The latest Chrome Dev Channel release comes with a new Chrome logo that's more plain and boring, but looks better as a desktop icon. Even if not many people will switch to a different browser just because they don't like the new logo, Chrome lost some of its magic by switching to a visual identity that's no longer vibrant and picturesque. Here's the new Chrome icon:

... and the old Chrome icon:

There's also a new logo for Chromium, the open source browser that powers Google Chrome:

{ Thanks, Kuba,
Stefan, Dani, Daniel and
Cameron. }
IMO looks 1000% better.
ReplyDeleteThat loooks terrible.
ReplyDeletethe big icons looks ugly and is not the original.
ReplyDeleteThe first image of the new icon you posted does not match the actual new icon, which at least has some shading. The one you posted is just flat, solid color.
ReplyDeleteThe new one (with shading) look much better imo.
I disagree, I think it looks much better. Besides, your full-size version of the new logo is incorrect, no idea where you got it from, but the colours have no shine and there are no midtones as in the real logo either.
ReplyDeleteGood one trying to make the logo looks worse with your first image...
ReplyDeleteThe actual icon looks 10 times better than the old one!
ReplyDeleteSeems you are in the minority cause I also think that the new one is far better. It looks more smooth and friendly in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteway better
ReplyDeleteWhy'd you post the wrong picture? :O
ReplyDelete(I'm kidding--I'm sure it was an honest mistake.)
I personally really like the new icon (not the one at the top of the page though).
I know many of our reactions will be 'it's new therefore I don't like it', but, well, I dont know. The new Chrome logo loses it shine on my dock. It doesn't stand out anymore. Hmm :/
ReplyDeleteThe old one was waaaay better.
ReplyDeleteIt looks very much like an Android icon, probably what they were going for. It's good that Google is creating a universal identity.
ReplyDeleteStill looks like a pokemon ball...
ReplyDeleteThis new icon also has the implication that the average RGB color automatically selected for the background of button on the Windows 7 taskbar is now red instead of yellow. I feel like it is now easier to read text on top of this color.
ReplyDeleteYuck! I really dislike it.
ReplyDeleteI really dislike the new one too. Looks sad to me.
ReplyDeleteit's looks like downgrading instead of upgrading.
ReplyDeleteHmm... I think side by side on the Windows 7 taskbar, the new logo doesn't look as nice as the current logo but on its own I think it looks nice.
ReplyDeleteThe new icon, in your dock, looks like a silly cd. Lame.
ReplyDeletelame. lamey lame lamer. The old one suggested there was an evil super-genius transforming robot inside with an all-seeing eye of cold blue intelligence. Or at least a Pokemon.
ReplyDeleteThe new one is flat and boring like a tacky 1982 sit-and-spin neglected on the balcony of the neighbor below you in the apartment complex.
It's important to realize that the new icon also fits in with Google's new wave of icons for its various services. It's flat, soft, colorful but subdued.
ReplyDeleteCompare to the new icons for services shown here:
Specifically from that page, the new icon matches:
ReplyDeleteAlerts, Blog Search, Books, Checkout, Custom Search, Directory, Earth, Finance, Google Health, Images, Maps, News, Patent Search, Product Search, Realtime, Videos, Web Search Features, Code, Labs, Blogger, Calendar, Docs, Groups, Gmail, Orkut, Panoramio, Picasa, Picnik, Reader, Sites, Talk, Translate, Voice, Mobile (and related), and Pack.
It's important that Google creates a cohesive brand between services. Unfortunately many of those icons aren't actually used on the sites themselves, which is a shame.
It's joke, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteugly design!
ReplyDeleteearly april fools... nice try google.
ReplyDeleteUgly design. Too retro, and not in a good way. What is this? 1983?
ReplyDeleteI second that - UGLY design...
ReplyDeleteOld one was much much MUCH better :(
I prefer the old logo too!
ReplyDeleteTwas time to migrate away from the Pokemon enthused.
ReplyDeleteAgreed! Less Pokemon FTW!
