Google already has two applications that work in Linux:
Picasa and
Google Earth, but that's not enough for a company that uses Linux a lot. In
a presentation [PDF] from Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit, Google announced they'll release important Linux desktop applications this year. Some of them will be open source and they'll try to support most main distributions.
Google's applications that aren't available for Linux users include: Google Talk, Google Desktop, SketchUp, Web Accelerator.

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Could Google Gears be included in that list of possible, future Linux apps?
ReplyDeleteGears is already available on Firefox for Linux. I personally hope for Google Talk, or cooperation with the Telepathy folks to get it to Linux.
ReplyDeletePlease remember that Picasa has no real Linux version. It uses the Windows application emulated by WINE.
ReplyDeleteI think Picasa needs a better Linux version, since it's much better than F-Spot IMO.
I think Google, as an innovative company, should provide more support to 64-bit OS'es...
ReplyDeleteDamn, because of their lack of support for Google Gears on 64-bit Linux, I'm changing back to 32-bit... :(
Arm@nd said on June 18, 2007 3:15:00 PM PDT:
ReplyDeletePlease remember that Picasa has no real Linux version. It uses the Windows application emulated by WINE.
WINE is not an emulator, like the acronym states. Programs run using Wine run in native Linux. Using the WINE API is no different than using the Qt or gtk APIs on linux except that it is much easier to port an application on Windows over to linux if using the WINE API since it is basically identical to the Windows API.
Google also made a lot of major contributions to Wine when porting Picasa, since Picasa did not work with Wine before Google released it. The changes Google made to Wine have been incorporated into the main Wine branch.
Wine is probably one of the biggest things Google could help with, since making Wine more compatible with Windows apps means it will be easier for companies to port over their software and eventually make it easier to adopt Linux, since Wine allows Windows apps to run natively in Linux
I'd prefer that Google made the two existing apps work more reliably before they started adding new ones.
ReplyDeleteTwo seperate ubuntu machines that I've installed Picasa on, neither one works, only the system-tray icon appears and the "Picasa2" process sits and chews up CPU and no windows ever appear.
It's wonderful!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe Google needs to release (or at least support) a standardized Linux platform.
ReplyDeleteOne for the desktop...One for the mobile.
Google Linux (Ginix??) would solve most of their challenges in releasing Linux apps.
That's really cool! Go-Go, Google!
ReplyDeleteIn fact, I hope they'll port Pisasa to QT or GTK, and, of course, Google Talk!
That would be really great!
As good as it would be for Google to make their own Linux Andrew, i don't think they would really want to go ahead with it...well, yet.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad they will be releasing more apps on Linux, its strange that they never have really released alot on Linux when they use it so much.
I'd love to see Google Talk ported over (even though it can be used in "Gaim", forgot its new name)
This would be awesome. Would really like for googletalk to work with linux
ReplyDeleteCoooool. Keep it up!!! I'm all for Google / Linux OS..
ReplyDeletePlease, please - Sketchup for Linux
ReplyDeleteOne more vote for Google Talk!
ReplyDeleteIt would be very useful for me and my co-workers / friends.
Last year, when I was still using Windows (before switching to Ubuntu Linux), Google Talk was much more stable and light than Skype (which, furthermore, uses a proprietary protocol to communicate).
Sketchup Please! Sketchup needs OpenGL acceleration so won't run too well in a virtual Windows machine like VMWare. (Same problem as with Windows games.)
ReplyDeleteWine is a great idea, I guess, but it's definitely not as good as a native linux version. Wine implements a Windows registry along with all of the other crap that makes windows suck. I don't have a single app that really works 100% using wine. Even Picasa tends to crash with wine.
However, it's probably easier to port with wine. Sketchup was bought by Google just like Picasa from other developers who never really contemplated a Linux version. So it would likely have to be half re-written to get a Linux native version.
I would love to see Sketchup ported to Linux. Although it seems it is being worked on to work under Wine, more native apps would show that Google is serious about Linux.
ReplyDeleteI hope Google Talk will be a plug in for Pidgin. Voice and video is planned for the next version, maybe Google will help the community (like they did for Wine).
ReplyDeleteGoogle does provide application for linux. Bu its definately not serious about it. It has not updated google earth and picasa for a veryl ong time. Picasa 2.8 is available for windows but not for linux.
ReplyDeleteMy top vote: Google Sketchup. That would make my day. A solid Linux version would presumably run much smoother than the Windows version due to less memory waste.
