July 20, 2010

Google Image Search Adds Infinite Scrolling and Shows Less Clutter

Google launched a new interface for Google Image Search which replaces pagination with infinite scrolling, hides the information about the results until you mouse over an image, shows bigger images and uses space more efficiently. When you click on a results, Google shows a larger thumbnail on top of the web page that included the image.

Google says that the new layout is more dense, you can get up to 1,000 images when you scroll and you can scroll using keyboard shortcuts like Page Down and Page Up. Google still shows page numbers "so you don't lose track of where you are".

Another new feature is image search ads that will replace the text ads that are displayed at the moment in Google Image Search. "This ad format combines an image with text, offering richer, more relevant advertising on Google Images search results pages."

It's interesting to see that Google reintroduces two features previously tested without success: image ads and a simplified interface that hides useful information about images. Infinite scrolling was one of the distinctive features of Bing Image Search and Windows Live Image Search.

Google Image Search's new interface makes it easier to scroll through results, but I don't think a regular user will look at hundreds of images. Google's goal is to find relevant results, so showing too many images is overwhelming and a lot of the images aren't useful. Hiding information about the image's size, the domain that includes the image and no longer showing a snippet from the page is a purely aesthetic decision. Sometimes it's useful to know if an image is large, if it's included by a site you trust and even the filename could offer relevant information. Google offers a "show sizes" option in the sidebar, but it's not enough.

Old interface:

New interface:


If you don't see the new interface yet, try a different browser. Google says that only 10% of the users can see the new UI and it will be available for everyone in the coming days.


  1. I disagree I think when people are searching for images the quantity is almost as important as relevance, more often that not I search for many different images of a certain subject, and I for one welcome this redesign.

  2. It is good that google is changing its image search into new layout. But i liked the image info at the first sight which was in old one. I am downloading any pic by looking into thats size. Now i have to hover on every image to know about thats info its annoying me to do that. Am sorry mates i dint like new google image search...

  3. think about bandwidth cost for us webmasters!!!

  4. Oh, hell! I just got this update and I like it not. It looks very disorganized when viewing images of different sizes, and I'm noticing that scrolling is as smooth as in Bing Images.

  5. I searched 10% and could see the new image layout

  6. I still want to know why I dont see an "Images" sidebar shortcut when doing a web search.

  7. @Serafina: Probably you are using ssl search (httpS://)

  8. I just noticed something in the new Google Images Search that seems pointless: There's a page counter on top of the images as you scroll. What's the point of that??

  9. I want to be able to see the source website below the images in a single glance, without scrolling over each image one at a time!!

    Being able to see the source websites helps me quickly identify and avoid websites that I DON'T want to visit...

    I hate the new layout. HATE IT!!!

  10. I can't stand this new google images. I need to see size, title, dates of works. Quickly! The old format was perfect. I can't find anything now.

  11. For what it's worth Bing offers 4 page layouts. You can find them near the top of the page directly below the page totals. One option, the one on the far RIGHT allows you to see basic image info WITHOUT having to hover. It's already there. You only need to hover to find similar images and "different sizes."

    Different sizes allows you to find the image you've selected in a variety of resolutions. Of course, the number depends on how many are on the web. To access:

    Run an image search. Here's one for Boeing 747.


    Now, select an image, hover over it, and look for the different sizes link. Select it.

    Then, this page will appear,


    with a list of resolutions, file size, and file type.

    Of course, this is what Bing uses for their size modifier. This version gives you a bit more info a control.

  12. I can see in Google's point of view, all the bandwidth it takes and by the new image search layout, it cuts down on bandwidth. But personally, I like the old layout better. I will probably use http://www.picsearch.com to search for images now. They display their images like Google use too.

  13. I'm sorry to say that i love the old interface.
    It's more simple. and i can see the source, size at single action.

    I agree with cebryan01, being able to see the source of image can help us to identify which site we want to visit.

