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December 19, 2006

Blogger Beta Integrates with Picasa Web Albums

Blogger Beta, who won't be in beta for too long, hosts images on Picasa Web Albums. Now you have to accept Picasa Web's terms of use to post images.

Also the URLs resemble those from Picasa Web. I wonder if we'll see more integration with other Google services, now that Blogger uses Google Accounts?

{ via phydeaux3 }


  1. The posted images still seem to be hosted on blogger's servers.

    Perhaps they may integrate this with web albums in the future, although I hope they give us an option not to (as some of the images are related more to certain posts than personal life).

    Also I noticed that the TOS refers only to Picasa Web Albums and not Blogger. You would think that they would include both (for legal reasons).

  2. I'd like to be able to pull images from my picasa acct into various google apps.

    If googleOS is going to be a reality, then we need to add other options than 'upload from desktop'.

  3. Darnell,

    You've already accepted Blogger's terms when you created the account (and when you migrated).

    I don't know if you'll be able to see your photos in a Picasa Web-like interface, but that would be nice. Blogger's photos are still on, but they are managed as if they were in a Picasa Web album. I wonder if there are any limitations (total storage, number of photos).

  4. Compare the URLs of two photos from Picasa Web and Blogger Beta:

    Picasa Web:[username]/

    Blogger Beta:

  5. Hey Ionut,

    As far as storage goes, there was a 300 mb limit on the old blogger (I have no clue what the new one is).

    As far as the Picasa/Blogger item goes, this may be Bloggers response to allowing users to delete certain images from their weblogs individually without deleting the post.

    Hopefully their will be word from Google about what is exactly happening here.

  6. I want to export my pictures AND accompanying text to some program like Picasa or Flickr in order to publish the posts as a book. Is this possible? If so, my after-lunch brain is not finding the process.

  7. HELP! I use Picasa, then go to "Blog this" to post photos. Does not work anymnore!! But I do have to sign in three or four times to get to my blog. Remember box does not work either. What a mess!


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