January 20, 2012

A New iGoogle Interface

Google tests a new interface for iGoogle, the personalized homepage that lets you add gadgets and themes. The updated interface uses the design patterns that should be familiar by now from other Google services. Tabs are now available in a dropdown that's displayed below the search box, while the left sidebar is only used for the chat widget. There are two buttons for adding gadgets and changing the theme next to the options menu.

{ Thanks, Brinke. }


  1. I've never used iGoogle. I like the normal Google.com. But this new UI might convert me! :)

  2. Looks better, but I can't stand the name iGoogle.

    1. I'm surprised Apple hasn't sued them for the name yet....

    2. Apple cant trademark putting i infront of name, as much as they would like to be able to do so.

      I would not be surprise if Apple did not even invent the idea. Did not Cisco or Oracle own the iphone name.

  3. Happy to see Google still supports iGoogle. I would not know how to "start" my internet off without. Great site for a homepage.

    1. 100% agree ! the same for me, I have everything on it and it's totally useful

  4. Sweet when is this gonna happen? Or is there a cheat to get it earlier ?

  5. What I like best is they brought back the maximize button, now I don't have to leave iGoogle to use Reader or GMail or any of my other gadgets.

    But what I'm really waiting for is for Google to compress the space at the top that's wasted with cutesy theme images. What I want is a search bar and the information in my widgets - and even with Chrome I don't need the search bar since I search from the address bar.

  6. This iGoogle update sucks. Other updates, awesome. This iGoogle update is bizarrely bad.

  7. And yet another gear wheel! And more buttons and menus! When will G finally consolidate all of these orphan controls?

  8. Google Latitude also switched (although only partially) to the new design...

  9. Looks simple but still something is missing

  10. Everytime they update the iGoogle UI I give it another try but so far no update could make it compete with my netvibes.com page. I like that they now have a cleaner look but the widgets themselves are still quite bad and ugly which is a big issue when you want to add more than simple RSS feeds to that page.

    1. I agree. Igoogle still has not caught up to netvibes still.

  11. Speaking of retiring products, why is iGoogle still up?

    1. Probably because Google has a plan for it an may be it still popular enough for Google to keep investing in it.

      Also their some easy ways it can fit in with Google + project and other Google services in the future.

    2. What I still don't understand is why iGoogle (and indeed so many other services such as Latitude) are not yet integrated with Google+. Why have separate privacy controls for iGoogle (e.g. add friends through contacts)?

    3. I haven't used iGoogle in years, ever since Google launched the ability to customize the search page background with a picture. iGoogle seamed only a feature poor replacement for the full apps.

    4. AnonymousJan 21, 2012 12:20 PM

      I suspect they are being integrated into schemer first and then they will be integrated Google+ and merge together into a single platform at some point in the future.

  12. Google Drive may be released soon: http://tecno-net.blogspot.com/2012/01/google-drive-podria-ser-lanzado-en.html

  13. Great information, thanks for sharing!

  14. I'm sorry to say, but this looks incredibly amateurish, like a first-year intern designed it.

    Tabs are back (about time!) but they're these huge blocks with opaque backgrounds and squared-off edges. These should have rounded corners and be semi-transparent to allow for themes to show through, then have higher-contrast text so they can be viewed despite whatever the theme colors may be.

    "Google" branding at the search bar, and iGoogle branding as text? This looks horrible. Re-brand at the search bar with "iGoogle" as you have prior to this - the double-brand looks like someone slapped it together using the old GeoCities free pages.

    Search bar is now off-centered again, despite the fact that the feedback was very negative the LAST time Google did this.

    Theme background is now locked so everything scrolls over it. Why? This would be nice if the entire page was themed, but it's not. Again, a sort of "ooo, look what I can do!" feel of someone encoding HTML for the first time.

    Icons on the buttons are very blocky and look out of place with everything else, and the buttons are like the tabs - opaque with squared edges. Buttons do not need to be that large - in fact, if you're using icons, you don't need buttons AT ALL. Get rid of them and make high-contrast icons floated to the right.

    All I have to say is, I'm glad I can run the Stylish add-on for Firefox, and I'll be looking for a script that makes these changes (or learn how to design one myself) if Google doesn't fix this "new look".

    1. I don't see how to get tabs back? They've taken all of my tabs and made them a single drop down menu. This is horrible functionality.

      Am I missing something?

  15. I'm very unhappy with the new look. I spent considerable time designing IGoogle themes, and now it looks like they're headed for the trash. I'll keep the old look until they force me out.

    1. Me too! drag and drop is easier in old look

  16. But why do I now have to use several two clicks and a move to open a tab? I have the same issue with the new Gmail - between Contacts and Mail. It was easy to switch with just one click.

  17. As a couple others have hinted at here this new design does not make that much sense.

    my largest gripe is why are these called tabs when they don't function like tabs at all? Its now simple a drop down list which is not useful. For those that use firefox could you image having a google "tab" where you simple click the arrow and drop down to select your page? People would not accept that, its almost useless.

    There is all that space to the right, use it.

  18. I just don't go to my other tabs now they are hidden behind a drop-down menu. What is Google thinking?????

    1. I agree completely. First the tabs changed to a list now it's a drop down? I thought the interface is supposed to be easier to use. Now it's getting harder. Put the tabs back as tabs. Use that wasted space and remove the extra click.

  19. you can't move gadgets from one tab to another now - unless there is a fix I'm missing?

  20. who's using this lame iGoogle????

  21. What is the main advantage of iGoogle website? Is it completely free?

  22. Why do you have to advertise iGoogle underneath the Google logo? We already know. You own half the universe. The line is not aesthetically pleasing for a background image either. The functionality is AOK, but streamline the appearance a little.

  23. In the previous igoogle interface, user can drag a gadget into another tab to transfer a gadget.

    How can it be done in the new interface?

    1. Does any one know if this is possible???

  24. What is the point of personalizing your iGoogle home page, when they have these hideously large icons (Home on the left) and three on the right for Adding a gadget, changing the theme and options. Completely defeats the purpose of having a background on the page. How can we get rid of them?!?!

  25. +1 on the above post

  26. Is the 2012 "New Look" for iGoogle an attempt to destroy it? Why have you turned my bookmarks app into something the size of a postage stamp so it will be totally useless? Please bring back the old iGoogle and bookmarks app. I still work on a real computer not a smart phone.

  27. So when does this hits the google apps part?

    I really like seeing it in iGoogle but my own iGoogle startpage in Google Apps does not has this great new layout

  28. Seems ridiculous that it says Google by the search box and iGoogle just below that in the header area. It kind of robs the theme of any contribution to ones page.

    Was the goal to see how many times they could place Google into the theme?

  29. I don't like the new look. Personally the temes the appear in the background are distracting.

    I also miss the quick links that were present on the left.

  30. I do not like this new look and feel. I'll be switching from iGoogle to something else...like MyYahoo for a personal homepage I can tailor to my likes.

  31. Why did you change my new page?Just because i was away for a week you think it's dormant??I don't like fixing the page every other day when you finally get used to the new crappy changes they do it again.So,i won't be back here often anymore.Yahoo's better anyway


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