"Now besides simply searching on the metadata of the video files, you can search for terms that are actually mentioned inside the audio, allowing for a greater likelihood you will find relevant material. We're also automatically organizing the videos into channels based on the actual content of the video. Today you can narrow your search within entertainment, sports, and anime. And we'll continue to add more," promises PodZinger Blog.
A search for "youtube" on PodZinger shows 286,132, so we can assume that's the number of searchable videos. Unfortunately, you can't go directly to the section that contains your query, so you'll have to watch the video from the beginning.
I wonder if YouTube doesn't mind that PodZinger processes their videos. Google Video also does this, but only for videos that have captions.

The YouTube user license does allow this use. The indexing of the content by PodZinger benefits YouTuve overall since makes the content more accessible and discoverable.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more, Barbara. I was just asking if you can download and process YouTube videos automatically.
ReplyDeleteI remember that Techcrunch got a C&D letter for a tool that lets you download videos.
"Currently, YouTube is a streaming-only service. We do not permit users to download the videos we host on our site. We believe our Terms of Use are clear on this point, but in light of the confusion which came to our attention today we are considering revisions to our Terms of Use to avoid any further confusion. It is important to many of our users who have uploaded and licensed content to YouTube that their content is authorized for streaming-only."
there is always poison on the lips of art....KHAWAR NAEEM HASMI