October 31, 2006

10 Tips For Google Image Search

Google Image Search could be used in many ways.

1. If you want to know if a person is a man or a woman and the name doesn't help, do a search for the name.

2. If you don't know the meaning of a word, the pictures may help you.

3. A better search for Flickr. Google uses information from other sites that link to Flickr photos, so you may find Google search better.

4. Find what's interesting about a site, by looking at the pictures included. For example: wired.com.

5. Find a new wallpaper for your desktop by restricting your search to large images. You can automate this using an application.

6. Find random personal pictures, using standard file names from digital cameras.

7. Type the name of a painter and you can take an art class.

8. Install a Greasemonkey script so you can view the original version of the image directly by clicking on the thumbnail.

9. Find the color of a word. "Word Color is a windows program that uses Google Image Search to determine the color of a word or string of words. It goes out there, retrieves the top 9 images and loops through all pixels, calculating the average hue, which is later converted to a color."

10. If you want to grab search results, GoogleGrab is a tool that downloads images from Google Image Search. It even supports batch search.


  1. How about Flickr image search?

  2. Your sentence "You can also find many information about" suddenly stops, now you got me curious :)

  3. Vote for Ionut's article:


  4. Anyone ever heard of goorip? www,goorip.com, it takes google images and directly posts them.

  5. I'm not sure what this list is supposed to be/do/promote. Take an art class? Who do you think you are?

  6. Don't forget to turn Safe Search off to broaden your search results (as long as you don't mind some NSFW pics)

  7. Easier than a Greasemonkey script there is the firefox extension Google Image relinker

  8. Instead of the Greasemonkey Script I use Customize Google Firefox Extension. Does the same for images, but a lot of other cool Google stuff :)

  9. from Avesland@AOL.com

    How do you remove the new cursor-
    activated highlighting from
    Google Image Search ? This idiotic
    feature is a huge distractiion if you are doing serious research.

    What moron dreamed up this nonsense ?

  10. Try this script if you use Firefox and have Greasemonkey installed or read this post.

  11. I have been studying Astronomy, at MaDonna University and have found the best images for all my power point presentations from this web site. I tell every one I know to use your web site.

  12. In general I have found some of my sites with good pictures (and names) get quite a few hits from google image search. Does anyone know approximately how long it takes to get a new image indexed? Does it happen at the same time your site is crawled with any google bot?

  13. Good posting. It really helps a lot. This is so terrible. I will tell this to my friends and relatives to visit your site and also to the friends of their friends to contact us for some hint and tips. I'm sure they are glad to have this. I really love this. Thanks for posting and more power! :)

  14. try MediaMingle.com . It is what image search should be.

  15. Just like your standard search parameters, the image search works as it should when you utilize specific search parameters. If you can't find what you are looking for simply adjust the terms you searching under and lo and behold you'll find it.

  16. Great stuff, I especially liked the first tip about a person's gender! BTW, I found useful when looking for some B&W pics that it's good to put "drawing" beside the name of what you are looking for.

  17. Is it possible to direct upload the image in image.google.com ?

  18. Yes these are the best searching tips not only for the starters but for the experts as well. A must have formula for google search.

  19. Very nice tips regarding google image search engine..
    Well it is very simple to deindex or remove images from google search engine..
    just enter the robots.txt file in root directory:
    User-agent: Googlebot-Image
    Disallow: /images/corn.jpg
    Please checkout for more details:http://elechub.com/how-can-i-remove-an-image-from-image-search/

    This is how u can delete any image from google search...
    thank you..

  20. good tips..

    still i'm using some of the above tips.

    how can add a picture to google search?

    can i download such tips/ helps as any formats like .pdf, .doc, etc.???

  21. its very use full for me its good tips

  22. How I Add alt text or img src in my blogger images i have to do it in edit html or i do in compose mode

    my website is arabvdo.com and i upload 1000 pic a day pls help that how i edit my photos to get in google image search

    If possible pls show example

  23. Nice tips to search for Google Images

  24. Well it is very simple to deindex or remove images from google search engine.

  25. Does anyone know approximately how long it takes to get a new image indexed?

  26. i think that the google imaging is a good thing i am yasir with my friend adil from kashmir india gooooood bye

  27. Okay... everyone keeps ignoring the same question so I'll ask again: does anyone know how long it takes Google to add an image to its image search? It's certainly slower than their indexing of a page. Does anyone know a way to add images for Google to index or make it easier for Google to index? Thanks.

  28. Is there any web search engine available on the net where can perform image based searching,i mean it work on image matching approach.ask me to browse image from my computer and search relevent data.

