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March 2, 2011

A New Google Error Page

Google has a new 404 error page that's displayed when you type a Google address that can't be found (for example: The new error page is supposed to be funny, but it's not useful. Google's laconic page informs visitors that "the requested URL was not found on this server. That's all we know."

Google actually knows more than that. The previous version of the error page showed a search results page that provided useful suggestions.

{ via Google Blogoscoped Forum }


  1. They are working to replace the words in gray "That's all we know" with useful information/links for example "Try this similar address".

    Why are you always in a hurry to complain, sir?

    1. Can anyone please tell me why I've had the 404 error page each time I've opened the browser for almost a week now? ( is my home page.) How can I fix this? I've tried to reset the home page, erase the history, needless to say turn the PC off and on, but no go. Thanks.

  2. Wonderful news :P !

  3. the page's title has a small error... "Error 404 (Not Found)!!1" it has a "1" instead of a "!" ;)

  4. It's not a hurry to complain. It sounds like they were in a hurry to release the new page design. It's not fully baked.

  5. I don't think I've ever seen the 404 page that had the useful links on it. The 404 page that I always saw was this
    And I think the '1' in place of the '!' in the title is suppose to be a joke.
    Unfortunately I think the new robot 404 page just means they are going the way Twitter (w/the Failwhale) and Tumblr (w/the green Oatmeal monsters) and so many other websites have gone with a funny/quirky little 404 page which I think is actually bad for their brand. Mostly because getting a failwhale is so much more memorable then getting a empty page that just says "server error" or "could not reach server" and makes your end user associate your brand with the failure. I think it's a bad idea and Google should switch to the "similar links" page.

  6. way better than previous versions

  7. I always thought the text only error pages Google had were cute... I guess the goal of this is to help make us thing of the green robot all the time?

  8. @ Chad: they are in a hurry to release the new page design even though it's not fully baked because they are releasing the Chrome OS soon and they can't keep holding up to test things, they need to fix as much as possible to get everything ready for the release of the OS.

  9. No hurry... just "launch and iterate" :)
    And it's a lot better than this:

  10. I have been getting this page with no matter What I google! I am not sure if my main google search bar has been hijacked? It works on googles home page though. I am using the latest firefox.
    Any ideas???

  11. Got to love the new 404 error page! :D

  12. well i had firefox and when i typed in anything it goes to error page and then my firefox opens up with random pop up adds

  13. well, i've long seen 404's since the 90's, it's easier fix than a 500!

  14. I find the new error page annoying, and I don't find it funny at all. Google really needs to step it up, they are the leaders in the web industry, can't they make something that suggests other pages and at least interacts a little more?

    I was even searching for pages or keywords that do actually exist, after I searched a second time, it worked.....

  15. Pensé que mi computadora tenia un virus, pasé muchos días tratando de descubrir que virus o malware había infectado mi PC, pésimo por GOOGLE, que esta perdiendo muchos buscadores en la WEB.... buuuuu

  16. July 19, 2011 and the message is still the same... Good thing I am not in a hurry ;-)

  17. September 24, 2011 and still the message is the same.

  18. October 12 and the message is still the same

  19. HOW DO I GET THIS OFF MY PAGE?? I can no longer search in google anymore because of this! Someone help!!!!!

  20. passager
    probleme solved

    if your browser is mozilla,go to "tools" then to "security
    uncheck/desactivate 3rd option:"block sites signalled as forged" (my translation)click ok

  21. Wow google nice one

  22. if we have a problem, why cant we seek ONE ONLY website(theirs),press ONE button and its fixed automaticaly? To fix a 404 should take ONE press of a key, not take hours,hours of searching and its still not done. If it was a car, we could sue them for 'product not performing as described'. My issue is that when I double-click onto Internet Explorer icon in desktop, it always comes up with a 404 and opens as Google on my page. (but the desktop icon is set in iGoogle).Thank goodness I was donated this laptop,for if its not fixed soon, it goes in the REAL trash bin. It will be a pleasure telling others that Google doesnt care. Alex Mellins

  23. Dec 10, 2012 and still the message is the same.

  24. I'm still geting the same error message. Pretty peeved. At this point, as I'm ready to start the new year and plan, I think I'll cancel this one and move to a new format.

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  26. Thanks for explaining.

    That's all we don't know @@

  27. I personally suggest you to use flush dns method. It will work for you.

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