Google has a special card that's both a color picker and a color converter. For example, you can search for HEX color codes like
#123456 and Google shows the color and converts it to other formats: RGB, HSV, HSL, CMYK. Google's card also shows up when you search for RGB values like
rgb(255,0,255). The most interesting feature of the card lets you pick a color interactively.
Other queries that trigger Google's card:
color picker.
This is not a new feature, but it's worth pointing out that Chrome has its own color picker and converter in the developer tools. Click a color in the styles tab to open the color picker and shift-click a color to convert it to a different format.
{ via
Android Police }
Color picker link points to color converter search which doesnt trigger the card.
ReplyDeletethis seems to be impressive one ... but how to find similar codes for colors
ReplyDeleteproperty developers bangalore
This seems magnificent. I have already used AshBox color code converter tool and both are comparatively great in use.
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