April 13, 2011

Google Calendar's Favicon Changes Every Day

When Google Calendar changed the favicon, many people wondered why it only shows 31. "Does it mean that starting today, every day will be the 31st ? Serously, favicon should be changed everyday to match the date," suggested a Google Calendar user.

Google listened to the feedback and the favicon will now change every day. "When you look at the Google Calendar icon at the top of your browser window, it will no longer always display 31 but will instead change to reflect the current day of the month. Today's date is now always a short glance away."

Google Calendar is the first Google service that has a dynamic favicon, but you can change Gmail's favicon to show the number of unread messages.


  1. ...which makes Gmail's favicon dynamic, as it's based on a database value. Which, in simple terms, means that Gmail's favicon was the first to be dynamic, you just need to turn it on.

  2. Gmail's favicon is still static, but there's a Gmail Labs feature that lets you turn it into a dynamic favicon. This feature is not enabled by default and it's not even a standard Gmail feature.

  3. nice.......google team
    i know, u never stop here.

  4. Hasn't changed over for me yet! Probably doing a slow roll out as per usual. Great idea all the same. Love functional and pretty icons.

  5. Same for me. I'm not seeing it on my Calendar, neither for regular or Apps version.

  6. A good time to recommend an extension, Minimalist for GC, which has been offering this feature. This extension should be built in to Google Calendar.

  7. I see it on mine. Very nice!

    The Gmail one was useless, because it was too slow to keep up. I prefer one of the many Chrome extensions to keep me informed instead.

  8. Has anyone gotten it on Google Apps yet?

  9. And what about fixing this Google Calendar scrollbar bug rather than changing favicons?

    This makes scrollwheel navigation in calendar very unfriendly.

  10. I love this. It is even changing my calendar bookmark as well. This is epic!

  11. My Calendar favicon hasn't updated yet,still says 31 for me. Perhaps another feature the UK haven't received yet? Like that new top bar...

  12. My favicon is not dynamic.. How can I change it? (Is it because of the newest Firefox?) Thanks, I want the new favicon:(

  13. Glad to hear I'm not the only one that isn't getting it yet...

  14. That's a great idea. I'd take it a step further. Instead of 'Google Calendar' for the title tag, use the current (format-configurable) date so you'll always have something like 'Thur April 14, 2011' visible (depending on how many tabs you have open).

  15. What timezone does it use to change the favicon? User's from calendar settings/user's from browser/smth fixed?

  16. A lot of google favicons often change.

    But why Google Maps hasn't his own favicon yet !? It's so lame to put it in a pin tab or as a no-text-bookmark...


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