* you can export to HTML any notebook, not just public notebooks
* notebooks that include addresses can be visualized on a map and converted into a personalized map
* public notebooks already had feeds, but it's much easier to subscribe to the feeds by clicking on "export as RSS" in the Tools menu (ironically, Google uses the Atom format). This should be useful to track the changes in collaborative notebooks.

Google Notebook integrates with a lot of Google services: you can find a "Note this" option next to Google's search results, there's an option to import some text from public domain books in Google Book Search, Google Bookmarks are added to a special notebook, you can export a notebook into Google Docs to create a document or to save it as PDF, the latest version of Google Toolbar for IE integrates with Notebook, there's an iGoogle gadget and a cool integration with Blogger thanks to the hAtom microformat. Google Notebook is actually a web clipboard, a bridge between web applications and I expect to see options to identify structured content, bookmark videos, events, contact details, code snippets and more.
{ Thanks, AniMatrix. }
Everything is getter better and better :)
ReplyDeleteHave a nice day (KoalaBear / AniMatrix)
The Export as HTML is really great, and also in a nice clean readable site style. Very nice !
ReplyDeleteI think this is a little revolution, as every (notebook-) user can that way publish his own content-mash-ups very easily to the web. It takes a while to think about all the possibilities...
ReplyDeleteI think the biggest thing missing from Notebook is the ability to share a label. I use Google Bookmarks (which are categorised under the notebook labels), and would often just like to share stuff with one or two clicks. I've moved on to various other services to do this, but if I could have it integrated with my other Google stuff would be great.
ReplyDeleteI miss in the Firefox-Extension "Note this" in the "Mouse-Right-Click-Menue" another submenue to show the last 5 or 6 notebooks you created, as per default it saves new content always in the last notebook you used, but different content should can go to different notebooks.
ReplyDeletei just HATE the notebook, why on earth did they add Drag and drop , it's so freaking confusing and PLAINLY USELESS.
ReplyDeleteYahoo notepad maybe Web 1.0 butis much better
I like the new look but it broke my TAB key!!! How do I get it back? This is really frustrating as every time I hit TAB while in google notebook, it 'tabs' out of the current note to select something else.
Google suddenly moved most of my Bookmarks yesterady to the Notebook. Rather disconcerting because I didn't recall being asked whether I wanted this to happen, it was just automatic.
ReplyDeleteDON'T LIKE THIS NOTEBOOK THINGIE. This is because the Notebook feature adds an extra couple of steps when using my Bookmarks, so it makes my browser experience slower and less fun, when working online is all about speed and efficiency. Notebook doesn't seem to truly organize my "stolen" Labels alphabetically so that increases the hassle factor when trying to find a Bookmark.
It seems I found a technological anomaly. Google bookmarks seems to be the only data storage on Earth, that does not save data alphabetically. There's no Mozilla extension or other add-ons that will produce this ability (I searched for it already). When I open my G-marks (or Google bookmarks in any venue; web-based, from iGoogle, Reader, Notebook, etc.), they display both the labels and the bookmarks alphabetically, but when you export the bookmarks, they export based on the date they was bookmarked. Since few humans would want such a function, it is thus, an anomaly. By logical default, virtually all data on Earth is logged and filed alpha-numerically, this is the only data pool that does not! Google chrome has not solved the anomaly either!
ReplyDeleteI even searched Google toolbar help, and got: "Your search - Export google bookmarks alphabetically - did not match any answers in our knowledgebase". The Google Corporation (evidently) has not yet resolved this major techno-anomaly! Do I get a prize for discovering (or uncovering) it? Since the entire web, the library of Congress, and literally all other data sorting entities I'm aware of, sort alphabetically, I think it odd that this sort function does not do this, nor does it offer an alternative to doing this! Humanity would prefer the default sorting to be alpha, with the "sort by date bookmark was saved" function to be an option, not a default! Logical?
Tutorial: When I go to: www.google.com/bookmarks and click "export" (lower right column), the file exports in HTML. This is a great cross-browser function, but again, it will save the folders alphabetically, however, the bookmarks within the folders are listed by the date they were saved. I tried to manipulate this in Google Notebooks (also a link at google.com/bookmarks), but again, no way to sort bookmarks alphabetically, within their folders. I open a particular folder (in notebooks) and all the bookmarks appear there, with a hundred different modification options, but the only one I want is not there. Besides, this should be a default function that humanity can utilize, not just ITT graduates! I am currently spending the day trying to figure out how to do something that is as simple as the rest of all sorting everywhere. In other words, this is logic; it should only be how it works, not something that takes an Amish Carpenter a week to figure out how to do!
This is wonderful information.i like notebook new look it is cool and very attractive.Google notebook function export to HTML any notebook, not just public notebooks is really great i like it.i wish Google come with some more function.
ReplyDeleteThe Export as HTML is really great, and also in a nice clean readable site style. Very nice !