July 30, 2011

Templates for Google Contacts

Gmail added a new feature that makes it easier to add a new contact: templates. If you click "More actions" when you create a contact or edit an existing one, you can select the business template to quickly add fields for the job title, company name, mobile phone and work phone.

The default template is more generic:

Google Contacts lets you add or delete fields, but you can't delete the fields from a template. Hopefully, Google will allow users to create custom templates and import some of the data from Google Profiles.

{ Thanks, Herin. }


  1. I keep waiting for them, supposedly the creators of the most sophisticated parsing algos in the world, to do a reasonable job of parsing inbound mail signatures and pre-filling new contact entries. Instead, they don't even try.

  2. Custom templates will be a lot more usefull function.

    I think Google contacts should focus on CRM based functionality ...

  3. It's not even a real template, it just a way to switch between two display modes. If you switch to business mode, and move on to another contact, you will see that it will be displayed in business mode too, until you switch back...

  4. Indeed, as Scott Clark said: parsing inbound mail signatures... And...
    Sharing contacts!!! Or allow to email them as VCF to other contacts.
    Google, there's a lot of work here!

  5. I have been using an address book program called Open Contacts with such 'templates' function: Predefined Section which consists of some fields. The program came with a few predefined sections, while you may define your custom ones.

    I wish Open Contacts may sync with Google Contacts, as they are looking so alike now.

  6. As SyP, this is a all-or-nothing thing. One expects you would be abloe to choose for each contact if you want it as a professional or personal contact, but no, this is addressbook-widde and not contact-wide.

    So presently, utterly useless. But keep on trying, Google!

  7. One of the benefits of contact database is sharing a contact. As an example; if I want to print-out and hand you the contact information for my favorite contractor, I can now do that. However, I may not want to print-out all of my private notes or the contractors cell phone or private email etc

  8. Is there a way to set the Business template as the default template instead of Standard?

  9. i prefer that Google could incorporate some of yahoo mail feature.. the way yahoo team provide contact for their customer is very clean and the sleek design make it look professional ..

  10. It's a good template but I think if you could customise it to make it more personal this would be better

  11. It would be so easy to for them to add the option to customise

  12. Still not resolved - we would ditch our CRM DB if we could customise Google Contacts template!!!!

  13. Waitng as well....

    Does anyone from Google read this?

    Is there a better past to Post this like APples forum, maybe google reads that?

  14. GOOGLE!! Just been looking up to see if I can add my own template in contacts and NOTHING.. and this thread is old. C'mon Google... surely it's not that hard to implement this?

  15. 2 years later... Same old, same old. Really shits me. I would gladly pay for an adding.

  16. 2 years later... Same old, same old. Really shits me. I would gladly pay for an adding.

  17. Why no response? This is a modest change that would enable a huge shift to Google as a Contact Manager.


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