Inspired by's themes and Bing's wallpapers, Google will allow users to add a background image to the Google homepage. "We're introducing a new feature that brings a whole new level of personalization to Google by letting you add a favorite photo or image to the background of the Google homepage. You can choose a photo from your computer, your own Picasa Web Album or a public gallery hosted by Picasa which includes a selection of beautiful photos," explains Marissa Mayer.

Google says that the new feature will be gradually released in the US and it will soon be available outside US. A lot of people use Google as their homepage and many would like to customize the homepage. I'm not sure it's a good idea to add visual clutter to the Google homepage and to make it load slower, but iGoogle, Bing and have a lot of happy users.
Tip: to see other customized Google homepages, check the #mygooglepage Twitter hashtag.
ReplyDelete"The homepage does not load any slower," said a Google spokesperson via e-mail. "With or without a background image, the Google search elements show as quickly as before, allowing users to search just as quickly as without the new feature. We make this possible by post-loading the photo -- we load the search elements first and then load the picture into your browser cache and show it as soon as it is available. Meanwhile you can already perform your search."
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly what Microsoft does when you load, but users will still wait until the image loads if they use a different computer, another browser or the "private browsing" mode of their favorite browser.
Now it just looks like Bing.
ReplyDeleteThere's something about the white screen and box that just makes it Google.
The pictures look nice. I would rather have more practical enhancements to search (such as the return of customizable search results and the recent interface jazz enhancments) than fluff.
ReplyDeleteWow, it's a desktop background. This is surprisingly striking to me - I suppose in Chrome OS Google's homepage really will really be the desktop. I never imagined Google letting us replace the simple white, allowing users to vandalise it with potential monstrosities. The examples look fantastic though, if more Bing-like every day...
ReplyDeleteHow do you actually change the background? I can't see the option anywhere and the article doesn't seem to mention it?
ReplyDeleteWill this option be available with the new SSL Beta Google homepage?
ReplyDeleteSorry, this feature sucks! The white background is what makes Google's homepage, Google. With this, the identity is gone :(
ReplyDeleteThat's nice, but who actually uses anymore? Isn't that what Chrome's Omnibox and the integrate search boxes in other modern browser do for us?
ReplyDeletebillions of people, that's who
amen to that
DeleteIt is great thing to do for me as I love all the things creative and beautiful. I love to use google very much and also like its all themes very much. I have collected google themes that changes occasionally.
ReplyDeletem3 zero
Google is dead to me
ReplyDeleteI thought I had a virus! Why on earth did Google add all that visual clutter --- and choose images for ME? DETEST IT! Google's white uncluttered simplicity made it easy to focus on INFORMATION ... not visual CONFUSION. How do I disable this it absurdity?
ReplyDeleteI can't find any way to disable it. I uploaded a plain white graphic and it still looks terrible - drop shadows on everything and white Google logo. Ugh, hope they fix this and make an opt-out soon.
ReplyDeleteNobody forces you to pick a background image. If you don't want a wallpaper, don't pick one. If you've selected an image and you want to go back to the classic white background, click on "Remove background image" at the bottom of the homepage.
ReplyDeletethey are just adding a new option for people who want to change it up. That is all! it's wrong to accuse people and call them names and you don't even know them
ReplyDeleteAlex - that wasn't working yesterday. If you clicked "remove" it replaced whatever you picked with the awful mesa/canyon one they defaulted to when they went live. On the default screen the link was "Change your background," which only allowed you to select or upload a new picture. No way to go back to the original homepage.
ReplyDeleteClearly they've fixed this now.
Cant see any background here.. already logged in, try on different browser, different connection...
ReplyDeleteThere is no 'add background' or something like that on my left bottom screen.
Did I miss something?
* the feature is only available for
ReplyDelete* it's released gradually, so it might not be available to everyone
<3 google :)
ReplyDeleteall u anti googlere _|_
Good Job:X:X
ReplyDeleteIt sucks.
ReplyDeleteDo not play with the hoim page!!
Do not change anything on the home page!!
Remove fade-in.
Remove background images.
We don't want interactive games on the home page either.
Those who want bells and whistles can go to iGoogle!!
- for the new wallpaper feature, how about semi-transparent logo, plus a little more translucent search box and button which go back to opaque as user types in a query.
