"Welcome to Google Photos, the new home for all your private photos. The photos you've shared on Google+ are still available in the photos tab of your Google+ profile."

The message links to https://plus.google.com/me/photos, which is the photos tab from your Google Profile. Until now, Google Photos linked to Google+ Photos, bypassing the redirect.
You can still go to Google+ Photos using this link: https://plus.google.com/photos/highlights, but I don't know for how long. Most likely, Google+ Photos will disappear soon.
I'm going to miss those more sophisticated photo editing options on G+
ReplyDeleteThe link mentioned (https://plus.google.com/photos/highlights) redirects me to Google Photos.
Deletetry that one
So how do we hide locations now with Google Photos? That function was under Google+ Photos and has been stripped away. It is a big step backwards for privacy.
ReplyDeleteThere's a setting here: https://photos.google.com/settings
DeleteIt's called "Remove geo location in items shared by link". It only affects items shared by link, but it's still something until Google adds the missing feature.
I love auto-awesome (or whatever lame name they call it now) but Photos needs a better organiser (like Flickr) and photo URLs need to end with .PNG or .JPG so they are recognized as images.
ReplyDeleteWhatever is going on is a pain in the butt. Users are not able to upload from Lightroom anymore
ReplyDeleteI really don't care how Google decides to brand their photo product... I just wish they'd choose something and stick to it. I do think it makes sense to have it standalone; and photos.google.com is about as easy as it gets. Since now there is a requirement for picasaweb to stick around, maybe they can finally update the desktop product and merge it into the Google Photos moniker and be done with it.
ReplyDeleteI just found one back-door path to the G+ photo editor: if reviewing photos in Picasaweb, the 'Edit in Google+' link still leads to the G+ photo editor rather than the photos.google.com editor.