I've always been a fan of bookmarklets, small pieces of JavaScript code saved as bookmarks in your browser. Often they provide features only available if you install a plug-in and they're pretty easy to backup.
Here's a small list of bookmarks related to Google's services. Most of them provide features from Google Toolbar. To save them, make sure bookmark toolbar is visible (go to View > Toolbar and check Bookmarks Toolbar, Links or Personal Bar, depending on your browser) and drag the link to the toolbar.
1. Subscribe to a feed using Google Reader: Subscribe. This is especially useful for browsers like Internet Explorer that don't have a proper way of handling feeds.
2. Translate a web page into English: Translate. This also works for text selections, but you have to choose the destination language. Other translation bookmarklets are available here.
3. Bookmark a page: Bookmark. If you don't want to install Google Toolbar, this a very good way to bookmark the current page at Google Bookmarks.
4. Add an event to Google Calendar: Add event. You can select some text from a web page or enter the description of an event after you click on the bookmarklet.
5. Map this. Select an address from a web page and instantly get the map.
6. Google Cache bookmarklet lets you view the cached version of the current page. This may be useful if a page doesn't load because of a server error.
7. Definitions lets you select a word or an expression from a web page and get the definition from Google.
8. Blog links shows all the blogs that link to the current page. Web links is the same bookmarklet adapted for links from the entire web.
9. Send text by SMS - this only works in the US and you must know the name of the mobile carrier.
10. Highlight the words from your Google query in the search results: Highlight. This extremely cool bookmarklet created by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux checks the referral, parse the query from the URL and highlights the words so you can easily find the relevant sections of the web page.
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45 minutes ago
Most of the links to bookmarklets in this post don't work :(
ReplyDeleteYou are using IE
DeleteThose that are working now:
DeleteDefine, translate, Map this, bookmark, Google cache and add event.
That's all.
Really? Which ones don't work and what browser do you use? I tested all of them in Firefox and some of them in IE and Opera. Please note that you shouldn't click on the links, bookmark them or drag them to the links toolbar.
ReplyDeleteFor example "download google video" leads to "can not find page" from blogger.com:
I tried also to d&d this link to my toolbar (on FF2 browser), but it's still the same.
That is a good list of handy bookmarklets. /full I find the fullscreen bookmarklet also useful. Just click on it to make videos full screen. It works on most of the video sites.
One bookmarklet I wish I had was to mark the current page as starred or shared in google reader. If I find a random page out there that I want to share or come back to (my greader starred items) I have to subscribe to its rss feed (if it even has one), go into greader, star/share the link and unsubscribe the feed.
ReplyDeleteI wish Google would step up their bookmarks features and integrate it with google reader.
ReplyDeleteThat's what Google Notebook is for. Google Reader is really just for feeds.
Thanks for the highlight bookmarklet. It is now on my bookmarks toolbar folder. That saves me typing CTRL-F and retyping the search string again.
ReplyDeleteThe Web Links bookmarklet is a bit broken. It generates Google searches of the form "link:link:URL".
ReplyDeleteWell that might be nice for an IE user, but actually the functionality most of the bookmarklets, at least the ones which require you to select text, can be replaced by one single Firefox extension : "Context Search", and the appropriate search engines in the FF searchbar!
ReplyDeleteI also experienced the issue of the bookmarklets not working - in Firefox, via the RSS feed in Google Reader, they all have a url of "javascript:void(0);"
The links on the blog page itself are fine, however.
Send Free Sms Text Messages to Canada without specifying the provider.
Those were pretty awesome. Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteBut does anyone know how to create a custom google bookmarklet? Is there any webservice available for that? Or do I have to become an expert on javascript to do so?
Nice, thank you!
ReplyDeleteI would suggest small change in the "Map this" bookmarklet. Funstion encodeURI() seems to be more appropriate replacement of the escape() used in there. The encodeURI() enables using non-latin characters in the query.
Thanks again for the nice tools!