ReplyDelete- for the classic homepage, please add switch to disable the fading; just display everything like the old homepage does
Disable Google Fade-in - Version: 1.0.4
ReplyDeleteDisable the animation from Google's homepage.
running on Chrome as I type.
Add background does not appear to work on
ReplyDeleteUgh...i don't like this. it's a stupid picture and i can't get it to change or go back to "normal" google.
ReplyDeletehow do i get rid of it?
ReplyDeleteGood question... I want to know the same thing... How do i get rid of it?!?!?!
ReplyDeletegoogle fail
ReplyDeletehow do we get rid of this crap??? Why is Google getting cute all of a sudden?
ReplyDeleteSo google fell into the "I know what is best for you" hell! Say hi to big brother bill gates. PLEASE ALLOW ME TO GO BACK TO CLASSIC GOOGLE
ReplyDeleteDo not like, at all. Change it back.
ReplyDeleteYou can't get rid of it. They are advertising the feature and forcing everyone to endure until they return the home page to normal. Google gets sadder by the day. Or maybe it's just making me sadder to see the company go off the rails.
ReplyDeleteA user on the minimalist google forum suggested google mobile as a replacement homepage. I suppose they will frick that up next week. For now, it works:
Very sad, I tried to remove the background but I can't even do that. Good idea changing homepage to the mobile version. :)
I don't like this either. I WANT AN OPTION FOR NO BACKGROUND!!!! I can think better when there is no visual distractions. I hope Google gives this option soon!!
ReplyDeleteFor now, "Google Secure" doesn't have the ugly, stupid, useless, annoying background image. Just use this link instead:
ReplyDeleteI couldn't remove the horrible new Google background image, and I'm a programmer. First, Google implements the useless and annoying "everything" sidebar, now this. What the heck is Google thinking? Why are they trashing their own product? It's like they've been given a makeover by some vindictive drag queen.
Please, Google-gods, stop forcing this flashy crap into my browser window! This nonsense should strictly be "opt-in," for those who want the wallpaper. Me, I love Google's sparse, blank screen. This is really irritating!
ReplyDeleteI am with everyone else.
ReplyDeletePlease let me have the original home page back.
You guys are killing me. Why can't we just have a functional search page without all the fluffy fluff?
I mean... really?
I don't care that they use this. Its their choice. But I don't agree with them dictating that we all have to suffer with these fugly images they pick. If I wanted a wallpaper, I'd just download one. Bring back the white background.
ReplyDeleteQuestion is, will they hear what the users have to say? Or are they going to continue on this path of self destruction? Has Google forgotten how they became what they are today?
ReplyDeletelove the ealier post, this google canada is not showing this background image yet, though i would guess it's lurking, as the 'set background image' button does appear.
thanks for the bandaid.
I'm with everybody else. I HATE IT!!! and the link Marissa remarks on to "remove background image" doesn't work. Give me back my plain white background and lovable special event doodles!!!!
ReplyDeleteI hope someone at Google is listening. I'm changing my default homepage until they fix this crap.
ReplyDeleteOnce again Google is showing signs of losing sight of the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) principle.
If I liked having a giant picture cluttering up my search page, I would have been using Bing or Yahoo. At the very least, implement an option to turn it off (preferably by default), all we have at the moment is a 'Change background' option.
What's annoying is how we have to have a Google account in order to turn the page white. In order to verify the account we have to get a text sent to our phones. I cannot afford random texts at the moment and I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I can't get a Google account so I can't turn this stuff off. It wouldn't be so bad if the background was less obtrusive...but they're horrid. Absolutely horrid. Bring back the clean white background. No more trying to be the copycat.
ReplyDeleteI dont want a picture of some distorted painted
ReplyDeletepigs, how do I remove it,
I have google set as my homepage, rarely use the Gmail, nor any other "hip" google shit. All I want is a homepage that is plain and fast, that's it.
ReplyDeleteI hope whoever thought this was a good idea dies a slow death by rectal worms, google looks like shit now.
Good tip on the https version.
Get it OFF!
ReplyDeleteIs there a Google classic wihtout this stupid nonsense?
Get rid of this stupid background now!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy should I have to log in to change it. The https version works now but who is to say they won't turn on this terribly awful background feature there as well. I think the background should only be displayed if you have a cookie set to which background you want and/or in iGoogle.