    I think it's better if you can provide option to choose which interface we want to use if we do image searching

  14. I do not understand when I did my search not appearing slidebar

  15. I do not understand when I did my search not appearing slidebar

  16. you guys are terrible this new interface is the best thing that ever happened to me. i do not have to scroll through pages now! Just one page and I see everything I need! it's WONDERFUL! I'm in luv in luv in luvvvvvvv

  17. Actually, the Image SERP in Bing is really more better-er than Google. Let's see...

  18. Google was displaying these ads over a year ago, and then they dissapeared . Must have been in testing stages or something.

  19. I hate this new format for all the reasons listed above. And I've always hated hover panes besides. I've been loyal to Google since the beginning, but I'm going shopping for a new image browser right now.

  20. I like the new Google Image Search layout, considerably more than the old one--even though I was looking forward to using it today, and it's GONE! WTF?! They need to stop doing this "Here today, gone tomorrow" thing, it's getting to be a habit...

  21. the unstructured grid looks awful.

  22. This is hideous. The browser keeps hanging!!!!
    This change sucked!

  23. This new interface is much more cumbersome to use without easily seeing the info.

  24. I don't mind the images all on one continuous page, but I miss the website info at the bottom of each image. That's the thing I hated about Bing and why I continued using Google instead of switching over to Bing. I really hope Google puts the image info back under the images.

  25. Use google for your country [ex: google.co.id instead of google.com] if you miss old interface :D

  26. I like the old one better; I think if they worked on it a little bit better then it would cool. Like if it had old interface with the infinite scrolling, then that would be a win win situation. This interface is the reason I don't use Bing or Ask.com. Now I won't be using Google. Yahoo it is.

  27. This new layout looks disorganised and amateurish. Google should stop forcing change if it is not wanted. At the very least they should give you the option of choosing. Google knows best, eh?

  28. Its AWFUL....absolutely awful.

  29. Don't like it at all. Less information is not good

  30. hating the new image layout... wish they had an option to choose which layout you preferred

  31. This is HORRIBLE. How can anyone think this is a good idea? Have you even thought about people who don't have access to broadband internet (such as those on dial-up) or those who have a monthly allowance of only 250 MB, 2 GB, or 5 GB with their internet service provider?

    I have mobile broadband and waiting on 1000 images to load will KILL my bandwidth allowance, especially if I want to do multiple searches for several different subjects on a daily basis. It is just making the image search so unbearable that I've already gone to Yahoo! Why did they ruin what was simplistic and more functional? Have you ever heard the saying, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it?" THIS APPLIES HERE. The best images search on the web has been ruined in a futile attempt to "keep up with the Joneses."

    There needs to be an option to PERMANENTLY switch back to the old layout or they need to just ditch this altogether.

    Less IS more and simplicity is better. Give us back the old version of Google Images!

  32. This new Design Bites!!

    Bring back the old interface, or at tleast give us options on how we want the image results displayed.

    Its so bad now, that I will not use Google Images any longer,

    This really Sucks!!!

  33. no image info and infinite scrolling.

    why do they have to copy Bing?

    the old image search is perfect now it is unusable

  34. Really annoying redesign. One of the reasons I use(d) Google image search was exactly, that you instantly could see the info and the adress. Now you have to waste time pointing the mouse over the pictures, and wait for the pop-up.

    Buzz, Wave and then the horrible redesign of the US edition of Google News, at least you are consistent. Can't wait for you to improve Gmail.

  35. I am extremely disappointed that Google decided to update something that was perfectly fine the way it was. I liked having the information available to me without needing to "scroll over" every since image. Having different sized images stuck together like that to make space more "efficient" is just an eye-sore and far from the "aesthetic" look they were going for. Honestly, this appears to be a rushed compilation of what other search engines like Bing! was doing. Correct me if I'm wrong but... wasn't Google the ~leading search engine with the old interface? That should tell them right there that it's unnecessary to switch things up and try to keep it current-- there was nothing to fix in this situation.

    I hate the continuous scrolling the most; way too many images are thrust into my face and overwhelming the senses. It simply looks ~ugly and mashed together with a bunch of different sized icons-- at the very least, things should have been nice and uniform. As others have said, I miss the information that was automatically displayed before I chose a picture: the sizes, the source, the names. Everything. Now users are at potential risk to download viruses if they click the wrong pictures because the damn link wasn't there to warn them.

