Users from the PinStack forums report that the application lets you copy-paste text when composing messages, it saves more than one draft message and there's a new option to preload the archived messages.
Gmail's help center mentions that "the Gmail application will run in the background, periodically checking for new email. This uses data. If you do not want Gmail to run in the background, you must explicitly quit the program by going to Menu > Exit Gmail".
Hello guys,
ReplyDeleteI am trying to download the application from my blackberry, through the address you provided on the post, and It shows version 1.1.0 to download not 2.0.5.
Do you have the direct link to the app in order to install it from the PC?
Direct link:
(obtained by setting the user-agent to: BlackBerry8300/4.2.2Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/107UP.Link/ )
Thanks for the link Ionut but when trying to download It gives me a "download error" and in the error details "907 Invalida COD. File not found"...
ReplyDeleteNever mind, It worked.
Any ideas on how to access Google apps account through this new client?
ReplyDeletePerhaps someone can enlighten me as to why i would need this app on my blackberry if i have BIS set up to push my gmail to my 8310? I did have it when i first got my blackberry, but then discovered that i never used it.
ReplyDeleteLibran Lover:
ReplyDeleteAll you have to do to access your GAFYD account from this new client is typing your full email adress and your password in the fields, as you were accesing a standard gmail account.
I'm now eagerly waiting for the update for "plain" J2ME devices. :)
ReplyDeleteThe new mail client is great. It's faster and I am not constantly re-entering my password.
ReplyDeleteNow if we could get Blackberry's contacts to sync with Gmail's. Life would be grand.
And yes I need them, I call from my Blackberry contacts not from Gmail's.
The updated version is really powerful.
ReplyDeleteIt is more convenient to use.
But there's also a problem: the .txt attachments can't be opened,anyone know the reason?
So I must be a total newbie...
ReplyDeleteHow do I:
"(obtained by setting the user-agent to: BlackBerry8300/4.2.2Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/107UP.Link/"
I have a BB 8320 and typed the previous mentioned URL in my browser and get a page cannot be displayed error.
Help! Ive just started to Google "set user agent in blackberry" - but a quick and easy instruction would be great!! haha :)
ReplyDeleteI obtained that URL by spoofing the user-agent in Firefox and pretending to have a BlackBerry. Google serves different content depending on your device, so I could get the direct link for downloading the Java app.
You probably didn't enter that long URL correctly. Try this TinyURL version: http://tinyurl.com/gmailbb
I got the .ad file downloaded on my PC - but the Blackberry Desktop Manager can't install jad files...can it?
ReplyDeleteMore too Google - why cant I just download and install the damn thing from Google's website?
Whaaaa....I can whine some more!! haha
Thanks for your help!!
I've tried 3 times now and after the download starts I keep getting "903 Loss of Service, HTTP Error 400: Bad Request". Any suggestions?
ReplyDeleteI want to ask if this new version of Mobile Gmail will be availaible soon in another J2ME devices, like Nokia phones?
ReplyDeleteI recommend type the exact link even in CAPS or it will not works.
ReplyDeleteCould you explain me wich is the utility of gmail for my own app in my mobile?
Thank you!
There is one feature missing: the ability to send mail from different accounts. not just from the default one.
ReplyDeleteOption in previous version no longer avialable: preoload messages in background. Unfortunately so. However, I suspect this is because better integration with BB's client, for example you can set in Gmail whether you want the BB client to give message alerts or not. Anyone know more about this?
ReplyDeleteHey guys, are there any plans to release google calendary syncing software for Windows Mobile?
ReplyDeleteI always receive 907, Invalid COD as I try to download. Is there a way out?
ReplyDeleteI have not been able to download from Google site. It is not listed in Blackberry site. When I download the software I receive message 907 Invalid COD along with message 403-Forbidden.
ReplyDeleteUse Google Sync to sync calendars. Sadly I can find nothing similar for address books!
ReplyDeleteThe new version stinks - lost the prior version's ability to display in a larger font. If you have less than 20/0 eyesight the new version is all but unusuable
ReplyDeleteSomeone knows if the new client for blackberry uses the Blackberry APN to download the mail??
ReplyDeleteFor BB to Gmail Contacts sync, try this:
Hi Guys,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the help you are providing here.