ReplyDeleteCould be better with a small drop shadow so it doesn't seem so flat next to the other icons on the win taskbar.
While I agree that the icon could look better as a desktop icon, as a windows tray icon it is really horrible :s. Please, google, add a 'labs' plugin to change it back! :D
ReplyDeleteI agree the new logo is to flat. Now it looks like a sticker.
ReplyDeleteI hope that this is a joke, but it seems to be real. Sorry, but the new logo is very ugly.
ReplyDeletePlain awesome. I think it's a winner. Couldn't go down from the previous logo anyway.
ReplyDeleteThe new icon is ugly !
ReplyDeleteThey're competing with Internet Explorer 9 for the title of worst browser icon.
ReplyDeleteI guess most will prefer the old logo, but it never really was a logo to begin with.
The new logo, is bland, but I like. Simple and to the point.
Anyone want to play simon?
ReplyDeleteMuch better, and it represents a positive change for Google design services. They're not trying to do something "cool" anymore (that in reality looks like sh*t) but instead using something that fits the medium. I can only compliment them on this.
ReplyDeletePeople saying they "prefer" the old one think that logo design is mostly a subjective matter. It is not.
Go back to your school and give back your diploma.
ReplyDeleteI really like the newer icon. Very much like a logo. I think design lately has been trending toward simple lines and flat solid colors because we have so much visual noise that our eyes are drawn toward anything simple for relief.
ReplyDeleteHmm... not bad. I really like the old one, but the new is nice too. No complaints here!
ReplyDeleteLess is more, said Mr. Mies van der Rohe. Very nice redesign, warmer feel and no GLOWING/SHINY stuff. The older one looked like a damn Transformer.
ReplyDelete <-- the right is for canary build, I'm sure!
ReplyDeleteGreat looking new design, I love it
ReplyDeleteold one still looks better
ReplyDeleteI like the old one, it looks nice on my mac near other browsers, whose icons are 3D as well.
ReplyDeleteNew one would look to out-of-place.
I don't like it, really..
ReplyDeletestill looks like a pokeball
ReplyDeleteThe old logo looks more futuristic. I think the new logo has no personality, is like it's made with no resposability.
ReplyDeleteI like new logo. Chrome - the simple way.
ReplyDeleteHere is the next logo (before the final two concentrical circle logo):
ReplyDeletei like the old one better
ReplyDeleteYes, brilliant! How do I get it?!? I updated chrome but no dice :(
ReplyDeleteThe new icon is way better!
ReplyDeleteDon't like the new icon as well as all the new "clean and simple" icons google has recently introduced.
ReplyDeletewow The new one it's excellent per Windows 3.1 ....
ReplyDeleteThis is useful....
You have a great change for gDocs icon but this is terrible.
It also looks like Picasa icon ...
WHY you do this????
Sweet... but I don't think it needed it really
ReplyDeleteDon't like any of that.
ReplyDeletePS.: ( L I F E L E S S )
ReplyDeleteChrome has lost it's chrome... now with 100% less reflection :)... but I think it's a better logo, easier to brand and integrate.
ReplyDeleteI hate how goolge uses all four colours (green, yellow, red, blue) in their icons. chrome, picasa and the search icon. I change their icons so my taskbar doesn't look like a christmas tree
ReplyDeleteMuch better icon ! Old one looks like some low level designer playing with photoshop...
ReplyDeleteThe new logo is ugly and boring, me no like.
ReplyDeleteAnother one from scratch within 15 minute - it's looks better at reduced sizes.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteMuch better icon ! Old one looks like some low level designer playing with photoshop...
No! It IS the "new"!
If you look at other Google product icons, the new Chrome icon as that same look.
ReplyDeletedam, the new one looks awful :(
ReplyDeletethe old one WAS so gooooooooooooooooood
I prefer the new one.
Hate the new icon. Can I switch it back to the old one?
ReplyDeleteThe new one looks simpler and faster! I think that's what they want to communicate.
ReplyDeleteNo offense but I like more the old one. I do not know why but I like it more. I can not say that the new logo is ugly cause is not!
ReplyDeleteold is better.