    Thankfully, Google hasn't lost it's mind completely-- they ~still give users the option to use the old version ( and once they compute the massive numbers I'm sure will continue using their old format, it may convince them to ditch this "new innovative idea"! ). The downside is that, with every return visit, a person must scroll to the very bottom ( and on a bloody "limitless" scroll, it can take a while ) to switch it back over. Please see the reason in adding this feature to the top, at least.

    I don't want to be forced into this change when it's not a change for the better, in my opinion. It's just something a group of people thought might be clever and "new", like Bing! and they completely missed the mark. This layout is not Google, and it will never be Google. I'm concerned that Google will eventually force it's users to this new format no matter how we prefer; I'm afraid they may get rid of the "opt to old version" soon, once they feel people have accepted this change. I pray this doesn't happen. Up until now, Google had been the most convenient and user-friendly search engine I ever had the pleasure to use. And now?

    The only thing keeping me from ditching Google is that ( albeit inconveniently placed! ) option to continue on in it's former format. If that goes, I go.

  36. I don't want to be forced into this change when it's not a change for the better, in my opinion. It's just something a group of people thought might be clever and "new", like Bing! and they completely missed the mark. This layout is not Google, and it will never be Google. I'm concerned that Google will eventually force it's users to this new format no matter how we prefer; I'm afraid they may get rid of the "opt to old version" soon, once they feel people have accepted this change. I pray this doesn't happen. Up until now, Google had been the most convenient and user-friendly search engine I ever had the pleasure to use. And now?

    The only thing keeping me from ditching Google is that ( albeit inconveniently placed! ) option to continue on in it's former format. If that goes, I go.

  37. The next thing that should be fixed is the bloody posting system around here too-- I apologize to the readers! My message shouldn't have been posted three times.

  38. I love it! It's more efficient, filter it by size, type of image, etc etc. I'm sure for those that don't like it will get used to it but this design makes much more sense. Where before you'd be clicking on the next page forever.

  39. Hate, hate, hate, hate the new Google Images...

    Now I gotta find another search engine. The old format was simply perfect... Good job on messing up something good, Google... Good job...

  40. new image search sucks!!!!!!!

  41. This is beyond annoying to me. I would like to opt out of this new approach altogether.
    Yes, I've seen at the bottom of the page that you can go back to the classic search style, however, when you decide to look at an image, the new style prevails; instead of a frame at the top wherein you can click the image of interest, I'm forced to see a blowup of the image superimposed over the page it comes from, and if I try to save it, it shows as url.htm.
    Google, it's time to offer your users the choice of the classic search style in its entirety again...

  42. I totally hate this new image search. I need to see the source website and the size information at a glance BEFORE I hover or the image or click on it.

    And I *HATE* the completely pointless superimposed image that comes up when you click on an image. What the heck purpose does that serve other than to annoy? It's like a pop-up ad that I need to close in order to continue. It's total crap.

    Google, you screwed this one up, big time. (Or should I say, *Bing* time.) I am extremely disappointed. Sometimes change is NOT good.

  43. The new interface sucks. It's way too busy, and there's not enough white space between images. Worse is that you have to mouse over to see any context information. A huge step backwards.

  44. josephj4050, thx for the tip about yahoo. It looks exactly like Google did before they changed over to the new horrible interface. Yahoo is my default now...thx!

  45. Google doesn't care about its users...they're the new Facebook.

  46. Yeah, I gotta say this change is terrible. I was just on the verge of switching over to Bing where you can at least alter the view to include the image size and source link. Someone here mentioned that you can change it back to the old style with a button on the bottom. Not a great place to put it if you don't want to lose viwers.

    I look for images as a way to find certain websites. The links are kinda important for that. I don't want to return to a website I have already been to and eliminated as useful.

    The size also matters, especially for maps and military photos.

    At the very least the button should be on top. If this isn't changed it is going to get annoying rather quickly and Bing is slightly better in that regard. I will switch to Bing.

  47. Can anyone suggest a decent alternative search engine? Something like the way google USED to be?

    I like minimal, fast, and simple.

