreed with previous comments, disgraceful.

  11. ...what's wrong with this?

  12. Hey, even the spammers are participating!

    The homophobes should flesh out their reasoning a bit more. For maximum hilarity.

  13. @patientzero: Did you see Spielberg’s AI? Not all lovebots are women.

  14. Not a single one of the people criticizing this actually cared to defend their reasoning. That's the only thing around here that's "disgraceful".

    Personally, I say way to go, Google. It's great to a company this size standing up for civil rights, knowing full well that it's going to damage their image with certain groups of people.

  15. I find it humorous based on the fact that most people are seemingly unaware that Apple, Microsoft, Google, and many other large companies provide domestic partner benefits. Google has every right to do what they wish with their search engines. As is pointed out, the only time this appears is during gay & lesbian related queries during June. Unless you are marching in a parade, what's the big deal about the shirts?

  16. This shirt rocks =] and you can't do anything to change that ;)

  17. Google rocks, as do their employees. The video story is amazing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYLs4NCgvNU&feature=youtu.be

  18. The sort of person that would be against it and boycott Google are only searching for moonshine recipes and 'Is is legal to marry my own sister'. So Google won't be bothered.

  19. I was at Europride in Warsaw this summer and Google had a float in the parade. Very clearly branded. Pic here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zefrog/4824318693/

  20. if robots are launched and they are gay then they called as robosexual

  21. Google's lost their f###ing mind. Stick to making killer apps and try living up to your slogan of "Do no evil"


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