October 28, 2008

Feeds for Google Alerts

Google Alerts has a new option: you can now subscribe to feeds instead of receiving periodic email messages. Google Alerts notifies you if there are new pages in the list of top results for a certain query. You can subscribe to alerts for web search, Google News, blog search, Google Groups and Google Video.

Google Groups and Google Web Search are the only search engines from the ones mentioned above that don't provide feeds for the results. In fact, Google is the only major search engine that doesn't offer feeds for search results.

The new feature from Google Alerts is useful, but Google should've provided an option to subscribe to feeds for each search result. Right now, the feeds from Google Alerts have cryptic addresses like:


and you can only generate feeds from Google Alerts.

Note that you have to log in to a Google account if you want to get feeds for your alerts.


  1. This option has been around for ages.

  2. I'm using this form more then two years now, what is new about this? The feed component I'm using is a part from the Google News site.

    Just add the following url if you want information about 'amsterdam':

  3. Ive been using Google RSS feeds with Zaptxt for a while now to get IM alerts in Skype. Is this for another google service?

  4. Perfect! This feature was expected very long time.

  5. great, i have been waiting for this feature since ages ...

  6. "Google Alerts notifies you if there are new pages in the list of top results for a certain query."

    what do you mean by "top results?" are we talking about changes that occur only on the first results page? what if something changes in the fifth page, will i still get an update?

  7. What do I mean by "top results"? Check this page for an answer.

    News, Blogs, Video - 10 results
    Groups - 15 results
    Web - 20 results

  8. Thanks!

    does somebody know if there is a way to change the default number of results?

  9. so what are the long numbers? !

  10. I would like to know the long numbers

  11. Thanks, first time for me to be using google alerts.

  12. I just don't see how those things are picked for the alerts. Does it just pick blogs? I have a few alerts picked and it seems to pick up blogs 90% of the time and other times it is just pages on some site. I make changes to my site and have never seen it come through google alerts. btw I use google base and also the sitemap stuff.

    Should I start a blogspot blog?

  13. This option is too good. Its really worth getting alerts to your email regarding your search. It brings healthy awareness about improving your search results.

  14. I don't know what most of you are saying. When posting, why not be coherent?
    Example "I would like to know the long numbers". What are they talking about??

  15. Perfect! This feature was expected very long time.. does somebody know if there is a way to change the default number of results?

  16. does somebody know if there is a way to change the default number of results like https://www.ersintezcan.com.tr/ ?


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