Happy happy! Every one of these Bookmarklets work for me in SeaMonkey. Without clicking on the links in this article, I simply dragged each link "as is"up to the personal bookmarks toolbar. DONE!
ReplyDeleteI'm curious to see if these bookmarklets work as well in other browsers where (sadly) there isn't yet support for the Google Toolbar (i.e. Opera---and maybe even Safari for WinXP, who knows, huh?;-)
Thanks for making this so easy!
Happy happy! Every one of these Bookmarklets worked for me in Mozilla's SeaMonkey. Without clicking on the links in this article, I simply dragged each link "as is" up to the personal bookmarks toolbar. DONE!
ReplyDeleteI'm curious to see if these bookmarklets work as well in other browsers where (sadly) there isn't yet support for the Google Toolbar (i.e. Opera---and maybe even Safari for WinXP, who knows, huh?;-)
Didn't know there were other G-Bookmarklets aside from Bookmarks---so Thanks for letting me know and for making this tooooo easy!
Have a Cool Yule;-)
I updated the mapping bookmarklet to open a new window like the Gmail This! I prefer the new page to not move me away from the one I started from:
ReplyDeletejavascript:popw='';nw=window;d=%22%22+(window.getSelection?window.getSelection(): document.getSelection?document.getSelection(): document.selection.createRange().text);d=d.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g,%22 ,%22);if(!d) d=prompt(%22Enter the address:%22, %22%22);if(d!=null) popw=nw.open('http://maps.google.com?q='+escape(d).replace(/ /g,%22+%22), 'test','scrollbars=yes,width=680,height=510,resizable=yes'); if (!document.all) T = setTimeout('popw.focus()',50); void 0
Is there a way to get/modify Map This and Define to open in a new window/tab?
ReplyDeleteThanks these bookmarklets are very useful
ReplyDeleteQuite all bookmarklets work perfectly in Google Chrome. So,who says Chrome lacks extensions ?
ReplyDeletewhat about blogthis?
Mozilla has this Firefox extension
ReplyDeletesome nice time savers here
ReplyDeletenice set of shortcuts, thanks
ReplyDeleteAt least they do help me 2 get some more traffic. I think, all of them are IMPORTANT.
ReplyDeletegreat bookmarklets .. thanks a lot
ReplyDeleteBut does anyone know how to create a custom google bookmarklet? Is there any webservice available for that? Or do I have to become an expert on javascript to do so.
ReplyDeleteMost of the links to bookmarklets in this post don't work..
ReplyDeleteBookmarklets not enough for most cases. We are waiting for real extension support.
ReplyDeleteNice.. and don't really have a choice to use those since Chrome still DOESN'T HAVE A GOOGLE BAR! -_-
ReplyDeleteChrome has a bookmark bar (don't confuse it with Google Toolbar): press Ctrl+B to make it visible.
ReplyDeleteGreat bookmarklets and very usefull.. thanks a lot
ReplyDeleteThanks these bookmarklets are very useful but is there a way to get/modify Map This and Define to open in a new window/tab?
ReplyDeleteok but the bookmarklets dont have good pictures
ReplyDeleteThanks For Sharing Your thoght.It's Really Really Great bookmarklets and very usefull.. thanks a lot
ReplyDeleteAwww shucks!! #9 - Send text by SMS - DOES NOT WORK...it says:
ReplyDeleteWe're sorry, but Send to SMS has been retired. You can continue to share web pages via email or blog using Send to Gmail or Send to Blogger.
very usefull a link thanks admin
ReplyDeleteI really needs managing my bookmarks in a most efficient way.
ReplyDeleteThese are very useful to manage them.
I especially like the translate to English one. I would love to be able to get a reverse one and translate my English website into other languages and take advantage of international traffic more.
ReplyDeleteI want to share or come back to (my greader starred items) I have to subscribe to its rss feed (if it even has one), go into greader, star/share the link and unsubscribe the feed.
ReplyDeletei really like the translate english website.
ReplyDeleteI love these bookmarklets, but too bad they do not work in Safari 4.
