June 24, 2011

YouTube Tests a Black Player

A few readers spotted a new YouTube player with a redesigned control bar that uses a black background. The current control bar doesn't stand out so that you can focus on the video you are watching.

A YouTube user says that he "would really appreciate a way to go back to the normal player, with its more obvious progress bar and less ugly/hyperactive popup controls". I really like the bigger pause button, but YouTube should also change the action buttons below the player to better integrate in the new design.

{ Thanks, Josh and Jon. }


  1. I think it fits in better with the dark gray background when the video player is expanded. I like it.

  2. I hate it. It's impossible to see the red progress bar, it looks awful and really was an unnecessary change.

    Don't change something that works.

  3. It's not hard to add a button to the player to flip the color back and forth. And, it certainly isn't rocket science to add the option to YouTube settings and let users "choose!"

  4. Yeah!
    Choose in the YouTube account setting page (player setting).
    A black player will be great. :)

  5. i hope the fix the reload whole video when you rewind thing its very annoying

  6. youtube like blogger is a bit of a mess and it needs redesigning really.

  7. I really like the new player. But users should be able to choose between the available skins.

  8. It looks like they're trying for the Netflix design. With the white page background, won't this stand out more?

  9. I spotted this: http://cgullz.com/new-google-look-no-more-feeling-lucky/

  10. I don't have it yet. Not sure why. (location - WI, USA)

  11. I really love it. Keep it up.

  12. Like it Like it Like it, keep them both

  13. I like black bar for youtube player.

  14. I had it for week after i changed my youtubes language to english, but then it disappeared and im now back to that gray/white player- the black one was awesome, its design was more "cool" looking.

    I like it so much more than the old one, because its fully planted inside the video and it fades, althought id hope the fading would and "inside video implanting" would have on/off settings. and the colour of player could be customizeble for youtube users.

    The buffering had been too fixed, it doesnt "fake" buffer anymore. I hope they wont decline this update i like it A LOT!

  15. I hope that there's an option to choose what skin to use.

  16. Don't like it, and what I really don't like is that google again does stuff without giving users the CHOICE ... I have no problem with letting people have a new color or redesign, re-envision etc.. but after I've looked at it ... and decide that *I* don't like it .. please give me the choice to change it to what I *do* like ... don't disrespect my dislike of the change ... respect it, and respect users rights to a choice. Please google.. stop doing harm to all.

  17. But black player isnt available for every country.

  18. I really like it..I've always disliked the white/grey progress bar and found black ones to look alot more sleek. I especially liked that the bar minimized while you were watching the vidoe, excellent!

    I care much more about the video rather than the videos progress, people should deal with it and watch the video.

  19. i really like it! i guess its true, once you go black, you never go back lol

  20. I really like the look of it, but the one problem I have (which I also had with the last version) is that it can be very difficult to pause to read any subtitles or annotations. And as for annotations that link to anything, if they're at the bottom of the video, you CAN'T click on them—for example, if you have the new player, try clicking the annotation at the bottom of this video:


    It's impossible.

  21. How about you get the option of both once you have a youtube account? Then everyone's happy, I personally love the new look.

  22. change it to black it looks really good compared to that bright white and red thing! the new design looks sleek

  23. I also find it uncomfortable when standards change their set up.

  24. I frelling hate it. I keep clicking on the damn video instead of the timeline. Change it back, or at least allow setting this from account settings. Not everyone likes it.

  25. I prefer this new one! with the old one I couldn't find where the buffering line was!

  26. I'd rather they just offer a choice between the old white/red version, and the "Lights Out" version they had for Earth Day. Dark Youtube was much easier on the eyes then...

  27. I would also like the option to choose which one I want

  28. I like this player a lot better hope they stick with it

  29. The new video player is much nicer looking than the old one. I'd be disappointed to see it abandoned.

    And to all the people that have "problems" with the new player, quit whining, and take 5 seconds to adapt to the new player. It's functionality is on par if not better than the old player.

  30. the fading is very bad

  31. The second guy above me..not everyone's problem is just them bitching about change. Some people have legitimate problems asshole. I personally like the new player, it's one of the few youtube changes I agree with. Yet, I am not gonna tell everyone who has a real issue with it to deal with it because I like it.

  32. and i came here to say how i dislike this new black player. why do you force us to use this §$%§$& player. i wish there were more settings like always show full player and not autohiding of time and volume etc.

    i realy realy hate the new version and i am realy realy angry about that! thank you for this step backward and for making our y-t experience still worse.

    i guess you have nothing better to do. i miss the old classic player. everything visible. no autohiding of anything. full volume bar.

    why do not you allow us to choose which player we want to use? you have tons of settings in gmail and the callander and here nothing.

