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November 30, 2010

Web Store, the Most Important New Feature in Chrome 8

Even if Google didn't mention it in the release notes, Chrome 7 has support for installing web apps, but Chrome Web Store is not yet released. The store will be the most important new feature in Chrome 8, which will be launched very soon.

"Chrome 8 is the first version that supports the Chrome Web Store," mentions a Google Chrome engineer. There's already a new icon for the store in Chromium and this should be the final icon.

Google Chrome 7 was launched on October 21, almost 6 weeks ago, so Chrome 8 and Chrome Web Store should be available this week.


  1. i want chrome 8 NOW, I SAID RIGHT NOW!!! and the print most be fixed of Google Docs, I can't do any EXTREMELY secret work if I can't print it. So I use Office, so Google fix that. Prnt's don't come up as made.

  2. But I am using Chrome 9 right now?

  3. Yeah, I also installed canary 9.0.597.0 a bit ago and the web store icon is there now, as well. Too bad my canary build is crashing on me every five seconds. I even uninstalled/reinstalled at least twice and restarted once. I wonder if canary's really excited for the web store, too . . .

  4. That's great news. When can we expect stable version of Chrome OS then....?

  5. @Sankar:

    Most likely, the first stable version of Chrome OS will be based on Chrome 8, but there are still many important features to be added.

    Right now, Chrome for Chrome OS is in beta.

  6. Cool info! Even I don't see it on Chrome 9 dev.

  7. Hedaru: me neither. I use also ch9 dev, and no signs of any chrome store, or even the icon...


  8. You're not using the final Chrome 9. It's just a work in progress that will eventually be released as Chrome 9.

  9. thx
    so the store will start with the FINAL ch8?

  10. Alright. I see.
    Anyway, it's just an icon for now [and me].

  11. I need more information about the app store please.

  12. Is there a way to install this icons on Google Chrome´s new tab page today? I´m using the latest dev channel.


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