Google has also released a customized maps editor for Android. "With this application you can create, edit, share, and view personalized maps on your Android powered phone synchronized with the My Maps tab on Google Maps. Create a map on your desktop computer using Google Maps and then take it with you on the go and update it on location."
the android integration is quite a neat bonus
ReplyDeleteDoes Google Map Editor allow me to give my contributed map data away with my own licences? For instance giving it to OpenStreetmap?
ReplyDeleteIf there was one thing I had to choose that I liked best about google it would be the Google Map Editor.
ReplyDeleteI just used this google maps to find some places in the worls easily
ReplyDeleteBirth place of Buddha is in fact, Kapilvastu, Lumbini, NEPAL But the Google map search showed UttarPradesh, INDIA, which is not correct. Though, the search showed the location within the boundary of NEPAL.
ReplyDeleteNow I cannot see Top Contributors list in google map. Why?