ReplyDeletebookmarklets have been around for a while and there are plenty of them out there; check out this site:
The above site also has examples of bookmarklets that open in new windows, which if you have your Mozilla-based browser set right, can open up the window in a new tab. [I believe there is efforts to define new JavaScript/HTML methods to open a link in a new tab.]
I always get a popup warning when I use the "Bookmark on Google" Bookmarklet. I use IE8. Is there a way arround it?
ReplyDeleteSeriously, my solution would be to use Firefox or Google Chrome.
ReplyDeleteTo get around the popup warning, click on it and pick "temporarily allow ..." then restart the bookmarklet and it works.
ReplyDeleteYour "Bookmark" javascript code does not make the window tall enough to show the "Add Bookmark" button. You should update that code to something around 480.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Agreed the window is not big enough and it is not enough space for the text that is allowed.
ReplyDelete@Peter Casey:
ReplyDeleteThe bookmarklet code for Google Bookmarks is not mine. It's Google's code and you can find a similar bookmarklet if you visit Google Bookmarks. The bookmarklet sends you to a page that used to look properly, but something changed and now it sends you to standard bookmarking page.
I'm personally not a fan of those bookmarklets (
ReplyDeleteRe: Definitions BookMarkLet
ReplyDeleteGoogle has since launched (link)"G-Dictionary" (my own name), and currently it is more informative to GoTo "www.google.com/dictionary?langpair=en|en" and enter "bookmarklet" into the dictionary wordBox, than to go to the simple search and use the "define" operator (eg. enter "define:bookmarklet" in the search box) (which is in effect what the bookmark above does). I have therefore fixed the BookMarkLet for myself a while ago, and will B'EzHsh"Yis supply it here as soon as I'm done with my Drasha. But ,now onto what annoys me, the (link)GOOGLE Toolbar button for dictionary wasn't updated, and I wish I can give those guys a piece of my mind.
Furthermore, out on the internet there is quite a bit of critic on G-Dictionary, and the cause for this commotion is that G-Dictionary doesn't seem to follow what my 6'th grade teacher taught that "A definition cannot include the word it's defining." While in truth all they're doing wrong is trying to have original content, something they might find important in THEIR Ranking system yet annoying to the G-Dictionary user, the fact that they put this silly untitled section with there "Usage Explanation" (the best term I can come up with to title this babyTalk) upfront as the first section is terrible. The good news, and the answer to the critics, is that if you scroll down just a little you'll reach the "Web Definition" section (which is all you got with the old method, the BookMarkLet above and the (Shame on You) GOOGLE Toolbar.
Mr. Google Please Listen: When I come To google.com/dictionary I want a DICTIONARY, so please put the DEFINITIONS somewhere closer to the top.
If you want to understand what I'm talking about her are two links to the Google definition of the word 'Dictionary' (link)THE OLD and now (link)THE NEW
Come back right here to check soon. I get nothing out of this (I promise) I just don't have it handy I'm not at my machine, and will put it up I"YH over here ASAP. SORRY (:<=
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Be well, C U soon. (unless U find out that google updated the toolbar button)
I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to say. Google Dictionary shows the definitions at the top of the page, but they're definitions from the Collins dictionary. The definitions extracted from web pages are displayed at the bottom of the page.
ReplyDeleteHere are 2 different versions available on the web that use the 'G-Dictionary'
ReplyDelete#1>>> href="javascript:location.href='http://www.google.com/dictionary?langpair=en|en&q='+encodeURIComponent(document.getSelection())" &nbrs;&nbrs;&nbrs;<end
from: this page it's great. Select (aka.highlight any word and click that word gets looked up, no selection=no problem, it takes you to G-Dictionary webPage.
#2>>> javascript:void(q=prompt('G-Dictionary\n Enter word to lookup',''));if(q)void(location.href='http://www.google.com/dictionary?langpair=en|en&q='+escape(q)) &nbrs;&nbrs;&nbrs;<end
This one prompts you for the word you want to define before taking you to that definition.