ReplyDeleteThe new one sux!
ReplyDeleteAre you blind?
It's very awful... It looks like a draw for children
ReplyDeleteI prefer the new one.
ReplyDeleteThe new is like dog shit on the sole of your shoe.
I was being sarcastic!
ReplyDeleteAnd stupidly realistic!!!
ReplyDeletenew logo looks terrible
ReplyDeleteThat's better!
ReplyDeletethe logo looks BETTER! I love vector art, and glossy crap gets seriously old sometimes. although I really wish the browser itself would change dramatically WITH the icon so it fits the icon style.
ReplyDeleteThe new logo looks like a flying saucer. Dung icon that people now have on the Desktop.
The Old one is more effective than the New one. Larry Page, when will you ever learn?
ReplyDeleteGoogle Chrome can offer two options: old or new. - It would be a cool idea choose which logo to use on the computer.
ReplyDeleteI think the former more elegant.
The new logo(s) = UGLY
ReplyDeleteDefinitely a downgrade!
ReplyDeleteIndeed, with the mania of graphic modernisms, they will ruin the Chrome logo.
ReplyDeleteThere are people who, just to justify a high salary, begins to invent and spoils which took several years to earn a Mark of Prestige...
It would be like changing the logo from Picasa or Google: we look and there is no need of subtitles.
A BRAND takes many years (with luck and in rare cases, a short time) to consolidate. And even today you sell products/articles because of the symbol/mark/badge/logo, rather than by quality. Just let us remind, brand clothing, shoes, watches, wallets, perfumes...
Nobre Luso in "Revolução Digital" (
the new logo is crap! I like the older logo much better. I understand they want the logo to represent minimalism but the old logo represented Innovation. Personally I liked the old logo. it was stylish, cool. The new logo could have been made in about an hour and a half or less just playing in illustrator.... the old logo however took some skill.
ReplyDeleteGoogle has offered "back to beta" logos for other products, it'd be frikin sweet if we can enable that in chrome!
ReplyDeleteI just love looking at the pics and tips on your website, Thanks again for sharing your wisdom!
ReplyDeleteTri-Fold Brochure Design
dude, its about "be original", check the other icons, all of them 3d, and with effect and stuff... they are doing a minimalist style, that not bad, maybe it lose that "aggresssion" it had, but i like it like that ;P
ReplyDeleteI think one way to improve the new icon would be to revert it back to the old one, which has more effect and correspond more to new application icons these days which all include effects and 3D looks
ReplyDeleteLook at this:
ReplyDeleteLook at this chart that is intended to represent the current global barometer of appreciation of the new logotype:
ReplyDeleteAcceptability of new trademark logo
National Institute of Statistics
ReplyDeletewow... this icon looks epic!
ReplyDeleteI can't say I like it just yet..
ReplyDeleteI hate the new Google Doc icons. They are so flat and uninteresting (they used to be so beautiful!)
ReplyDeleteThe New Chrome logo is not as bad but also degraded...
What's funny is that currently Google is running ads for Chrome on this page (at meast for me) and the logo is even more metalic looking but doesn't have the perspective effect (it's view from the top straight on, like the new logo). When compared, the new logo looks really lame next to it!
The only thing that I didn't like about the old logo is perhaps the center of it. It's looked like and computer eye or something... Like Hal. And it looked ominious. Now it doesn't look like anything. So it's not as bad. But it really lost any personality.
ReplyDelete(HORRIBLE !) In win 7 at the task bar.. definetly will change it.. thanks to those artists at Deviantart..
ReplyDeleteTo Google : What were you thinking !! It's already a Pókeball.. try to think something different !!
it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux
ReplyDeleteOld logo is back!
ReplyDeleteAfraid not. We will have to carry up with the crap this new logo.
ReplyDeleteIn fact it is rejectamenta.
## ###
ReplyDelete## #
### # ## ## # ##
# ### #### # ####
# ## # ## ##
### # ### # ##
It's like this shit above.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a colourful donut, to me please bring old logo back. It's more eye candy.
