October 15, 2006

The Talkative Search Engine

If you think search engines need a human face, Ms. Dewey might be a good company for you. The search engine is not great, but not bad either (bonus points if you guess the search engine), but the main attraction here is Ms. Dewey. She's ironic, clever and provocative. For example, try to enter something like "your phone".

Maybe in the future, search engines will be so smart that they'll be able to both answer your questions and make you smile.

{ Via LISNews.org. }


  1. Try game:

  2. They are actually using MSN search...

  3. haha search for "eminem" and she'll just go crazy

  4. It looks like a (Microsoft) MSN search front end.

    It sure does look like Microsoft is expanding their search development activities.

    Ever tried searching for "search" within a Microsoft search engine? Strange that they other search engines above themselves. Google, Ask, etc all seem to think highly of themselves when it comes to search.

  5. Ionut, this is a bit offtopic, but I'm interested in your opinion on goowy. Thanks

  6. Yeah, it is kind of off-topic. I wrote something in April. It didn't change too much since then. I think Google will get there in a couple of months by integrating their scattered products. Goowy is more like a proof-of-concept, as it's difficult to use and employs wrong desktop metaphors (like the toolbar from the bottom).

  7. Ok, her responses to the word "sex" are hilarious.

  8. it's definitely from microsoft. try searching for their stuff, like xbox or microsoft itself. then search google...

  9. try war a couple of times
    or try some insults

  10. try typing:
    where do babies come from?


  11. I remember a Microsoft site like this a while back, that showcased their products. I can't remember well, but I think it was about Vista. They had a guy that time. They repeated some jokes this time, too, like knocking on the screen and asking if you're still there.

  12. type in "your age" :)

  13. Try searching for bestiality

    porno and sex are pretty good too bondage is a bit entertaining.

    I wonder how many seperate searches they have special responses for.


    The talking when you leave that tab is really annoying though.

  14. I also like how she says "been there done that" when you type in drugs.

  15. that showcased their products. I can't remember well, but I think it was about Vista

  16. Where can I test it? i didn't find the URL?


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