The code I was planning to post gave the prompt, but if there was highlighted text on the page, that would be the default for the prompt (meaning the prompt would come up with the selection in the input field ready to either accept it by hitting 'Enter' or type another word).
To You Dear Author(Alex Chitu);
I really haven't realized those were actually definitions from a dictionary, and if so, stand corrected on my theory why Google was putting them there, but I still very strongly support my 6'th grade teacher, that a definition cannot use the word it defines. It needs no explanation.
The definitions are from Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary, which is a reputable dictionary. I like this dictionary because the definitions are simple and there are a lot of examples.
ReplyDeleteHere it is:>>>>>
ReplyDeletejavascript:void(q=prompt('G-Dictionary.com%20Search\n Enter word to lookup and hit Enter:',getSelection()));if(q) void(location.href='http://google.com/dictionary?langpair=en|en&q=' + escape(q))
>> and the <end, and create a bookmark using that copied text as the URL or Address for the Bookmark.
Good Luck And Enjoy
I use these bookmarklets every day - some of them really help getting things done much easier
ReplyDeleteThese bookmarklets could be a very useful tool for many people. Unfortunately, most of Internet users don't know about this one and many helpful bookmarking features are used by internet marketers only.
ReplyDeleteI'm personally a fan of those bookmarklets and use them often.
I apreciate not only the article but the comments as well! :O)
ReplyDeleteThese bookmarklets are so useful and I use them quite often. Good job. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThanks mate for the sms link. It's a pity that sms is available for USA citizens only. I with they have a similar service worldwide.
ReplyDeleteI work quite a bit with these Google Bookmarks and - say - quite a few are handy and helpful.
ReplyDeleteHi Alex,
ReplyDeleteSorry it seems am a bit late to this wonderful Google Bookmarklets treat. I actually use some of those stuff you mentioned and useful for my male enhancement site.
I will the others you instructed. For a start I don't really the Google Toobar because it's too heavy and clumsy
What fascinate is the TRANSLATE bookmarklet. But do you think it can translate to perfection? Am afraid of translating my site to french to receive complaints of bad spellings and poor grammar.
Translate can rarely be perfect.. Its always good though..
ReplyDeleteI have updated the translate bookmarklet for the changes.. it will auto-detect the language and translate to English..
Thanks for update of Translate..
ReplyDeleteI love how these bookmarklets save so much time. Not much when you think about it individually but it all adds up! Thanks a lot!
ReplyDeleteGoogle bookmarklets didn't work well in my firefox, for some unknown reason my browser keep restarting everytime I use it...
ReplyDeleteHow do I use bookmarklet on opera?
ReplyDeleteGood reading, however, do you plan to update this post (or make a new one) based on Google's instant search?
ReplyDeletecan i use these in opera too?
ReplyDeleteI'm still confuse with google translate tool that has occasionally unread human reader but still useful in translating language for me.
ReplyDeleteI like 'Send text by SMS ' but I am not from USA
ReplyDeleteHow about one for sharing on Google+?
ReplyDeleteHow about one for sharing a page/image/video/url on google+ - please
ReplyDeleteGoogle bookmarklets don't work in my Firefox..
ReplyDeleteThe Google reader bookmarklet worked on my MAC, using safari. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteTry here for Google Plus +1 & Share to Stream bookmarklets :)
drag and drop worked great for firefox, but unable to drag and drop link to bookmarks with worthless internet explorer 9.0
ReplyDeleteI hope this helps someone...
ReplyDeleteI use multiple accounts for google. Let's call them Anon and Anon2. i need to sign in to google first using 'anon2', for the Google Play Store. But I save my bookmarks in the 'anon' account. This means that the 'Add Bookmark' bookmarklet will always try to add the bookmark to the wrong account.
I fixed this by simply adding
to the bookmarklet. To demonstrate, here is the original:
Here is the one that goes to your second account:
I imagine that this trick would work for many of the google bookmarklets. If you use more than two accounts, I'm sure that you could use =2 =3 =4 etc as well.
Hope that helps!
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