This new background Idea from Google is the most stupid thing they have ever done. No they are no better then Bing. At least then could have put a button to disable it. From a large company point of view They better come up with a way to disable it company wide or they will quickly become last even behind Bing.
ReplyDeleteJust removed Google as default Home page. Tomorrow as the IT Manager. I will be recommending that this be done company wide until Google fires the idiot that came up with the idea.
ReplyDeleteNow in britain too, still a stupid idea. try CUIL instead, black screen but at least not filling the screen with crap. I do not have wallpapers, do not want them, will not be forced to have them.
ReplyDeleteSimple is better guys! I'll use the mobile page. And If they screw that up too, I'll boycott google entirely.
ReplyDeleteI think I just figured it out. Google hired some marketing spy from Microsoft by mistake that came up with this stupid idea. Microsoft finally found a way to bring Google down to their level.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about this. It's just a promotion for the new feature that lets you add a wallpaper. Most likely, the background will only be displayed today.
ReplyDeleteIf you click on "Change background image", you'll be able to pick a wallpaper or even choose a white background (the last option in "Editor's picks").
Alex, One can only hope that they wake up by morning and write this off as a really bad idea. As well as one of the most piss-poor implementations of a bad idea ever.
ReplyDeletehow can we disable it?
ReplyDeleteHow do we change it back to the classic background? I actually enjoyed the simplicity more
ReplyDeleteJust give us the option of staying with the normal classic background. Enough with the pretty pictures. We get enough of that on our desktops. Argh!
ReplyDeleteOh Great! I just realized that is not even loading the same image each time. So much for it speeding up because the image is cached locally.
ReplyDeleteGuess it's time to sell my stock Google. I might be able to make some money on this. Sell now and buy it back in few days after it takes a nose dive.
The background images are stupid. Google is a tool not a doll to dress up and accessorize. All the "enhancements" lately only seem to accomplish one thing... making it harder to use it for actually searching! More bloat, more waiting, more wasted time and more annoyed!
ReplyDeleteAwful, simply awful :( Changing to the "editor's pick : white background" is the best I can do (there's no "remove background image" link) and that's terrible compared to the old Google page. And why the hell should I have to sign in to change it anyway?
ReplyDeleteGoogle: please reconsider this. It's irritating , intrusive and truly naff.
Google is promoting the "change background image" feature by showing a default wallpaper today. You can think it's a bigger doodle, so there's no option to hide it.
ReplyDeleteWhat you can do is to pick a background image, wait until tomorrow when Google's classic homepage will be available again, use Google SSL homepage, Google's Firefox homepage, the Linux template or other similar interfaces.
One last comment before I call it a night.
ReplyDeleteIf Google had balls to think they could force this stupid idea on people then they should have had the balls to put a comment button on the page so that people can tell them what they really think of there stupid idea.
What an incredibly stupid idea to force background images on user. Time to sell Google stock...
ReplyDeleteFor Peat Sake, let the idiots have their clutter but don't shove it down MY neck. I want a white page with a search box in it. the word google (maybe) and non of this stupid changing logos & fading in crap.
ReplyDeleteI really don't understand why so many smart people in Google could make such a stupid decision to put on background image and even worse, it's forced on you now.
ReplyDeleteIs there anyway to force it stop doing that random background image stupid thing?
get rid of the f'ing google wallpaper. the reason i use google is for the fast loading main page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteglad i'm not the only one that hates this google wallpaper thing. This goes against everything I thought google was for. A SIMPLE main page that loads fast. This takes off time out of my day for all the searches I for the stupid wallpaper to load. It may be only a couple extra seconds, but that adds up over all the searches and when you open your browser! annoying as hell.
ReplyDeleteif this google wallpaper thing doesn't disappear i'm changing my default search engine to yahoo or something.
ReplyDeletegoogle, get rid of this horrible background, don't you have better things to do than irritate people?
ReplyDeletefor those of you trying to remove this background, i guess the easiest way is to punch a space " " and let google search, and then set the resulting "not found" page as your temporary home page...
Just another f*&king scam to get u to sign up to gmail so that they can spam u 2 hell
ReplyDeleteit is terrible
ReplyDeleteno it isnt
DeleteOMFG Why does google change everything? It got populair for not showing crap, just plain white with small logo. And now everything turns to crap. Need other search engine, anyone know one?
