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August 4, 2010

Drag Gmail Attachments to Your Desktop

Gmail looks more and more like a desktop mail client: you can read messages from multiple accounts, attach files using drag and drop and now you can download attachments by dragging and dropping them to the desktop.

If you use Google Chrome 5+ and you want to save a Gmail attachment to the desktop or to a folder that's already opened in your favorite file manager, click on the icon displayed next to the attachment or on the "Download" link and drag it to the desktop, Windows Explorer or other file manager. You can also drag the "Download all attachments" link to save all your attachments to a ZIP file.

"Simply click and hold, then drag your cursor to anywhere in your file system that you want to save the file. Release the mouse button, and voilà! Your attachment is saved (for large files, you may see a progress dialog)," mentions Gmail's blog.

This feature is only available in Google Chrome, but it will work in other browsers when they implement the required HTML5 File APIs.


  1. I'm still waiting for the day when I can attach a Google Doc to a GMail without having to pass through GDoc's Share interface. When I click Attach a file I want to be able to select from my GDocs - or have a link Attach from GDocs as well.

  2. Have you checked the Google Docs gadget from Gmail Labs? You can drag & drop links to Google Docs files, but you have to make sure that other people can actually use those links. Unfortunately, you can't change permissions from the gadget.

  3. Similar to what Schultzter described, I would like to save a file to Docs. I know you can open some of them as Google Doc, etc. and then save it. But, I would like to save any file type directly to Docs and/or save images to Picasa (web) instead of downloading them first.

  4. I find the "download_url" property, is it supported by Chrome or something others?

  5. its these little features thatr make everyday life easier that has google at the forefront of web app services..

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