July 19, 2012

Customize Blogger Permalinks

Until now, Blogger automatically generated the URL of a post using the first words from the title. If you want to customize the URL, there's a new "permalink" option in the "post settings" sidebar. When you create a post, click "permalink", enable "custom URL" and type the file name. You can only customize the file name (it's highlighted in the following example):


... and you can only use alphanumeric characters, underscore, dash and period.

It's important to note that you can choose a custom URL only when you create a post and you can't change it later.

Why use this feature? Create shorter permalinks, use different keywords in the URL, improve search rankings. "A site's URL structure should be as simple as possible. Consider organizing your content so that URLs are constructed logically and in a manner that is most intelligible to humans," suggests Google.

As a side note, there's a mistake in the help center page for this feature: "Because Blogger automatically creates the URL from information from your post title, your URL would change should you decide to edit the title. This would result in broken links, and fewer visitors to your blog." That used to be a major annoyance in the pre-2006 Blogger, but it's no longer the case today.


  1. I found that actually you can change the url by reverting the post to draft.

    1. Then your post is not reachable from search engines at least for a while. It would be better if we had an option to keep old and new address in the same time or at least have a redirect option for the old link.

    2. You can 301 redirect an old url via the new feature under search settings. I don't think it would be practical to auto 301 every iteration of a URL.

    3. 5 star for Karolis Bartkus.... your trick worked here... thanks so much

  2. It is a good option but we do not have option to edit the param link for old posts.

  3. Congratulations have been a very nice feature.

    Of course, Blogger (Blogspot) service, the best blog in the Internet world.

  4. It is a good option but we do not have option to edit the param link for old posts.

    1. See above comment from Karolis Bartkus, and add a 301 redirect for the old url.

  5. I think better to shorter permalinks with other third party.

  6. When writing long post titles, we often find the title of the post is truncated in the URL, cutting off the ends of words. Often we may want to use a shorter, snappier URL structure using related words which could help our posts rank higher in search results.Now we are able to select a custom string for the URLs of our posts, replacing [Short-version-of-title] with any text we prefer.To try this out for yourself, log into your Blogger dashboard and choose to create a new post.In the pane on the right of the post editing page, you will see a new section called "Permalink" which features a "hyperlink" icon to the left. Click on this title to reveal the menu.By default, the Permalink choice will be set to "Automatic URL" - this is the URL structure based on the post title of your post. If you check "Custom URL" you can type an alternative URL:

  7. The next time you log into Blogger to write a post you will see the new permalink option in the post settings on the right of the post editor.Once you are ready to publish the post click on the permalink option.
    - You will see 'Automatic URL' checked with a preview of the URL if you leave it as Automatic.
    - Below this you will see 'Custom URL', once ticked add the words you want to be in the URL.

  8. though being forced to use new blogger ui, i find this thing randomly. finding it pretty cool option to use. thanks for sharing on how to use it.

  9. How do you change the URL of a static page? I've found the option for change the post permalink but what about a static page?

    1. You can't, but you can create a new page with a better title.

    2. Hey thanks for the response. Unfortunately right now my page URL is "/p/new.html" and when I make a new page (regardless of the title) it adds it to the navigation but just links to the main page when clicked.

      You can see it here: http://www.crossfitmanhattankansas.com/

      The "Contact CFMK" is the page I want to rename to "contact.html"


  10. Thanks so much for this informative article.

    Can a custom permalink in Blogger be made after the post is published? I tried to edit the one that was automatically created, but was unable to do it.

    I'd love to edit all of my blog posts, since the automatic ones are ineffectual.

  11. Ma è possibile eliminare il mese e l'anno che vengono impostati automaticamente??? ad esempio levare .../2010/02/url

  12. I wanted a structure which would be like- "mydomain.com/post-name.html". But it's not possible in Blogger.

  13. I really love it and amazing information about the short url it's really good and great information well done.

  14. "Because Blogger automatically creates the URL from information from your post title, your URL would change should you decide to edit the title. This would result in broken links, and fewer visitors to your blog."

    Unfortunately, it is the case once again. I just updated a page and Blogger generated a new URL, breaking the links to my previous one. Which is a huge pain because I had it linked on multiple pages. Since the URLs it had generated before contained underscores I can't modify the custom URL to match the previous one. What a mess.

  15. Nice article..but is there any way to edit permalinks for published areticles…Anyways Thanks for sharing....

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