ReplyDeleteI hate the backgrounds enough to chang to Webcrawler. (all the results with no background)
ReplyDeleteIt must have been a woman...
ReplyDeleteWhy do people always want to mess up something that works great. I don't want the blasted picture on there, and now they have forced it on me. There has to be a woman involved on that junk. I want Google, I don't want pictures on it or fade ins or any other stupid stuff. Now a button that will let me skip a 100 or 1000 pages in the search results is something I would use!
This background image lark is rubbish. With a bit of luck it is just advertising the customizing feature and will be dropped shortly.
ReplyDeleteMark the Date
Google 1998-2010
The day that Google sold out to the idiots and lost it's edge.
I to find it truly annoying. Simple method that seems to work is set the home page to the Firefox branded one
ReplyDeleteUse firefox and noscript turned on to remove it.
ReplyDeleteBut still google is losing it's appeal as the months go by with all this crap.
Also sucking up more of our bandwidth for no reason whats so ever.
It's a sad day when AOL's search page looks better then Google's.
Someone at Google is apparently bored and thought this would be a good idea. I vote they slash the entire department that was involved in this decision; they obviously have nothing better to do than to waste Google's money and piss off customers by forcing unwanted options down their throat.
ReplyDeleteNo way to turn it off?! This reminds me of Microsoft, where they think they know what you want - more than you do!
Rotten ones.
All they had to do was have an option to turn off the demo background image without having to "sign in" to disable it - which I refuse to have to do. Since last night it is a different, even MORE annoying image now. At the VERY least, you could have given us a place to voice our obviously unimportant-to-Google opinions somewhere on the home page. My frustration level was accelerated by the time it took to even find a place where others felt a need to voice the same. I'm trying one (1) of the temp fix links, and if that takes me more than an additional 2 minutes, I'm resetting all of my computers' homepages to another search engine. PERIOD. Maybe if enough people jump ship, they will consider our opinions important enough. Maybe not. Not the brightest move on your part Google. BUH BYE, enough of my time has now been wasted for one day.
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to disable java scrips.
ReplyDeleteJust go to content in fire fox and add Google as a site not to load images from automatically from.
I find the decision to force this on people "alarming." Some marketing department at Google thinks they need to look more fancy like Bing (or whatever the hell that is) so they FORCE everyone to have a background image?!
ReplyDeleteNo imagery on the Google home page was pure, simple, and elegant. I want it back!!
ReplyDeleteTry This.. Until Google decide to stuff this one up as well.
Adding to your content, automatically load images as an exception not to load images from works great it's even faster because the standard Google logo is not displayed.... you get just the search box and all other Google pages still load images as normal..
ReplyDeleteTake that you idiots at Google. Because of your stupidity you lose your own logo on your home page.
this sb a #TT on Twitter by now....
ReplyDeletesome options:
via @mashable : Google Custom Homepages Go International; Here’s How You Turn Them Off -
what is working for me:
this looks like a promising option, ahhhhhhhh nice clean white page * I feel better now* Homepage default RESET now to:
Here's another option if you don't want to see the wallpaper: use Opera. For some reason, the feature is not supported in Opera.
ReplyDeleteI want a normal (without background) google home page back.
ReplyDeletethe misses out the options showing at top of homepage, which are useful really.
ReplyDeleteFor us People in the UK . . . all you do is click on the "Go To Google.Com" and then click the "make google my homepage" and you will get the old classic screen back... ta daaaaaaa
For us People in the UK . . . all you do is click on the "Go To Google.Com" and then click the "make google my homepage" and you will get the old classic screen back... ta daaaaaaa
For us People in the UK . . . all you do is click on the "Go To Google.Com" and then click the "make google my homepage" and you will get the old classic screen back... ta daaaaaaa
For us People in the UK . . . all you do is click on the "Go To Google.Com" and then click the "make google my homepage" and you will get the old classic screen back... ta daaaaaaa
For us People in the UK . . . all you do is click on the "Go To Google.Com" and then click the "make google my homepage" and you will get the old classic screen back... ta daaaaaaa
For us People in the UK . . . all you do is click on the "Go To Google.Com" and then click the "make google my homepage" and you will get the old classic screen back... ta daaaaaaa
For us People in the UK . . . all you do is click on the "Go To Google.Com" and then click the "make google my homepage" and you will get the old classic screen back... ta daaaaaaa
gotta repeat it cos you numpties on here are too thick to take it in..