  48. I don't like this trend in user interface design where at the war cry of "Make it simple!" all functionality is casted aside.
    Dear Google, simple does not equal better, a bowling ball is more simple than a hammer, but it doesn't mean that it's better for nailing things, is it?
    In any case I'm baffled why would they copy Bing, they are (well, were) different approaches at image searching that each attracted people with their unique styles. Now, seen that Google image search is the most used search engine for this, why would they imitate a less popular system which would almost certainly alienate a large percentage of their users?

    Finally, if people are so averse at clicking on a Next button, why not just add the option, to the previous version, of switching between individual pages or a continuous one? while still keeping the clean and informative layout as before.

  49. What the frak were they thinking? They must have rocks for brains for replacing the good old interface. And trust me when I say, I'm not a person to hold onto old things, I move on fast, but the new image search made me laugh and then pissed me off big time.

    Feels like diving into the middle of the ocean to find clams instead of looking on the seashore.

    I really hope they change it back, clicking 'Switch to basic' at the end of a huge-ass line of pictures every time i do a google search is a fucking slap on the face.

    Not to mention that even if you do click to basic, the pictures still open in that shitty new interface.

  50. once you get past the horror that is the new image page, you can scroll down to the bottom of the page (you eventually do get to the bottom). there's a feedback link there.

    if you dislike what they've done, please give them some direct feedback. i know i did...

    my opinion:
    missing image details - bad
    new jumbled layout - bad
    hover over popup - bad
    infinite scrolling - bad
    click image, another popup!!?? - bad

    Google has reverted functionality when enough people have communicated to them that is was a bad change.

    This seems to be a bad change...
    Communicate it to them directly...

    This is the feedback link i used: http://www.google.com/quality_form?q=dislike new image search&hl=en&prmd=ivn&biw=1172&bih=776

  51. ah come on. you jealous the bing??! are you?forget about the bing and give us back the old interface.the new one is ...##%@^%&#$!@~!$*&^~(*...

  52. If you are using Firefox you can use this...


    as a bookmark to force it back to the old style view at least until the morons at Google change it back, or many of us find a better image search engine.

  53. Two words for the new Google Images: it $µ(|<$

  54. I filed an error report to google asking why bing loaded when I attempted to do an image search on their site. Srsly tho, whats the best workaround for this error?

  55. is Google team out of their mind or something? they better let us know if there's a way to toggle between this new UI and old UI. or just erase this disastrous interface. how come they create this kind of junk!!!

  56. goooogle....give back the old interface as soon. Or we will move to your competitor and set it as our new default image search engine.

    I think bing is good choice to move, they provide option to choose interface at the top

  57. It seems that Google is failing to learn from history.

    The changes they've been implementing (to the frontpage, the news page and now image search) are the web equivalent of New Coke - They've taken a product that had a loyal following, and are deliberately making it taste like their competitor's product.

    The end result will satisfy nobody, except their competitor, who is likely to be having a loud, long laugh at their expense.

  58. I absolutely hate the new interface, why change what was undoubtedly the best and easiest to use search engine?

    At least give us the option to use the classic versions of News and Images.

  59. This new interface is simply useless, hiding information is a very bad idea. One thing I want to point out is that the old "grid" was structured and "fixed" and you could "scan" the page with your eyes at "fixed pace". Now you have images that are smaller and larger and everything looks cluttered and messy.

  60. This new image search is horrible. What were they thinking?! I just quit using the image search option because of the lag, it looking disorganized and generally being non user friendly.

    Not Happy.

  61. I hate the new google image search, before i just click on image and click again and it opens in a normal window, now it's a mess, to copy an address of the image i have to go into right clicking on the image and search for "copy image address" in a long list instead of just clicking on the address line like before and pressing CTRL C I hate it I hate it I hate it!!!

  62. Isn't it "strange" that these two changes were rolled out together:
    1) no more clearly visible "details" for the pictures
    2) new "google image based" ads

    Looks suspiciously like a means to create "confusion" between regular image search results and image based ads...