ReplyDeleteThis logo actually made think about switching back to firefox! It looks almost embarrassing on the win7 taskbar
ReplyDeletethe old logo had no logic to it.. a polished, bad idea.. no meaning to the circlethingy, blue-, red-, yellowthingy.. and now it's just a plain, bad idea.. does bring focus to the issue, though.. chrome needs a proper logo.. how about 5 arbitrary rings in different colors?.. ah, right.. already taken.
ReplyDeleteIMO the old one looks better! :)
ReplyDeletenew logo design is good..but i have got used to the old one
ReplyDeletei'm on the dev channel 12.0.712.0 and it looks like NO new icon
ReplyDeletenice and fresh new design :)
ReplyDeleteThe new logo is flat. The old logo had a "chrome-like" appearance. The new logo does a very poor job of illustrating the concept.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion is the biggest mistake that Google going to do about the new logo.
ReplyDeleteGoogle Chrome is the old icon.
ReplyDeleteThe new icon pretends that's Google Chrome...
ReplyDeleteNew Chrome Logo
Do you like Google's new Chrome logo?
What do you think of Google's new Chrome logo/icon?
Conheça o novo logo do Google Chrome
New is Terrible
ReplyDeleteI prefer the old one
ReplyDeleteand as far as i can see the picture above is how the new icon looks. If you look closely there are midtones and a little bit of shading in the picture above.
I prefer the old one. Please don't change it ;(
ReplyDeletei prefer the old one, it looks better !
ReplyDeletei don't really think it makes much difference, it is only a minor alteration and the identity has been preserved, so it is still unmistakenly chrome
ReplyDeleteIts extremely wonderful and nice "New Chrome Logo".
ReplyDeleteNever mind about my other post. The new logo is back.
ReplyDeleteI already got the old logo back, within 5 minutes of upgrading.
ReplyDeleteomfg so ugly ...
ReplyDeleteI'm really annoyed about the new logo, and I don't even use Chrome! So here's a way for Mac users to get the old logo back.
ReplyDelete1) Click my name, or paste the following url:
Download the files app.icns and document.icns.
2) Find Chrome in your applications folder. Right click on it, and click 'Show package contents". You are now inside the Chrome application.
3) Enter the folder 'Contents', then 'Resources'. You should see two files called app.icns and document.icns.
4) Drag the two files you downloaded into this folder, replacing the existing ones.
Enjoy! You will probably need to restart Chrome to make the old icon show up on the dock.
I want a Mac computer!! You are so lucky to have a Mac! :) Also I don't like the new logo as much as the old one either.
i noticed the chanced icon this morning... it was def the old one last night... why the change? it is os UGLY now! it looks FLAT...
ReplyDeleteThank you Jon Levi! the new icon is pathetically ugly. I've gone back to the old one!
ReplyDeleteI was not pleased when my logo automatically updated itself in my dock when I started Chrome this morning. Yuck.
ReplyDeleteThanks for uploading the old icons, Jon, I've already updated back to the old icon.
Looks childish like IE9's logo.
ReplyDeleteI mean, it's better in a branding sense, but it's still FUGLY.
Looks terrible in my dock. Maybe for a Windows computer it looks ok, but on a Mac all Icons are 3D-ish.
ReplyDeleteAgree, new icons are very ugly. Especially the small ones, which have some crappy feel because of the white ring in the middle.
ReplyDeleteHow is this new simple gradient logo anything to do with chrome? ...looks dumb
ReplyDeleteMe no likey
ReplyDeleteIn the world of technology, and this shall probably always be a rule,
ReplyDeleteIt is the survival of the shiniest.
And chrome has produced a less shiny logo, and will see a decline.
How does this logo have anything to do with chrome? - they should change their name to 'google matte finish'
ReplyDeleteIt is quite awful... I have to say. All of the Mac Dock icons have a "3D" sort-of-effect, now this one's the only one that doesn't...
ReplyDelete"People saying they "prefer" the old one think that logo design is mostly a subjective matter. It is not."