For us People in the UK . . . all you do is click on the "Go To Google.Com" and then click the "make google my homepage" and you will get the old classic screen back... ta daaaaaaa
ReplyDeleteFor us People in the UK . . . all you do is click on the "Go To Google.Com" and then click the "make google my homepage" and you will get the old classic screen back... ta daaaaaaa
For us People in the UK . . . all you do is click on the "Go To Google.Com" and then click the "make google my homepage" and you will get the old classic screen back... ta daaaaaaa
For us People in the UK . . . all you do is click on the "Go To Google.Com" and then click the "make google my homepage" and you will get the old classic screen back... ta daaaaaaa
For us People in the UK . . . all you do is click on the "Go To Google.Com" and then click the "make google my homepage" and you will get the old classic screen back... ta daaaaaaa
For us People in the UK . . . all you do is click on the "Go To Google.Com" and then click the "make google my homepage" and you will get the old classic screen back... ta daaaaaaa
For us People in the UK . . . all you do is click on the "Go To Google.Com" and then click the "make google my homepage" and you will get the old classic screen back... ta daaaaaaa
gotta repeat it cos you numpties on here are too thick to take it in..
How simple was that?
ReplyDeleteThat's OK for you people in the U.K. what about the rest of us Google users worldwide?
ReplyDeleteSame thing. The link should read " in English".
I hate it so much. Please keep clean and classic. I don't want what amounts to an eyesore, with resulting eyestrain, on my home page.
ReplyDeleteIf it ain't broke, as they say, don't fix it.
Lousy advertising campaign, too. Fire the bastard(s) responsible.
I'm moving to another engine until this madness stops.
If I wanted this Bullsh*t on my desktop I would use bing or yahoo. You could at lease put Google Classic in the Editor choice listings.
ReplyDeleteDon't insult people with such stupid, pointless backgrounds. You got it wrong if you think you can play them with these colorful toys.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that all wise designers have migrated from Goole to Yahoo. People will do the same. me too. Let's give google a lesson. Don't you agree with me?
BinGo has arrived.
ReplyDelete doesn't have this junk on it.
ReplyDeletethe pictures blow. if i wanted that crap, i would have gone to bing-bong-barf!
ReplyDeleteThis really sucks! Get rid of it! This got to be Google by engineering and not marketing image management crap. Don't loose the basic business model or you will be not far behind Microsoft on the slow slide to corporate insular arrogance.
ReplyDeleteDon't look at any Ads by google. They've got to understand that they have to get rid of this shit and never do it again!
ReplyDeleteVery pisssed off, if I wanted images on my system I would want to installl them, not have them PUT THERE by somebody else, removal option please FFS.
ReplyDeleteSend the link to this forum to ALL YOUR FRIENDS! Let them know how you also feel about it.
ReplyDeleteHeadlines will read
ReplyDelete"The worst marketing blunder of 2010"
Millions of users switch home pages after Google defaces it's own home page...
And never switch back!
I will use Bing before I have Google force another crappy thing on me. There is NO WAY to get rid of this background crap. Ugg ... so tired of being forced into things I don't agree with.
ReplyDeleteYou can't get rid of it. They are advertising the feature and forcing everyone to endure until they return the home page to normal. Google gets sadder by the day. Or maybe it's just making me sadder to see the company go off the rails.
You can't get rid of it. They are advertising the feature and forcing everyone to endure until they return the home page to normal. Google gets sadder by the day. Or maybe it's just making me sadder to see the company go off the rails.
except google's own chrome doesn't load that properly!! Double for the asshats in chrome QC!!!
This is the worst shit ever. And the person who invented the ridiculously harsh-on-the-eyes image with the brightly colored balls floating in a swamp should be killed.
ReplyDeleteWait, is it April 1st again? This is a joke, right? Please, Google, give me back my plain search page! I HATE this wallpaper/background crap. I use Google because it doesn't have all that visual distraction, I'm gonna quit using it if you don't change it back.
ReplyDeleteTry one of these solutions to remove the Google background image:
Thanks google for completely screwing up a perfectly good home page. It was simple and uncluttered and now it's just too busy. At least you could have provided an EASY "click here to revert back to the classic style" button. That way you could track who hates this new crap style.