  29. An issue was raised in the previous post about the duration of google adding image to its image search... i guess whenever google is indexing websites and paging they do their image addition..

  30. Hey @Alex i have tried TinEye but the weird thing is that you have to first sign in and then you can do a search . isn't it a bit strange?

  31. I think it takes 7 days for and image to be indexed by google.

  32. Excellent advice!
    Your site has very much liked me.
    I shall necessarily tell about him to the friends.

  33. its nice for me its good tips

  34. Very good tips. Thanks for the guidelines.

  35. firefox extension works great. thanks for the tip.

  36. Hi there,

    I added my page to the search long time ago - yet won't be found. Does someone know the criteria?

  37. I like image search but sometime it works uns sometime not - i did not find out how come.

  38. I set lots of deeplinks on the Images - leading to my Geburtstag page, get, Google Imagesearch seems to just ignore it. Some others, older images are beeing found. What do I possibly do wrong?

  39. putting an alt text to your images will help to get it listed in google image search.

  40. Very good tips. Thanks for the guidelines...

  41. Great stuff, I especially liked the first tip about a person's gender! BTW, I found useful when looking for some B&W pics that it's good to put "drawing" beside the name of what you are looking for.

  42. great .. but i want to add my flickr and picasa web albums add into google image result with my name "anoop kumar singh " .how it possible
    the albums link r ..

  43. how come one site that is not having the keyword related to my search is having a photo on the google normal search up above everything?

  44. Wow this is nice info for me, thank you

  45. Thanks for these wonderful tips. I think its really very good and helpful for me. I am a web designer and searching pictures is a big part of my job. And everyone now if you are searching for anything google is the best place for you. Thanks alot for the tips once again.

  46. Good List.I guess google uses rating system for image placement

  47. Excellent advice! I added my page to the search long time ago - yet won't be found.

  48. Good & unique feature . I have been shared it with my group. Hope they will get benefit from it.

  49. First of all just because images are in Google Image search doesn't mean their free for the taking. I know several people having legal troubles because they took images and wanted to profit off someone else's work. Be careful and get copyright free images or license them.

    It takes about 3-6 months to get images ranked in google. News images will pop up rather quick but it seems most other topics are pretty slow. Its not like organic search.

  50. Thanks for this tips.
    If your web site's page rank is high, then google adds it in a less time.

  51. I was looking for this from while. thanks for sharing this informations...

  52. Google image search help me in finding good relevent images. I am car lovers.always getting good images of different car models to put on my desktop.

  53. I have been studying Astronomy, at MaDonna University and have found the best images for all my power point presentations from this web site. I tell every one I know to use your web site.

  54. This got me confused "If you want to know if a person is a man or a woman and the name doesn't help, do a search for the name. "

  55. Awesome tips, that's why Google is still the best search engine.

  56. I think Bing.com has better image search engine. they have features like :- Size Based Search,Quality based Search.

  57. Finding the "colour of a word" is interesting to hear but i couldn't understand what for it is used.

  58. I have been studying Astronomy, at MaDonna University and have found the best images for all my power point presentations from this web site. I tell every one I know to use your web site.

  59. News images will pop up rather quick but it seems most other topics are pretty slow. Its not like organic search.

  60. I've also been studying Astronomy, at MaDonna University and have found the best images for all my power point presentations from this web site. I tell every one I know to use your web site.

  61. Here's a bookmarket that puts the webpage below the images on the results page. Saves a lot of time navigating to the page the image is on.

    grab it at:

  62. I think Bing.com has better image search engine. they have features like :- Size Based Search,Quality based Search.

  63. Google has a great search image function, don't forget to alt tag your images on your sire sometime images bring in more traffic than web articles.

  64. What if I want a particular image not to be indexed by the google image search function, do I just have to delete any alt tag for that image?

  65. Google image search can be very frustrating and the inner workings are a bit mysterious. The technology and google's communcation about it is certainly lagging far behind textual search and the updates are far less frequent.

  66. i already use google image search this way =) but the tips are useful nonetheless

  67. I also added the alt-tags to the pic, but I can't see any picture in google image search f.e. of ma dj muenchen page.

  68. i hope googles comes up with some sort of reverse image lookup also. There are a few out there but they are very basic.

    reverse image lookup is one way to find ppl or one can always use tricks to track down ppl, like trying to find ppl who might have a relation with the person you are looking for. I always do this with movies. if i dnt know an actor in a movie, i look up for someone i know in the movie and go on..

  69. Bing is going to get better !
    Greetz from Bavaria