For me that i use Mac OX and Windows 7, would personally have the old Chrome in OS X since looks very bad the new one, unlike the Windows 7 doesnt look as bad as it does in Mac.
ReplyDeletewhere can I vote against the new logo? the old 3d logo was way better than the new flat logo which looks rather amateurish.
ReplyDeleteI hate this new icon. It's so flat and boring. I also bought a shirt with the old logo on it because I was such a fan. Now that shirt is obsolete!
ReplyDeleteEwwwww... is this some kind of joke? The old desktop icon looked fine and now it's all just ugly. At least outline it or make the colors darker.
ReplyDeleteStarting up firefox...
I'm just saying that the people who say the first image is wrong are horribly mistaken, first of all, icons are actually sets of different size images, Google could make the icon turn into a duck at 64 by 64 resolution if they wanted to, but even so this is not the case, the large image has just the same amount of shading as the small icons, which is why you think it is flat, because there is almost no shading. Personally, I prefer the old icon, the new one just seems to childish.
ReplyDeleteAll Global ICT companies now "update" their logo regularly - it creates a subliminal impression of "progress" that distracts us from the increasingly worrying erosion of personal privacy
ReplyDeleteI hate the new icon, looks horrible in the Taskbar dock. BRING BACK THE OLD DESIGN!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI, personally, like the previous better. It's more 3d looking and glossy, making it look good among the other icons on the dock.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to switch back to the old icon on a Mac, here's how:
-quit Chrome and remove it from the dock (put it back when complete)
-locate it in Applications folder
-right click and select "Show package contents"
-open "Contents"
-open "Resources"
-remove the app.icns file (put it somewhere else so you can restore it later if you want)
-replace it with this:
-all done!
Also, chrome (as on a car) is bright, shiny, and decorative, which is like the old logo and unlike the new one.
ReplyDeleteI do have to agree. It matches Google's other designs.
ReplyDelete@Jon Levi : Awesome cheers. Or you can just use your Time Machine backup to get the old icon:
ReplyDelete1) Navigate to your Applications folder
2) Click Time Machine icon on menu bar > Enter Time Machine
3) Go back +2 days
4) Right-click on the Google Chrome application icon choose 'Get info'.
5) Click on the icon in the top left of the info panel cmd+c copy it.
6) Cancel out of Time Machine
7) Select Google Chrome in the your Applications folder
8) Right-click and choose 'Get info'
9) Select the icon in the top left of the info panel and cmd+v to paste the old icon over the top
10) Close the info panel
11) Quit and restart Google Chrome
New logo sucks. Old one is much better and prettier.
ReplyDeleteThere is a petition at this address:
Check it out.
THE NEW ONE SUCKS!! X( 1 step forward, 100 steps back in appeal. BRING BACK THE OLD AND BETTER ONE !
ReplyDeletethe new logo sucks. look like 1987
ReplyDeleteLooks too much like the picasa icon
ReplyDeleteAnother testament that google's branding is not built by their logo designs.
ReplyDeleteit's awful!!
ReplyDeletecan i get old logo?
ReplyDeletenew logo sucks.... it somehow updated itself n i looked at my taskbar logo n i was like WTF man
ReplyDeleteNew Icon of google chrome isn't looking good.
ReplyDeleteFirefox much better to see it.
ld google chrome logo is better than new one,
better change it.
It's shite
ReplyDeleteReally love the new logo. A touch of class in all it's simplicity in my opinion
ReplyDeleteGod, does it suck!
ReplyDeleteYuk. Its rare to see a multinational company make they're products look worse. So well done google, you've made an ugly icon. Time to stop joking around and make a good one. I mean, if I wanted to live in 1982, I'd invent a Time machine.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't think of a way to make Chrome more repellent than to use this crappy icon daily.
So ugly, I hate the pastel look. Needs more of that 3D shine that it used to have.
ReplyDeleteAll of you who don't like the new logo just like modern design, shadows, blur... but one logo must be simple and light!!!
ReplyDeleteThe new chrome logo is just what the logo should be - simple, light, stylized, classical.
To all pseudo designers I'm just saying: Go to play MarioBross and don't touch graphical design anymore!