  63. I DESPISE (EMPHASIS!) their new style! I hate the flashy graphics (even though I normally love that stuff), and I liked viewing information before I saw the picture! Sure, endless pages are nice, but not in the way they're presenting it! I could probably rant a bit more, but I'm not going to... I have half a mind to complain to Google about this!

  64. By the way, guys, if you want to display it in the old style, just add:

    &sout=1 right after your search term. So the search would look like this:


  65. The Solution for the pictures sizes and details is to get a script blocker and block google.com . That will kill the fancy pain.

  66. Im going to switch back to bing if google is keeping the image search like this.I can't ever fing what I'm looking for.

  67. How can I get the old one back??? I don't like the new one.

  68. This sucks, Google thinks it needs to reinvent itself in order to outbling Bing; stupid extra options in left hand pane, youtube redesign, a new image search layout... there's a lot of ppl that don't like the new style, I am one of them. @Google; you achieve the opposite; scaring off long time users like myself and make em switch to Bing, imagesearch and other sites, all but Google!

  69. ... this has done it, after before mentioned changes I tried to do a gewgle map search and once again found it VERY slow. It's been like this for weeks or even months. Adding up all the new gewgle 'dis'advantages I am switching to Dogpile, Webcrawler, AltaVista (that started it all!), Picsearch, Bing, ANYTHING BUT GEWGLE; I rather have 5 screens or tabs open instead of just one incredibly annoying gewgle screen!

  70. I can't stand this new google images. I need to see size, title, dates of works. Quickly! The old format was perfect. I can't find anything now.
    So i did this and it works
    if you want to display it in the old style, just add: like above it really works


  71. I absolutely can't stand the new layout! The old one was just perfect. I hate how you have to scroll to the bottom of an ever-expanding page (no easy task) to switch back to basic mode EVERY SINGLE TIME. Can't you store preferences in a cookie? or at least put the Basic link at the top of the page instead of the bottom?

  72. I dont like the new one...bring back the old UI

  73. FANTASTIC !!

    Old way was cumbersome and outdated. This new way is alot more straightforward and much easier to locate a pic related to your search which is the entire point.

  74. I still use dial up..it is never going to load 23 pages, i liked the old style where you could choose an individual page....get rid of the new version...it's a dog !

  75. @ Alana; the tip is cool but it means you have to manually add (type!) the extension in the adress bar and hit enter (or whatever u prefer). I much rather have gewgle change things back to the way they were, I just about had enough of their arrogance, thinking people will use their tools no matter what crappy changes they make. Gewgle used to be Micro$oft's opposite, now they almost act the same, maybe M$ has taken over secretly?? LOL!

  76. My god !!! This new search image sucks. Why they're copying bing???? Gooble at least make it configurable.

  77. Hmmm Google infinite Scroll, mass amounts of data downloaded, at the same time cell carriers, including Googles Droid systems and all smart phones are dumping their unlimited data plans in favor of pay for what you download. Sounds like dollars to be made for someone.

  78. You're making a mistake. Google doesn't download hundreds of images when you perform a search. Google only downloads the images from the first 2 pages (30-60 thumbnails). When you scroll down, Google downloads the following results.

  79. the new google images version is useless to me. it takes so very long to download and i just don't have the time for it. please provide a link to the old version at the top of the page. i have to wait 10 minutes before i can get to the "switch to basic version" at bottom of page.

  80. Press the "End" key to go to the bottom of the page.

  81. The new images version is a disaster for me. It takes forever to get to the bottom of the page so I can switch to the basic version. Please move the "switch to basic version" at the top of the page.

  82. Well I use to have a positive experience, not anymore.

    Normally I'm not one to leave feedback but after reviewing the latest Google image search update, I had to.

    One word. Awful. I have cable at 1000TB a second and it takes forever to download what previously took seconds. Google should give users the option to revert to the old. It was clear, fast and to the point.

    Why do we continuously blur the lines between technology advancements and practicality? Is being "cool" worth the frustration? Or would you not think making software advancements should be in par with what internet speeds are currently on offer?

    This latest update would be enough for me to look elsewhere as there's no chance I'm going to be waiting on technology, when all I want is to be in and out in seconds.


