There's even a Firefox extension that hides "undesirable" comments because they include too many spelling mistakes, excessive punctuation or profanity. "I was so tired of comments by the ignorant, prejudiced, hate mongering, 10-year-old-seeming dip!@#s who obviously have no life and flock to YouTube to spread their disease, that I started avoiding the site all together. Despite my best attempts to ignore the comments I always seemed to glance down, get pulled in to reading them, and be delighted with the wonderful reflection of humanity that it is," says a user of the YouTube Comment Snob extension.
For those that don't want to install the extension, YouTube added some advanced options for comments. You can now hide the comments that include "coarse language and racial slurs" or hide all the comments. Just click on "Options" next to "Text comments" and filter the comments.

According to ArsTechnica, this is just one of the many initiatives "designed to give users and families greater control to moderate their YouTube experience".
There are 4 types of YouTube comments:
ReplyDelete1. Short, 1 to 3 syllable comments. These are usually positive, but are still retarded.
2. Advertisements of any kind. Usually for crappy porn sites, or for other YouTube channels.
3. Negative criticism. While this isn't usually a bad thing, the highest level of criticism on YouTube consists of insulting someone else's sexuality
4. The insane, rambling argument. These are most common on religious and political videos, and always against the ideologies espoused in the video. Often it starts out somewhat sane, but quickly declines into runon sentences about government mandated brain control.
Types of YouTube comments:
1. i like it.
2. That is awesome check out my vidz: ht t p : / / ww w. y o utu b m/ ineedtodie
3. dat vid suked ur gay u faget i suk off ur mom every nite
4. if the govnrenment didnt do 911 how com it happend on 911 it was a plan orcastrated by the us wiht help of new world order organization ho put fluorine in water 2 kil kidz mercury injections chemtrails evil jewish space aliens jfk moon landing was actually venus glucose is lethal RISE UP VOET 4 RON PAUL
i think there should be a mass deletion tool for comments. though im not a youtuber who gets lots of comments, it would be useful for everyone.
ReplyDeleteI agree youtube comments are totally useless, do not allow any meaningful discussion but no one can deny that they are funny and I do enjoy reading them once in a while especially types 3 and 4 in the first comment above.
YouPUKE is a worthless site. Anything watching of value is censored by YOUPUKE. Boycott that stupid site and support the others which do not censor. Youpuke is owned now by the socialist fascists Google. Why bother with them? Avoid them any way you can.
ReplyDeleteaccording to me You tube is only a time pass site and good time pass.
ReplyDeletei think there should be a mass deletion tool for comments. though im not a youtuber who gets lots of comments, it would be useful for everyone.
ReplyDeleteI want the list of all commentators of a particular video..Please help
ReplyDeleteI do enjoy reading them once in a while especially types 3 and 4 in the first comment above.
ReplyDeleteType 1 are ok(short and straight to the point), but if it's negative, or a technique that's used for baiting(feel happy, do happy phenomenom) then it is wrong.
ReplyDeleteI actually find youtube comments amusing because of how pathetic some people can be.
ReplyDeleteYoupuke is owned now by the socialist fascists Google. Why bother with them? Avoid them any way you can.
ReplyDeleteI do enjoy reading them once in a while especially types 3 and 4 in the first comment above.
ReplyDeleteI think they're mostly somewhat useful. they display the reality of the commentor to some extent. I would rather look at reality than have it hidden from me. If someone leaves a horrible comment, I'm grateful. I then know who to avoid or watch out for. I hardly read them anyway. They don't really matter that much. We're meant to learn from reality. That doesn't mean you can't learn something from a comment of yours then delete it of course! I've deleted three - after sharing my feelings with them & blocking them.
ReplyDeleteIs there an overall comments filter for all videos posted?