I am a new BB user, and I've created a gmail email accunt on my BB to recv and send gmail msgs.. and I have a little issue with the following:
Every time I reply to an email or I send an email out from my BB or my Laptop I do recv the same msg back to my gmail, i tried the sittings and all options with no luck...!! Its strang coz my hotmail and other email address doesnt do this..
I'll appreciate if someone can enlighten me :)
Many thanks in advance.
They say this can be used on pretty much any java device i have a sanyo scp-6650 aka katana 2 with the 1.5 app already installed but i cant find a place to get the 2.0 app to install anywhere i downloaded the jar file and used rumkin to push it to my phone but i get a 907 error any suggestions?
ReplyDelete"Every time I reply to an email or I send an email out from my BB or my Laptop I do recv the same msg back to my gmail, i tried the sittings and all options with no luck...!! Its strang coz my hotmail and other email address doesnt do this.."
ReplyDeleteDJ I have the same problem, does anyone know how to fix this?
"Every time I reply to an email or I send an email out from my BB or my Laptop I do recv the same msg back to my gmail, i tried the sittings and all options with no luck...!! Its strang coz my hotmail and other email address doesnt do this.."
ReplyDeletei get the same problem, plus all new messages on that "thread" contain none of the previous messages' contents.. it's like the opposite of gmail.
note that i'm just having my gmail pushed to my phone, i haven't installed any apps for it..
Help me please im having the same issue with emails sent on my Gmail account. Its getting really annoying. Does anybody have any ideas?
ReplyDeleteIs there any way to change how often it checks for new mail? I went for at least an hour earlier today with new mail showing in my Gmail, but the Blackberry wasn't seeing it until I told it to check the Gmail inbox.
ReplyDeleteHi, I've used the link given by Ionut Alex Chitu to download and install the gmail onmy BB Curve. Virtually I've managed to do it right however it first complains that " you need a working data connection": I press OK adn then it jumps to the usrname/passwd menu and I fill in but once more it complains by showing " user name and password do not match. You provided ()". Does anybody have an idea what's the problem and how to fix it? (pls note I've my BB Curve connected to the mail enterprise server. Can this create a conflict pb?. Annoying pb because it did always worked on my former Nokia)
ReplyDeletethis is also my problem on blackbery 9000 bold.....cannot establish a connection so that my inbox would appear :-(
ReplyDeleteGmail 2.0.5 for Blackberry.
ReplyDeleteI have already made ALX/COD files for blackberry users:
can you pls upload your GoogleMail_2.0.5_for_BB.zip.html once more because rapidshare site is giving an error due to dowload limit reached. Thx
ReplyDeleteI am confused, please help.
ReplyDeleteI installed the application, it was on the Blackberry Pearl, no problems. I went to move the icon on the phone, and now its gone, no were to be found. not hiding, just not there. is anyone savy with Blackberry and is able to help me find this lost icon or create a new one,
If I send an email though my gmail moble app, does it go though my compnay's blackberry server?
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to download this to my 8820. But it reads on my phone.
This program requires a working data connection. Does this mean that I can not download it off of my wifi?
I can only access the Gmail App on my Blackberry Bold by clicking on "Switch Application". How do I set the icon on my desktop. Have searched everywhere but cannot get to the icon any other way.
Haha Would you believe it after searching high and low the Gmail App icon turned out to be sitting in DOWNLOADS! How stupid. Blackberry sucks... Treo ruled but Palm sure missed the boat by losing all us loyal treonauts by not upgrading fast enough. Could not wait anymore for a newer phone.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, not to ramble on off topic but I know a lot of other people have had this problem so here is the answer... The Gmail icon can be found under "Downloads."
I am having problems with my new emails not showing up under the gmail icon just under my messages icon on my blackberry curve. Any ideas on how to fix this?
ReplyDeleteCan Gmail for Mobile in Blackberry see pictures? Or is it text based? I cannot see pictures in Gmail for Mobile
ReplyDeleteAll users who want to download the gmail app for blackberry (Only Os6.0 +): http://angelbberry.wordpress.com/2011/12/26/aplicacion-gmail-para-blackberry-disponible-para-su-descarga-cortesia-de-angelbberry/
ReplyDeleteGracias Anonymous! Me salvaste!
DeleteThis is a wonderful app for blackberry.. But D app does not have an attachment module when u compose a new email.. Users shud ße able to attach and send documentsin D various formats