  83. Looks like gewgle has switched back to the basic version, at least I get the familiar image overview when searching, and images no longer open in some popup window, I don't even have to click any 'switch to basic' button ;o) Now gewgle needs to fix some of the other issues too; get rid of the annoying left hand pane options in search results and speed up loading/scrolling/zooming etc. of maps!! Then we can all start feeling happy again eheh ...

  84. Yeah AT LEAST put the 'switch to basic' link at the TOP of the results page you! Or better yet make the switch permanent so I don't have to click it every time.

    God, it's awful. So awful.

  85. It's cool. I'm using Opera 10.60 and i see the fast old interface....
    and i don't see this messy interface.

  86. It's terrible, I miss being able to see the info below the images and I keep ending up on disreputable sites I don't want to visit... over to Bing then.

  87. The new Google image search sucks donkey balls. All of what made Google image search good, is now gone. I don't want a slow image result. I don't want to hover over images to get information that was once given by default.. I don't want umpteen pages of image results.. I was quite happy to flick through the page results myself..

    Anyway, I hear that yahoo's image traffic is at times now greater than Google's.. well done Google, well done on being big, and powerful, but yet proving that neither of these mean you can't or will not make terrible strategic moves. This one is up there, up there with Gerald Ratner and the Sinclair C5...

  88. Quintura image search is ok...

  89. awful and extremely annoying that it blows up in your face. Also please disable suggestions since your associative thinking gets fracked by it completely: very unwanted in creative thinking processes.

    Classic is best, don't keep up the bad work!

  90. The new image search is awful.
    Maybe somebody will like this crap. For the rest of us PLEASE provide a sticky option to revert to the old behavior.

  91. New layout is great BUT 23 pages of images??? One page at a time is enough, thank you. Let the user decide if they want to explore further images...I found upto page 4 had loaded, but there were also images on pages 16 etc when I scrolled down to see if I could set number of pages to display at a time. Too costly in terms of bandwidth....old version is far better in that respect.

  92. I am in agreement with those who find the new images search format cumbersome and non-intuitive. I can see Google may want change, but in this case the thinking hasn't been thorough enough.

    When I search for an image, or for a text page for that matter, I usually come across what I am looking for within the first two pages or so in the old system. I can also jump to much later pages if I'm just researching by random. The new system offers me far too many images at the cost of my download quota. Here in Australia we still have slow download and high prices for download.

    I find the image enlargement redundant. I either want to skip past it, because I can see it isn't what I want, or go to the web page and don't need an enlargement. I also find it frustrating that if I am resting my mouse, while I look at the images offered in overview, I can trigger an unwanted image into the main view and have to act to make it slide back into place.

    When I go to the web-page I prefer the page below and Google's info above. I don't have to close the top frame to see the page and I don't have to close an enlarged picture forced upon me before I can continue to view the page. This feature definitely needs rethinking.

    It's my view not offering a permanent return to the old style for those who prefer it, even if I was a new style fan, contemptuous of the users, us. Every good software, or innovation, should provide a good removal tool, or in this case, a permanent reversion tool.

    What I would like to know is if Google will pay any attention to all these negative comments and come up with both a restoration option, and a new hybrid style that makes everyone happy. Feedback has always seemed a hit and miss affair in the past.

    I would like to stay with Google as my search engine, but I will now look at the others in case there is no progress on this matter.

    PS for those making negative remarks about those of a different opinion, get over it; that's what makes for a vibrant Internet, difference.

  93. Thumbnails are downloaded as you view them. Google doesn't preload hundreds of images when you search for something, so you shouldn't worry about your Internet quota.


  95. Google has always been about functionality and productivity. I like Google for that. I don't need this messy interface (*even though you said it as an innovation). I just want to search and find good relevant results.

  96. At first glance it seems to be better and more user friendly if you have high speed internet access...

    It was too friendly for me. I completely neglected to check the file sources, which caused me to accidentally download a virus. Luckily I was quick enough to realize what was happening and saved my computer, but I know that hundreds of users will go through the same thing. It allows you to forget that you aren't safe, even when you are looking at images of baby animals.

    ay caramba google.

    Oh and facebook seems to be following the trend as well?!