The new logo looks good on Windows, but in the Mac shelf looks rubbish.
ReplyDeleteLooks like the cheapest and nastiest piece of crapola in my dock - shame on you Google, you've screwed up this time.
ReplyDeleteit sucks big time
ReplyDeleteI spotted that something wrong happened on my desktop and I was wondering whether it has been always ugly or not... As I started to use Chrome just because its design, I am disappointed now. It is so flat. Where is that vibe Chrome wanted to present? Is there a way I can change an icon on my desktop according to my taste, so back to the old logo?
ReplyDeletenot cool... its look like a virus! :)
ReplyDeleteI thought something was wrong with my computer when I first saw it. It truly is a horrible logo, a real abomination.
ReplyDeleteI think its extremely ugly and it looks misplaced among the other logo's who have been made with more shading and detail.. It looks like a 10 year old did the new chrome logo in paint... Sadly I seldom dislike new logos and for my most used program to warp back over a decade in logo-design is just sad.. Could've just settled for some less gloss on the old one instead.. Guess I will have to get a program to change dock-icons since it just annoys me.. :(
ReplyDeleteOld logo still had some life left in it. Even though it is just a logo/icon I still felt it was quite satisfying to click the old logo - after a recent departure from Firefox which seems to have become quite ill recently.
ReplyDeleteWTF was wrong with the old logo?! This one is quite boring and flat. Also, when standing directly by Safari in the Dock it looks like hell by comparison without the highlights and reflections on it…
ReplyDeleteI thought it was a virus when I first notice this logo.. The new logo is awful.. really..
ReplyDeleteso boring and flat, looks weird on my windows 7 since all my other pinned logos are 3d, even the windows ones, this one looks like it was designed by a 5 year old
ReplyDeleteIt's dull, it's sad, it's greyish, it looks boring.
ReplyDeleteFor me it's definitely lost the charm of the old 3d one.
The new logo looks horrible!! How can anyone say it looks better than the old logo?
ReplyDeleteFirst time it gave a impression of a scam browser... Very flat logo... Disliked it...
ReplyDeleteit's ugly. we're moving into a 3d and google goes 2d, hello flatlanders.
ReplyDeleteit was much much much better before...i hate this new's too simple...the old one was soooooooooo much better...they should change it back...imo the new one looks shitty
ReplyDeleteGoogle Chrome... Isn't the logo supposed to look chromed?
ReplyDeletenew logo is ugly. i liked the 3-D, shiny logo that just made chrome look pristine and above all others. Now its just some flat logo that looks like a Simon game board
ReplyDeletei thought my computer was screwed up when the new logo updated itself. Why in a world of 3D movies and Transformers would we go back to some 2-D, straight line logo that looks like a Simon game?
ReplyDeleteWhy take a sexy 3D logo and ruin it with something so plain. Boooo!
ReplyDeletedisappointed with new logo... the old one was heaps nicer...
ReplyDeleteLOL yall mad.
ReplyDeleteThe new logo is much better. Nice and simple.
Good grief... What a bunch of reactionary children (on the whole). The old logo was ridiculous. As mentioned it looked like something out of a Transformers movie.
ReplyDeleteThe new one is nice, clean and simple rather than looking like a 'logo' that a 13 year old boy would design. It actually looks like considered branding as opposed to the result of someone's first day playing with a 3DS Max trial.
For all the talk of things being cutting edge and contemporary 99% of opinion on the internet is based on people hating any form of change.
Get over it
Google is trying to copy Internet Explorer making its logo 2d but both of IE and Chrome new logos really suck
ReplyDeleteLike it. Now it have identity. Shiny logo is impersonal.
ReplyDeletenew logo is soo boring...on desktop..
ReplyDeleteold one was lukin more to d technology..
now its lik new product, juz started 2 get modified.
It doesn't really affect the speed of the browser so it doesn't matter for me. I actually like the new one more, its more simple.
ReplyDeleteanybody who says its good is a looks terrible!!! its crappy and losts its look and im ashamed to have chrome >:(