ReplyDeleteBut whatever... GIVE IT ALL TO US! WE WANT IT ALL! I think the only thing that'd make me happier than Google Sketchup would be a genuine Google Linux distro.
sketchup on linux will be good. Also, consider release of stale versions of softwares like autocad 2004. this will keep many happy and going at linux.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that Google supports Linux. The only think I hope is that Linux will develop OpenGL asap to compete with DirectX.
ReplyDeleteIn my most humble opinion, I think that MS cannot/will not tolerate another company to slowly eating up the pie of billions of users and threatening its role of a dominating company. At the moment MS still dominates the desktop world, but MS feels to pressure of Google. Since the release of Google Desktop, many users (including me) drop using MS Office for financial, practical or whatsoever reasons. MS will certainly regard this as a direct threat for the core software products (i.e. MS Windows and MS Office) and MS has probably already declared cold war on Google.
Google, be a wise man and prepare for the wrath of MS! MS alreay completely cripple Netscape by building in IE in the past. A logical step would we building in a search engine in MS Windows or crippling Google search engine running on MS Windows (they already did imo).
I think that it would be really wise for Google to come up with an own disc operating system or embracing an existing system like Linux (Debian or Slackware, Ubuntu is not stable enough imo) and be prepared for war. The other possibility to cripple MS is by reducing its revenues (it is hard to make more money than MS, but you can decrease MS's income), i.e. releasing free online software that could compete with MS's software. Decreasing revenues for MS will bring MS in jeopardy.
If Google tries to avoid any combat in the war for desktop users, they surely lose. Google needs to go on a war path!
Google, this saying for you:
Sometimes you make a move, not because you wanted to make a move, but there is not other move to make.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletegoogle sketchup would be ideal for linux.
ReplyDeleteI use windows at home and i'm working with google sketchup, but at work i work on an ubuntu version of linux, so that would really make myday if i could use it also here
OpenGL will never compete against DirectX Microsoft is in the OpenGL council, which is responible for the OpenGL standart. And I will bet they try to stop every evolution!
ReplyDeleteI think this is a very good move, keep it up.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Google has the intention of waiting to release a Linux version of Sketchup when it releases its own version of Linux.
ReplyDeleteWhy Doesn't Google just create their own OS? Clearly they have the intelligence to get it done. With all this app work, all they really need is their own customized OS to install it all one.
ReplyDeleteAm I alone here?
Sketchup for Linux, please. It already exists a mac port, that means that it's not so hooked to windows world... A solid sketchup and a decent CAD will set free a HUGE amount of users, and perhaps will make also improve other OS due of the competition...
ReplyDeleteGoogle Sketchup 4 Linux is a great idea. Go for it!
ReplyDeleteIf Google makes it's own Linux distribution it will be great for end users.They have
ReplyDeleteexpertise,capabality of innovation.They are the people who can make Linux more user friendly.I wish Google to release it's apps purely for linux and not under WINE.It's possible.I think only way to end monopoly of MS is to make Linux more user friendly than it is now.Use it on Desktop, in bussiness and everywhere.Porting many popular(freeware apps that run on windows) apps to Linux can bring more users to Linux.
I would expect more "free" applications aimed at Microsoft users before I'd expect any linux support at all.
ReplyDeletePlease release a linux version of Google sketchup.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see Sketchup in Linux world too :)
ReplyDeleteSketchup for Linux would be great!
ReplyDeleteJust adding my vote for a Linux version of Sketchup
ReplyDeleteI'm voting for Google SkechUp 4 on Linux!
ReplyDeleteI'm voting - Sketchup for Linux :)
ReplyDeletegoogle talk should be made available for linux os users
ReplyDeleteyes yes yes! My vote goes for Sketchup for linux too!!!
ReplyDeleteAnother vote for Sketchup and/or anything AutoCAD compatible for Linux. CAD is the last remaining stronghold of M$ dominance.
ReplyDeleteI like google talk...
ReplyDeleteMy two cents: Sketchup for linux.
ReplyDeleteI respect everyone's opinion, but Google Talk for linux? Really? I understand it would be "cool", but you already have apps that work fine for that purpose such as Pidgin/Gaim. We do not, however, have a Sketchup for linux quite yet.
Cheers to all either way and thank you to Google for considering helping us out with some Linux apps.
Yes, SketchUp for Linux will be a great!
ReplyDeleteAlso, some modification of Blender in CAD direction could be something what Linux community really need.
ReplyDeleteOh and M$ has two last strongholds: games and cad. In these domain nobody ported anything! Bi companies like Autodesk stated that that linux versions are feasible if users ask for them. Users said that they want linux support but just got ignored afterwards.
Braking the patterns is what powers the progress.
Google Talk indeed, it's just a Jabber server, and there are plenty of Jabber clients available for Linux.
ReplyDeleteMy vote is for Sketchup.
