Here are some examples:
German to English: Stuttgart -> London, tischen -> Nazi, Sheraton -> Hilton, StepStone -> Monster, Kilo -> pounds
French to English: le président américain -> Bush, toussaint -> Halloween, Homme -> Female ("homme" means "man" in French, "le président américain" means "the American president")

Spanish to English: Madrid -> London, útil -> helpful Google Translation, amor -> truelove ("útil" means "useful" in Spanish, while "amor" means "love").
English to Russian: jew -> жид (Yid, used as a derogatory epithet by antisemites), altogether -> обнаженная модель ("nude model" in Russian).
English to French: boobs massage -> Ségolène Royal, boobs massage -> Kaamelott Saison, it sucks -> elle suce
English to Spanish: quiz trivia -> vínculo con Israel
Catalan to English: Jordi Pujol -> Abraham Lincoln
English to Latin: English -> Latin, New York -> Romae, New York -> Londini, Milan -> Lib
English to Dutch: please -> iPhone, feet -> meter
Hungarian to English: magyar -> English, Kossuth Lajos -> Abraham Lincoln
Icelandic to English: Sigur Rós -> Foo Fighters, Sigur Ros -> Anastacia
Latin to English: Libri -> Random, Libri -> Reviews, Arma Virumque Cano -> Chairman Meow
Russian to English: Вконтакте -> Facebook, Вконтакте -> Twitter, Вконтакте -> OpenID ("Вконтакте"/VK is a popular Russian social network), ОС -> Windows ("ОС" means operating system in Russian), Уважаемый Дмитрий -> Mr President ("Уважаемый Дмитрий" means "Dear Dmitry", while Dmitry Medvedev was Russia's President), Владимир Владимирович -> Mr Prime Minister ("Владимир Владимирович" means "Vladimir Vladimirovich", while Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was Russia's Prime Minister), скрыто -> email ("скрыто" means "private, secret"), Сплин -> Metallica (popular Russian rock band).
Serbian to English: Mitar Mirić -> Rihanna, Miric -> Jackson
Swedish to English: Runkar -> Heil Hitler, kronor -> dollars
Google's machine translation algorithms are often fooled by proper nouns used in similar contexts (Madrid in Spanish vs London in English, Sigur Rós in Icelandic vs Foo Fighters in English), by measurement units and currencies (feet in English vs meter in Dutch), but there are also non-obvious mistakes.
Google tests a new interface for tablets (new experiments)