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May 1, 2007

Who's Watching This YouTube Video?

YouTube has a cool new feature in their labs. It's called Active Sharing and it lets you see other users that have enabled the feature and watch the same video as you. If you click on the username, you can see the profile and the last six videos they watched. This can be deactivated at any time, but it's pretty useful if you want to discover people who collect cool videos and subscribe to their channels.

In case it crossed your mind to use Active Sharing to track the videos watched by someone, YouTube says you can't. "YouTube respects your privacy. This information only shows to other YouTube users for 30 minutes, so get busy and show off your good taste!"


  1. One more excellent feature in Youtube. It enhances the communication and interaction experience in the website.

    I'll surely see even more videos in Youtube...

  2. I miss YouTube :(

    I still can't watch the videos from it for a long time because I'm living in Thailand.

    Thanks you for YouTube News

  3. But maybe someone will write a crawler to automatically collect this 30-minute-only-info... storing it for a longer time.

  4. Translated your post to Chinese traditional , thanks again!
    各位中文讀者朋友們,本人巳將此文章翻譯成中文(繁體),有空不妨看看!! 請繼續支持此Tech blog!!

  5. HI, Google
    I live in Iran but authorities blocked You tube and Google video for downloading all FLV formats. Would you please make an utility to convert all of the clips in the zip format for all FLV downloads?
