September 2, 2007

Explore Popular Google Maps

Google's personalized maps are a great way to share details about your trips or to place geographical information in its context. Unfortunately, it's not very easy to find them as the custom maps are buried at the bottom of Google's local search results.

This mapplet lets you see popular maps created by other users as you navigate in Google Maps. You may find details about interesting places, pictures and videos, art guides, tips and tricks from tourists. Don't forget to enable "Browse Popular Maps" in the left sidebar.

Other interesting overlays include photos from Panoramio and Picasa Web Albums (added by default), videos from YouTube and Wikipedia articles.

{ via Google LatLong }


  1. how to make a google map of my area (istria-croatia-europe) that is possible other people to see?

  2. You say: "Unfortunately, it's not very easy to find them as the custom maps are buried at the bottom of Google's local search results."

    In fact, I can't seem to locate ANY public custom maps, except by clicking "Popular user-created maps" from My Maps main page; and this approach only allows for browsing a few maps, where I'd prefer to search, etc.

    To be clear, the link I've found takes you to this page:

    The page shows a list of custom maps in the left column. How can I browse ALL the custom maps, or search through them? Sure that functionality is there somewhere?

  3. Custom maps are included in Google Maps search results when they are relevant.

    Example: Area 51

    If you don't see user-created content in the search results, scroll to the bottom of the results list and click on "Can't find what you're looking for? See user-created content". Another option is to click on "Show search options" and select "User-created content".


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