  97. Choice would be good. There should be an option to turn the horrible thing off permanently and use the old pagination search method.

  98. I HATE GOOGLE IMAGES !!! the old one was soo much better! Google's doing some dodgy mistakes this year , I hope they actually listen to us!

  99. this is absolutely awful. please let us use the old google image search.

  100. i dont like the new style of google in searching images! I still want the old one...please bring it back! this new one is so annoying..

  101. I hate this new image search with the intensity of a thousand suns. It is made for soccer-mom-types who have no requirements for an image beyond a quick visual reference and disrupts my workflow like you couldn't imagine. I would even prefer to have the old layout but be forced to have it stuck on displaying 1000 results at a time than have this new layout show me 20 results. The old image search would STILL probably be faster displaying that many. Who doesn't own a scroll mouse nowadays anyway? I have a pretty fast PC but using the new image search makes me feel like I'm using a 386 with a 14.4 modem again. I haven't used anything except google.com as my default home page for almost 10 years, but this horrible abomination is making me look elsewhere. Bad move, Google. Change it back or AT LEAST give us more discriminating users an opportunity to set it as a cookie

  102. you're out of your damn mind ... " Less Clutter " i cant even see what is on the page because a damn picture popup is always stuck to my pointer, i try to wheel scroll down the page and i cant see anything under the big popups , how is that less clutter ............ it's completely un unusable

  103. This new layout is horrible. It takes forever to scroll through the pictures. It skips and thinks about every movement because it's constantly trying to load new pics, rather than separating them to different pages. Takes forever to search images...I don't understand this change. Did anyone test it first?

  104. It mas much simpler before and it did the trick, why fix it if it wasn't broken? I hate to scroll down to look for the pictures, at times it freezes my Firefox. And wassup with clicking on the picture just to have to load the entire website it comes from? I wish It just loaded the picture im interested in!

  105. I hate it! And to anonymous - I will not drink the koolaide!

  106. I have changed to Yahoo when searching for images. Why fix something thats not broken.

  107. Who paid you to write this ad for Google? Jesus, the new image search sucks so bad that I've had to switch serch providers. Forcing the 'new and improved' waste of time, money and bandwidth on us without the option to keep the old, USEFUL search is a slap in the balls.

  108. Google's image search= 'new and improved' waste of time. That's the best way to describe it.

  109. Old interface was way better. No image sizes or info unless you hover sucks! Even if you switch to basic mode it still opens the image over the full website in the background. The problem I have with this is that it opens your machine up to viruses and popups...and no, not just searching for porn! Hahaha It also opens the images up for re-linking to more un-secure sites.......SUCKS SUCKS SUX SUX SUX!!!

  110. How does one disable infinite scrolling?

  111. I lost infinite scrolling less than one week ago. How do I get it back? I use Safari.

  112. I have tried a few of these ripper sites to gather images off of google more easily. the one i use most is http://www.googleimageripper.com/ i simply am trying to access images though Google in mass without having to click through the thumbnails..

  113. You think you hate the new image search with infinite scrolling?? Try using Google image search on your phone! It's almost impossible to switch to the basic view bc the page keeps sending you back to the top. What a pain!

  114. It's NOT "infinite" it usually quits at page 55, 60, 70 etc. even though you've already had to click the annoying "Show More Results" (shouldn't have to click this - how many PhDs at google does it take to understand USABILITY) and even though the initial search result says 5,432,886 etc "results" it still quits at page 70, 75 etc. What an asinine "implementation" there is too much money at google.

  115. I have a problem:
    On my laptop, I used to be able to see the google search images enlarged if I passed the cursor over them, just like in my netbook.
    However, about a week ago, whenever I did this on my laptop, I have to click on the google search images to see them enlarged (it appears just below the line of the photo you are actually clicking on).
    The thing is that on my laptop nothing has changed regarding this - just pass the cursor and the images enlarges automatically - (which I like and prefer) - and I also use google search.
    Can anyone please explain the mystery to me? Is there a way to set the configuration of google search images to see it one way or another?

    1. Google Image Search has a new interface and you can't go back to the previous one.


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