ReplyDeleteBTW, you say it doesn't make a difference but why don't you try remoting to a server and then start google then. Quick my ring!
The ONLY reason I use google as homepage on all my personal and customers pc's is that it was a white backgound and quick loading (even on a dial-up connection).
ReplyDeleteI have a company that sets up pc's all day long, and we have suggested google as the homepage because of the lack of all the crap and signing in. So, We will probably go back to yahoo or metacrawler of something else if this continues.
Time to say goodbye to google's once clean searching experience!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis feature SUCKS so bad. The change background option does not allow for going back to the "traditional" Google logo that was changed a month or so ago when they removed the drop shadow and silver overlay. SHAME ON YOU, Google for playing copycat with rival Bing. GO BACK TO WHAT WORKED AND DO AWAY WITH THIS SILLY BACKGROUND BUSINESS.
ReplyDeleteThat's it, i'm changing my default search engine!!!
ReplyDeleteGoogle is back to normal...
ReplyDeleteThey must have found the marketing idiot that had the brain fart and manager that approved it. Tared and feathered them both and rode them out of town.
Thank goodness its back. I really hope they read these comments and learned something from them. People will be heard one way or another.
ReplyDeletePlease stop wasting my time and energy with mandatory games and pictures. I can get these features if I want them. Google has been my homepage since forever, because it didn't waste my time and energy. It's getting close to losing first place, because I don't need or want this crap. Happy to find the elegant, simple, fast interfacde again
ReplyDeleteThe really sad thing is the Google officials are saying it was halted early because of a bug not displaying an explanation of what they were doing....Completely ignoring the real problem.. Forcing the change and not having a big button on the page saying
ReplyDelete[Press here if you think this idea sucks and get me out of here]
This is an idea that belongs in the trash. They should just keep it clean and efficient. Not junked up with pictures and ugly shit. And not force anyone into logging into their Google accounts just to get rid of the images.
ReplyDeleteThey are telling lie. We made them understand that if they want to play this stupid game on us, people will kick their ass off the market and they did. All they say about caring about people is totally bullshit, they just want to get money out of other's pocket as much as they can. It was a good lesson for them to get that their management are retard, not people.
ReplyDeleteJust in case Google is listening.
ReplyDeleteWhen a corporation rolls out hundreds of PC's at a time with the home page set to Google for a reason. In the past Google was a safe, fast and effective home page to use. If they keep up this stupid shit then Google being set as default on thousands of PC's every day will quickly change. And Google will lose a lot more then they possibly imagined.
This is the single most disappointing thing you have ever done! It goes against everything you in - in my eyes - stand for!
ReplyDeleteYou can remove the background image, fuckups.
it looks good but have you tried to click on a link in the google drop down list while having the personalised back ground picture on it wont work it just keeps going back to the search page (on windows 7)
ReplyDeleteis there a link that says set background? cause I can't see it sorry to sound nuts...
ReplyDeletePPLE WHO CARES ABOUT BACKGROUNDS??? this is just dumb Google is it's own unique. I get so sick of you guys being like this. It is NOT right. If pple want to add backgrounds who cares? If they don't who cares? NOTME!!!!! For good sakes I don't care. Ok well I made my point. Good day! :)
ReplyDeleteI know this is old, but it never ceases to amaze me how anal people get about change. Really? Swearing and name-calling? Would you rather live in caves cooking animals on the point of your stick? The world is moving forward at an alarming rate. Keep up, or we will gladly leave you in our dust.
ReplyDeleteI live and die by Google. All I ask is that you don't fuck with my Google CLASSIC home page. I want NOTHING on my Google CLASSIC home page. That is why it's called CLASSIC. It's really that simple. I understand your need to fuck with it; it's in your nature. But you guys created something special here that no one else has. It's called Google CLASSIC home page. Leave it alone. Please. Maybe you could create a special sandbox off in the corner for die-hards like me: people who get irrationally pissed off when you fuck with their Google CLASSIC home page. Just make a sign-up sheet for us and then leave us alone. We are your best customers - treat us that way!!!!! Other than that I love you guys with a passion and the world is most assuredly a much finer place with Google around. DFWMGCHP…Please. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteReally cool \(^^)/
ReplyDeleteNice Post. See more Clipping path jobs