  33. one more thing. i dislike the disapearing progress bar as well in the previous palyer but it is way better then your latest "invention" if one can say that about this crap.

    you had many different players till now, PLEASE! let us choose which one we want to use. i love the first classic version of it.

  34. oh man i can't stand this black $%$/&. the progressbar is still smaller then the last time and the video time is not visible at all. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES undo the change or LET US CHOOSE the player in the settings!!!

  35. ok, i have enough. i am logging out i am not going to use y-t anymore until you actually improve the player.

  36. black player looks good, you guys should just give it a chance

  37. I just love the new player and hope to see the Google black bar up there soon.

    I also found a workaround to embed the black player instead of the normal one, check it out: http://claudiuceia.info/article/embed-new-dark-youtube-player/

  38. They should let us choose what progress bar and background we want. Although that might take a major update or be to much for the servers (or whatever) to handle.

  39. I would like, if it wasn't the fact it somehow makes video take longer to load.

  40. This black player just went live for my YouTube account. I like the new look but miss the old functionality. Like some have suggested, an option to choose between the players would be nice.

  41. Does anybody know how I can use the new player-version on my website?

  42. everything from google is cool but youtube. the black player is the worst player in the world and there are not options at all. fine, you are experimenting but why to force everyone to use this new sh!t?

  43. http://www.tuntech.org/2011/07/youtube-new-video-control-bar.html for more info!

  44. YEAH! how cool, you also dislike it! great, maybe they eventually allow us to choos which player we would like to use.

  45. Drives me crazy. As you skip through the video it hops up and down 100 times instead of staying put. And it's annoying how it obscures part of the video, any links put at the bottom of the vid are impossible to click on. And lastly I'd like to see the time while watching, to know how long is left and to watch out for any interesting timestamps ppl mentioned in comments.

    Most annoying of all is I seem to be the only person I know that has this new player, and I can't get the old one back.

  46. I really like the darker color. I can see why some wouldn't like it though, so it should be an account setting.

  47. I'm colorblind I don't see well Red over gray :(

  48. Strange...
    The new player is available on IE7
    But I can't use it on Google Chrome

  49. I don't like that the control bar goes down so slowly. It makes videos where I'm reliant on subtitles difficult to watch because I miss some of the subs when I put my mouse over the vid to change settings. Other than that, I don't care. Though the youtube grey-and-white is what sets youtube players apart. Product differentiation.

  50. This won't be optional because Youtube is owned by Google... and they never make things optional.

  51. While the new player is prettier, the pop-up controls are AWFUL. It makes the player harder to use and obscures some of the video. Keep the black, fine, but stop the pop-up fluff please!
    On balance the old one is much better.

  52. what parts "parameters" do I need to modify for emebding the new player on my website?

  53. the new black player sucks mad, it's MUCH slower loading prior to the one before

  54. I hate it for many reason, I don't understand why Google has to put us through this torment.

    I don't really mind the colour of the thing, just the different features or there for lack of since alot has been removed.

  55. Google should rename themselves to
    "How the fuck do i turn it off??"

  56. um did the geniuses at youtube forget that people embed videos on their blogs? They gray was a neutral that worked well on light and dark blogs.. this one sticks out like a sore thumb, now, on my mostly white & pastel toned blog. ergh! How hard is it to add an option to let people choose what color they want??

    I have to second the comment above mine. So sick of google changes.

  57. Pop-up controls are annoying.

    Rewinding causes video to reload.

    Doesn't show buffering, so you don't know how much or little of the video has preloaded for smooth playback.

    Slower loading compared to the original.

  58. If you want to have the player on a sidebar as some sort of thumbnail thing of 220px or so, they screwed it, cause the logo gets jammed on top of the duration info. Besides that, red is far from being a neutral color.

    Bad idea.

    Will take me some major work to move all my stuff to Vimeo.

  59. The dark player is really nice, because when you're watching a dark video in fullscreen you certainly don't want a BRIGHT WHITE BAR to pop-up right in your retinas... :) But an option would be cool - a black/white player (for the extremist angry talibans out there) and a DARK or GREY THEME! Pretty pleaaase youtube? ^___^

  60. Masonic colours red, white, black means psychological warfare by the system. Mass mind control by Google and Youtube. Causing people's minds all become the same. New world order means World empire.


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