November 3, 2011

Chrome Extension for Google+ Notifications

If you miss Google+ notifications when you're not visiting a Google page, you can now install a Chrome extension and always get the latest updates.

"Whenever you have a new notification (for example, when someone adds you to a circle or shares a post with you), the extension button will turn red and show you how many updates are waiting for you. Once you click the button, a window will drop down showing you all of your most recent notifications. You can act on notifications right from the extension, whether you're replying to a comment or adding someone back to your circles. That way you can stay up-to-speed with your circles on Google+ no matter where you are on the web," informs Google.

There's also a +1 button for Chrome that lets you +1 a page and share it with your circles.

{ Thanks, Venkat. }


  1. Surplus is redundant now. Though it does allow sharing of a web page on Plus without giving it a +1. Something that Google does not offer.

  2. It would be cool if Gmail, Google Calendar, etc would shut off their own notification icon if they detected this plug-in was installed. No need for duplicate (or triplicate) information.

  3. There are many other extensions that are even more feature rich... Try the below extensions.


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