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July 23, 2010

Screen Capture Extension for Google Chrome

Google repackaged some of the code from the Feedback extension as a screen capturing Chrome extension. Google's tool lets you save the content of a tab as a PNG image, annotate the screenshot and highlight interesting parts of the image. The extension is able to capture the visible content of a tab, a region or the whole page, but it needs to scroll the page to capture the content that's not visible.

Google's extension has a better interface than Webpage Screenshot, but it has less annotation options than Awesome Screenshot. Another advantage of Google's extension is that it scrolls the page horizontally if it's necessary.

{ Thanks, Arpit. }


  1. That's great! Now I can use the official one by Google.

  2. wel i was using some other tools too but now google has made an extension i will prefer it now.

  3. i cant capture the transformice site...why?:(

  4. Yea I like this addon for screen capture. Thanks!


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