Google sketchup is all i need on linux.
ReplyDeleteSU is realy great soft but having problem with emulation under linux.
Heh, my vote for sketchup too.
ReplyDeleteThey complain about all the lack of unity with linux, they miss the point. Just make an Ubuntu version, and the Fedora folks and SuSE folks will figure out how to use it. As long as the dependencies are clearly stated, there shouldn't be that much of a problem. Fact of the matter is that right now, anyone who wants to use a real operating system on non-Apple hardware with sketchup is hosed, and that is not acceptable, because that is a _lot_ of people.
Regarding Google and those asking why they don't just make their own version of Linux, Google does have a flavor of Linux that they use called Goobuntu (yes, I'm being serious, it's Google's own implementation of Ubuntu). But because they are a development company, they also use OS/X, Red Hat, and other flavors of Linux. It wouldn't make sense for Google to create their own version of Linux from scratch when there are already many flavors that are mature and stable. No sense reinventing the wheel. I could see them releasing and iso of their goobuntu desktop coming pre-installed with all of the Google apps. But they won't do it until there is a strategic reason to do so.
ReplyDeleteGOOGLE-TALK!!!!! And my life is much better!!!! Please google-talk! Thats really nice to be in connection with the world over voice!!!talk-talk-talk....
ReplyDeletePLEASE port sketchup to linux! I find it is the only 3d design software i can use!
ReplyDeleteThe other ones are not intuative enough. I'm not an engineer or draftsperson, but being able to do 3d designs easily of home projects and stuff makes the actual project go smooth as silk :D.
pretty-please google? i'll luv ya for it.
i waiting for scetchup for linux 1 year and i run it from virtualbox and it is ok
ReplyDeleteI am waiting for a linux version of scetchUp , I also want to say , thanks Google for all the good services you've been doing ! (Docs , Sites , Gmail , search ...)
ReplyDeleteI think that this is all really interesting, and i have seen many websites saying that Adobe should make their own linux OS as well, not free, but with their CS4 Suite pre-installed, and it would run really nice. However, i think Google really should just ruin Microsoft, as Microsoft has ruined many other companies...
ReplyDeleteAnother vote for a linux SketchUp here.
ReplyDeleteAside: Industry standard in my field(mechanical engineering) is SolidWorks and it would be nice to see a port of that too.
I would also like to see SketchUp as native linux application... Thanks
ReplyDelete+1 for Linux SketchUp
ReplyDeletePlease bring SketchUp to linux!
ReplyDeleteI too would love to see a linux version of SketchUp, windows is dead in the water and everyone knows it!
ReplyDeleteCome Google, stop playing the OS politics game and give your users what they want!
I installed Picasa 3 in my linux system.It's really fantastic.I'm expecting a new Image editing software like photoshop from GOOGLE for linux.
ReplyDeleteMore linux for the ppl !!! Google pleas make the sketchup for linux!!!! PLEAS!!
ReplyDelete+1 for Linux SketchUp
ReplyDeleteGreat, finally GTalk for GNU/Linux.
ReplyDeleteSketchUp please. A must have.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYes, Picasa is great, but Sketchup is a must-have.
ReplyDeleteAnother vote for Sketchup!
ReplyDeleteSketchup for Linux!!!!! Yet another vote
ReplyDeleteSketchUp in linux, please
ReplyDeleteYet another one: Skechup for Linux +1
ReplyDeleteDefinitely need sketchup for linux.
ReplyDeleteSketchUp native port for linux. 200+ linux machines administrator vote.
ReplyDeleteRelase SketchUp windows codes for GPL and community do port?
brlcad integration? brlcad+qcad integration?
I think SketchUp and Picasa should be top priority... PLZ
ReplyDeletewell, we're in 2009 and no native Sketchup for Chrome for seems like "if you use Linux, bad luck man, its not our problem"
ReplyDeletedoes Google really care about Linux users? I have some personal doubts...
"no Chrome for Linux" --> not true
ReplyDeleteRT this on twitter. They can ignore the blogs, but on twitter they will have to give an official statement
ReplyDeleteSketchUp for Linux. puhleezzee...
ReplyDeleteSketchUp for linux!!!! and russian virsion.
ReplyDeletesketchup for linux, sketchup for linux, sketchup for linux, sketchup for linux,
ReplyDeleteFor me Sketchup is the last software that i use in windows.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the planning for that Sketchup run on Linux.
SketchUp for Linux please!
ReplyDeletesketchup for linux please, and in chrome disable "page not responding" alert, it's so stupid and annoying
ReplyDeleteSketchUp for Linux please
ReplyDeleteSketchup 4 Ubuntu Linux Please!