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March 25, 2007

Is JotSpot Google's Glue?

Many people wondered why Google bought JotSpot, a wiki company. After all, JotSpot let you create and share documents, spreadsheets, calendars, photos, videos and more. Google already has different services for most of these types of files, but they aren't integrated (or the integration is very limited).

Guillaume Belfiore suggests that JotSpot could integrate all the communication services created by Google into a single interface - let's call it GDrive. "In the end, many existing Google services would be accessible in one place. To me it is pretty obvious that, should GDrive become true one day, it will make an extensive use of the JotSpot technology," says Guillaume.

To get an idea, visit this gallery from JotSpot that shows applications for their free-form wiki model ("everything is a wiki"):

* spreadsheets (think Google Spreadsheets)
* blogs (Blogger)
* forums (Google Groups)
* mail (Gmail)
* calendar (Google Calendar)
* photo gallery (Picasa Web Albums)
* and more (project manager, to-do lists, file cabinet, knowledge base)

Here's what Scott Johnston from JotSpot says about this:

"At Google we will continue to realize our vision of collaborative applications built on an integrated development platform."


  1. I am very anxious to see the coming of new service of wiki-style from Google.

    I have been waiting for so long a time...

  2. IS anyone else getting 404 forbidden errors for google blogoscoped? Im in australia maybe it is some type of localised problem.

  3. I'd really like to see Google integrate their services more.

    Have Google Maps integrate with Gmail so you can see your contacts' addresses on Google Maps. Maybe integrate YouTube with Google's accounts so I can cut down on the number of sites to sign up for.

    They have done a lot of other good things to integrate their services though, like allow you to open files with Google Docs & Spreadsheets.

    I can't wait to see what Google will do with this.

  4. I've been waiting for my invite ;) for ages! I will do my usual and pay for whatever Google want $$$$ for.

    Please guys could I have an invite?


  5. I just hope they don't rename it G-Spot …


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