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December 16, 2011

Calling All the Crazy Ones

While watching this ad for Galaxy Nexus...

"Calling all pretty faces, all visionaries, all the pass-it-alongers, all meeters and greeters, all wandering navigators, and mad scientists. All high-defers, all late-night poets and daylight dreamers. The possibilities are calling."

... I realized that there's a famous ad which uses a similar enumeration. It's Apple's "Crazy Ones" commercial from 1997. Here's the unaired version narrated by Steve Jobs (you can also watch the version that aired on TV):

"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."


  1. One pitches to every day folks, while the other to the very few that could become celebrities. Google's is a lot less pretentious, although insipred from Apple's

  2. They're copying even Apple's commercials...

  3. It's certainly not a copy, but I assume it was inspired by the Apple ad.

  4. I don't feel like this is a copy. Listening to the Apple commercial gives me chills. The Samsung Galaxy Nexus advertisement was well done, I'd like to have the product, but doesn't build the brand as much as the Apple ad did.

    Also, Samsung showed the product they are trying to sell. There are no Apple products in the Apple advertisement, just the logo at the very end. I'm not sure which is more effective though; the Samsung ad might sell this product better, but the Apple one makes the entire brand into a lifestyle.

    Lastly, Samsung is calling user groups. People who plan to do certain things with their phone: share media, compose in the late night, watch high-definition movies, etc. Apple makes you want to be a crazy one or a rebel, and via this ad they brand themselves to be who you want to be.

    So it's not a copy, merely something which sounds similar - or that's how I see it at least.

  5. Just noticed the girl eating an Ice Cream Sandwich at the 0:45 mark of the Nexus ad. Nice touch.

  6. The Apple ad compares choosing an Apple computer to the accomplishments of Gahndi, Dylan, King, and other world changers. Really? Selecting a computer manufacturer is insignificant and nothing like the choices made by the great people they show. Pretentious, indeed. As Luc points out above, Samsung shows people like you and I doing interesting things with their device. The two ads only share a surface similarity but are vastly different in intent.

  7. Just to let you guys know: pedobear @ 0:31.

    In all seriousness, seriously Google? "Pass-it-alongers"? "High-defers?" Does anybody actually say this? The music, the mood, and the scenes are great, but those words make me cringe everytime. :<

  8. "I assume it was inspired by the Apple ad" - i wonder how many copyright/trademark lawyers vetted this sentence :)

  9. it had a strong message in the ads.. we can be what we want ... just believe ........

  10. It could be inspired from the Apple ad. But lets not take away the credit that they deserve for making this one. It's a good video and it has a great message. Good job on this one. :)


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